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I Make Mods, Some Good Some Bad Working On Other Projects now ------------------------------------------------------------

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Update progress. / Fateful Remastered

The_Crowinator Blog

If you didn’t already know. Fateful is being updated. But the amount of content being add will be spilt the alpha 1.5 mode will be added in the future but not in this update as I don’t want it to be alpha 2 with old art assets. The update basically overhauls the mod. Cutscenes are different or drastically improved for the better.lighting overhaul and gameplay improvements. Heck even some cut content has made a reappearance for the mod. And most of all things from the other constant trilogy of mods have been backported. Most of this stuff is from the third mod which is only being made by me and will stay that way for awhile. Due to fateful feeling less like a mod and more like an actual game I have decided to finally open a Gamejolt page for the mod where you can support me and the mod there. After this update all full blown development on hn mods will DRASTICALLY slow down as I move back in to full blown education for another year. I will continue patching my mods and supporting the community I have grown here. I Hope you all enjoy Fateful’s Remastered Content Update. When it releases Gamejolt.com

Fateful- An Alpha 2 Remake Puplic Version Out Now

The_Crowinator Blog

So Here it The Big project i have been working on. and its finished meaning you can play from the beginning to the end they may be bugs. If The Neighbor bugs out manualy reload the level in the map folder


Build 0.4 playtest build news

The_Crowinator Blog

Act 3 is nearing completion and Act 1 is getting reworked to fit the new segment of raven brooks

Act 1 & 3 are set in the residential district of raven brooks so they Share a similar open area hence why Act 3 is done before Act 2

Act 2 is being reduced is scale and is being segmented to 2 Parts

—the tunnels and the Market district—

these used to be one whole level but splitting it will help with performance and my sanity. Since I’m a one member team only and could really use a level designer to help take strain of me trying to rework other key systems in the mod.

Main menu Ui / Mod logo have been redesigned to fit a stylish Old but New look. Logo was based of one of the original hello neighbor logo designs. Even went above and beyond and Made a special development build logo to.

progress has been slow and I want the build to be finished by October but at this rate except December not gunna lie on that the pain of working on making 3 levels patching 2 pre-existing levels to fix issues and improve the look of the mod. tried Editing Alpha 1s model to add the upper floors. another thing added to the list of pain. I have to learn blender now? just Gotta hope somebody has all ready done this

just incase people didn’t know a hidden Prealpha level is in the latest public build and can be access in act 1 by the shed on the lake the key is hidden in a locker not to far away and a Crowbar is required to open said shed.

the reason I’m pointing that out as most people who have played and recorded the mod missed the bonus level. And it’s accessible from the level select so there is no accuse