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Hi, I'm Hyram, but you can call me Tritnew or Trit. I like vidya games and lots of muzac. Favorite Games: Super Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, MOTHER, Rayman, Pac-Man, DOOM, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Serious Sam (and you'll see me play this A LOT), POSTAL, ect. Favorite Artists: Nine Inch Nails, Gorillaz, Black Sabbath, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Red Vox (Binny's band job), ect. Favorite Shows: Family Guy (Seasons 1-8), American Dad, Rick And Morty, any Cartoon Network classic that isn't garbage, The X-Files, The Osbournes (the only reality show I really like, honestly), Impractical Jokers, The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, ect.

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Tritnew Blog

Yes, I'm back, and I'm actually gonna be doing stuff here. I deleted my cringe-worthy Brutal DOOM review, but I'm keeping my cringe-worthy but still worthy DOOM II review, and I'm actually gonna be posting mods and other things.

So yeah, I'm just not cringe-worthy in general anymore.

Making A Team Deathmatch Map

Tritnew Blog

I'm gonna be making a Team Deathmatch map that's similar to the new DOOM's style of everything.

If anyone wants to help, feel free to help! I'll need some help with fog and such, feel free to just post It.

But If you want the file, I'll send It.