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19/M/FL between h/s and college. Working to get by and getting myself together for what's next in life. Well, since this is a gaming site, here are my comp. specs: Mobo: ASUS Crosshair CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS RAM: G.skill 2 gigs DDR2 800 PSU: OCZ GameXstream 700 watt Monitor: acer X221W 21" widescreen 16:10 LCD Speakers: Logitech 5.1 surround DD: Sony DVD RW HDD: WD Raptor SATA 74 gig 10k RPM - older model Case: Xion Onyx Black w/window aluminum/plastic, blue LED.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 236)
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Major Development Breakthrough

nevermind. ******* april fools.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ WarCraft III: World of WarCraft

Well, that reply was well recieved. Bits of wisdom, well articulated, and a whole lot more info than i hoped for. I'm glad I asked that :) I had that question bugging me for a while, but I didn't ask it because I thought it might damage the popularity of the mod... and ultimately disrespect the people and work of whom I don't know... but i found out something that wouldn't have that effect... I don't remember... anyway I hope to see this come out like it was dreamed. Best wishes to you and your team.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ WarCraft III: World of WarCraft

Question, why would you make a mod of WoW when there are free private servers? Is it just for the people who own Wc3 and don't own WoW?

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Black Mesa

thank you. actually, these guys do need to get paid. so they can pay people like you to keep around to slam others' lack of perception.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ 1.24 Impact

well i don't mean update the 1.23 version, just haul everything over to 1.24 that isn't making the new patch crash... and then rework whatever you have to, and save whatever work you don't have to do... you know what i mean?

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ 1.24 Impact

why don't you just reinstall 1.23 and export the triggers you would use to a 1.24 version? that way you won't have to redo all the triggers, just the ones you planned to redo. unless it's too late for that already.

Good karma+2 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Felicity cmp150 screenshot

****** beautiful lighting and texturing.

Good karma+2 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Warcraft 4: The Awakening

Thank you for a continuation of the warcraft story without ******* everything up with a gay mmorpg. glad someone else thinks warcraft is best done from a sky view with normal characters and no fruity **** like customizing what your clothes look like. hope you do well on this one.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Wario & Roll completed.

starcraft music? seriously?

hah maybe jim raynor will be a playable character ;)

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ New Skins

barney never had a signature weapon in blue shift

Good karma+3 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Screenshots

Is this from a Mickey Mouse game on Genesis?

Good karma+2 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Portal: Prelude

Don't remember the name offhand, but it's from Linkin Park's Meteora CD

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Half Life 2 Tag

can i suggest some alpha textures like maps use for the effect of patches of tall grass? it seems a little easy to spot a hidden runner with that bare ground vs the smoke cloud that stands out against all the colors.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Haunted House

same here. only i have no other mods and i'm running vista64

Good karma+2 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ World Domination

i'm watching this mod. although i'm confused as to how the world layout is going to be. do you build your base inside of a city?

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Garados City

that is some awesome concept art.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Orion: Source

greatest apology i've seen this year. sounds very genuine.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Black Mesa

this media release and the update news are great for those who didn't recieve gifts :) i thank you!

Good karma+2 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ FireFighterWater

Is there a copyright on the term "Fire Hydrant?" ;)

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Black Mesa

So if this mod is ranked 4/6,699, who are the top three?

Good karma+3 votes
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ KillerKip's GTA:VC Mod V 1.4

if i had VC for PC, i would so dl this. if for anything, the x-wing.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Forsaken

lol, cololi that response was about two months late :P

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Black Mesa

Since there is no "Ideas and Suggestions" section in the comments, I'm just labeling this posting this as so. It is a suggestion about the moddb counterpart of Black Mesa. No, sorry, two suggestions.

1. Shut down the page


2. Delete comments/Ban accounts

Benefits: No more noobs on BM's moddb page!
The bad stuff: Possibility of noobish flood from moddb to BMS.com, but that won't happen if my prediction of extreme noobish laziness prevents this catastrophe.

BTW: This is abstract, that's my excuse if this post seems off in a small way or two.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Fortress Forever

either be faster about getting your supplies, or move it to a dynamic area. sounds to me like you have your sentry closer to the frontlines or farther out the back door than it needs to be.

personally, if mine is not in the flag room, it's tucked in a blind spot that still has lethal range on bypassing enemies. i make sure to put it in a small enclosed area with limited passages, because i see that is where it is most effective. don't think differently about grenades anywhere, because those are always a threat. spies too, but they're easier to deal with most of the time.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Fortress Forever

i would suggest googling it. i'm not trolling, i just don't know where it is and i haven't even heard of it.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Black Mesa

lol @ your reply on tuesday.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Project Valkyrie

hell yes power to ya guys and i wish you best of skill.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Fortress Forever

a clientside audio grenade timer would be awesome, that graphical meter is not a great second choice let alone a first choice. the meter fits in other places like when charging the sniper rifle, but glancing back and forth between the HUD and the action is a pain in the eyes.

Good karma+1 vote
the_refridginator - - 236 comments @ Black Mesa

Read their forums

Good karma+1 vote