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I'm an indie game developer. I have published one finished game on my website; you can download it there. I love programming and playing games. I hope to publish my upcoming games on IndieDB. I use Java, GameMaker, and mostly Unity3D to make my games. I am fluent in C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML5, GML, and I'm working on my Python and CSS. My name is Leo and I hope this community will take me in an give me a chance to prove myself. I have a small Indie Game company called Entropy^3 Studios. (Entropy cubed Studios), commonly just called Entropy, or Entropy studios. We are a team of three current students that enjoy programming, 3D modeling, and creating innovative things.

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Week 2 - A Buggy Week

TrivialRoo Blog

This week was not one of my best, I should say. School is great, everything is great in my life, actually... The one thing I was having trouble with this week, is game development. Pyronobic's first game is of the utmost importance, coming only second to my education and health. Our whole team is working tirelessly to get this game out on the market, but we are simply not working hard enough. Now, I don't mean literally; we have been working extremely hard. We are just not thinking outside the box!

We have encountered many bugs and failed tests this week, resulting in frustration and a sense of loss. Next week, I hope will be a better week.

Week 1 - Name changes

TrivialRoo Blog

Well, this marks week one of my blog on IndieDB. Just something for me to get all the stress out of my system. Rampage:FPS is a game that my company is working on. Production is doing well; I'm finishing up the final mechanics, and waiting on the rest of the team to provide audio and graphics.

Our company will change our name soon, from Entropy3 to something phonetically better. The main problem with the current name is that we have to continuously remind people that the "three" is pronounced CUBED, since we cannot type superscript in plaintext format.

The other reason for this name change is that we cannot acquire a domain name that is reasonable. Entropystudios.com is taken; entropy.com is taken; many variations of this name is taken, and the only one that we found that is still available was entropy3studios.com; too long for potential customers to remember.

We're aiming for a unique name; something that no one else has, and isn't a real word.

- Leo