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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 43)
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Tried a fresh, manual install like you suggested. No mods activated besides unification, patches, tyranids, free ui and objectives. Game won't even start now. Gives me an error about hunter killer missles. Gonna have to revert to previous versions of everything just so the game is playable. Which is a shame. I liked the changes to the Necrons. Oh well.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

I'll give it a shot.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Error for Dark Angels: Fatal Data Error for entity 'data:attrib\ebs\races\darkangels\_turret_bolter_no_limit.rgd' combat_ext - weapon\weapon\darkangels_plasma_cannon_turret.lua is not a valid weapon. And a similar error for the lascannon turret.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Error for Rage: Fatal Data Error for entity 'data:attrib\ebs\races\khm_titan_banelord.rgd' ability_ext - ability 'abilities\khm_symbol_of_chaos.lua is nota valid ability.

Has anybody else been having similar issues?

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Been a while since I've been able to get on. Hope everybody's been well. I tested out the new unification mod and for the things that work, its amazing. Can't seem to use Rage, Dark Angels or ID with it though.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ unsociallobster

Brother Gambit posted earlier that anybody who wanted to join the playtest team for the upcoming Ultra Marines mod needed to simply contact you.

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Black Crusade Mod (DOW SS only)

Any idea when the mod might be completed? Weeks, months, half a year? Any kind of time frame would be greatly appreciated.

Good karma+5 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Objective Points SS v.4.4.2019 for DOW:DC and DOW:SS(OBSOLETE)

I'm having an issue with the Blood Angels and Night Lords mods again. When go to take a capture point, the design of the flag flashes briefly as my scouts put it down, but as soon as they start to capture the point, the flag returns to being white and it stays that way. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Edit: I fixed it. Just in case anybody has the same issue, try a clean install of the mod. Doesn't matter if it was working yesterday and that its the exact same version, technology is weird.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Ultramarines mod: Courage and Honour!

Is there any way for us to test the beta?

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Salamanders mod REFORGED: Unto the Anvil of War!

See, when you say love, I think of hugs. And when I think of hugs, I think of Vulkan. So just what kind of love are we talking about here Brother Kek?

Good karma+3 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Black Crusade Mod (DOW SS only)

This is pretty high quality work. Looking forward to your take on the Word Bearers and Black Legion. I'm interested in seeing you set them apart from the legions of other mods, functionally.

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Black Crusade Mod (DOW SS only)

I'm confused. I've never heard of this mod but its looks amazing. Any anybody got any info on when this might release?

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Chaos Daemons Mod (Soulstorm)

I've been playing this mod for months and I haven't been able to summon Angron a single time. I never get the message at the beginning of the match. I've tried redownloading the mod several times. Can anybody please give me some damn advice?

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Ultramarines mod: Courage and Honour!

Hope everybody had a happy July 4th. Any new updates on the progress of the mod?

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Dawn of War Space Marine Chapters(Canon Edition)

Did anybody ever figure out where exactly Schemes and Space-Marine-Race go if we don't have ultimate apocalypse installed? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Adeptus Custodes for DOW:SS

Just a friendly reminder that we all appreciate you guys' hard work.

Good karma+3 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Taskbar: Resource Asset Implemented

We appreciate your hard work. This looks great. Thank you.

Good karma+3 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Dark Angels mod: Repent! For tomorrow you die!

Now you're just being cruel.

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Ultramarines mod: Courage and Honour!

Absolutely amazing. You boys are doing the Emperor's work. Seriously, hats of to you guys, this is top notch stuff.

Also, Big Bobby G looks amazing.

Good karma+4 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Dark Angels mod: Repent! For tomorrow you die!

Praise Gambit. Can't say praise Kek cuz he worships slaanesh and thats heresy, but we appreciate his work for sure.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Emperor's Children mod:For the Glory of Slaanesh!

Can't wait to play this mod when I get back in town. Brother Kek, can you divulge which design choice you decided on for Fulgrim?

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Did you extract the Objectives Mod to the Soulstorm Folder and then move "module" down below with the other modules? I had the exact same problem a few days ago and that fixed it for me. Try it and let me know.

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

For whatever reason, I can't get Blood Angels to work with the new version of Unification. Fatal Scar Error galore. But when I load the mod as a standalone, it works fine. Anybody else having a similar issue?

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Blood Angels mod: By the Blood of Sanguinius!

So I redownloaded this mod after updating unification and objectives and now I get the fatal scar error whenever I choose the Blood Angels. Is anybody else having this problem?

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Early prototype (WIP I)

Brother, that is an amazing idea.

Good karma+4 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Sorry for the late response brother. Was out of town. I figured it out what I did wrong shortly after posting my original question. Basically what happened was, I read too deeply into your instructions. When you said not to send Objective Points to the directory, but rather copy its contents and paste, I was actually looking inside the folder for something named content, instead of realizing by content that you meant the actual module itself, because I'm stupid. After I fixed that, the unification cmd recognized objectives, but none of the games would load, and it turned out that it was happening because the objectives folder wasn't extracted to the directory. I figured it wouldn't hurt to extract the folder into the directory anyways, just to see if it would fix it and it did. In summary, I was slow to realize by "content" you meant module, but extracting the folder elsewhere as per the instructions resulted in a failed game request. But I figured it out. I do appreciate you and brother Kek being consistent with speedy responses to try and help. Also, the updated mods are great. Can't thank you guys enough for all your hard work.

Good karma+2 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Kekoulis

I figured out what was wrong about 2 hours ago but I do appreciate the response. The instructions were to not put the folder in the directory, while instead putting the "contents" in the directory instead. I was actually digging around in the folder looking for what to paste before realizing that by "content" he meant the actual module itself.That was be being dumb I guess. Also, the folder actually does need to be sent to the directory in addition to moving the module, because if not, then you'll get the whole "requested game can't be loaded" thing.But I figured it out and its back to enjoying these wonderful mods you've helped make. So thanks.

Good karma-1 votes
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Finally got the objectives mod installed I guess, but now every time I try to load unification new races it says failed to load requested game.

11:27:25.04 GAME -- SigmaApp:InitSteam: appID is 9450
11:27:25.04 MATHBOX -- Version=5, Cpu=unknown:f=6,m=14, Mode=SSE
11:27:25.04 FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'
11:27:25.04 GAME -- Warning: Failed to map folder 'Engine\Locale\english\Data'.
11:27:25.04 GAME -- Warhammer, 1.3.3107442, Build 3107442

Good karma+1 vote
Trollonomics - - 43 comments @ Objective Points SS v.4.4.2019 for DOW:DC and DOW:SS(OBSOLETE)

I for the life of me can't figure out how to get this mod to work. It keeps saying its missing whenever I run the unification config cmd. And I've followed the instructions.

Good karma+1 vote