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I like to think of myself as a reference shot and concept design specialist, but I guess you could also call me a professional fan (insofar as assisting with a single mod can be called "professional"). I help people stay true to their source material in ways they didn't even know they could or should, and occasionally Photoshop a few things.

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Lift is out

Techercizer Blog

And it's good to be here to see it. I'm a couple days late in saying this, but I just wanted to put it down here.

Feel that? That's the feeling of dissociating trapar...

Apparently, IndieDB doesn't like blog posts under 300 words, since apparently anything under 300 words either isn't important enough to say or doesn't look good on a userpage. Take that, system!

Anime Group Pictures

Techercizer Blog 11 comments

Well, I think it's time we decided as a community to limit our image posts. We've fallen into a simple logical hole: the fallacy of composition.

When one person stands up at a concert, it makes it easier for him to see; however, when everyone stands up, no one finds seeing easier. Additionally, any people who don't stand up lose all ability to enjoy the show, and the strain of standing is something everyone in the crowd must endure to continue watching.

We can see that a very similar fallacy has befallen our group; when one person floods the site with posts, they are able to bury others' pictures and ensure that theirs get the most views. In order for others to get views, they too must flood the site with images, until the site is filled with frequent floods; people who don't flood are be overlooked and buried, and everyone has to continue flooding if they want their images to be seen.

It might not be relevant, but it's my personal opinion that the act of image flooding is a pretty selfish one; by bombarding the site with pictures and taking up all recent views, the poster is taking any new attention directed at the site for their own and pushing other members' contributions. Add to that the fact that constant image postings cause a devaluation of the "new image" concept, and we find ourselves in a situation which needs change.

Well, to quote Eureka Seven: "Don't beg for things, do it yourself, or else you won't get anything", so it's up to us to make this change if we believe it necessary. I personally believe that making a social agreement to limit picture posts to one a day would be effective without being restrictive; post your thoughts and discuss them here.

Listen Up

Techercizer Blog 1 comment

Go Youtubebomb, uprate, favorite, and generally promote the fuck out of Lift's release trailer. Youtube.com

Here's a magma link for all of you out there who are at the edge of the video information industry:

And a tinyurl link to the main Lift page on ModDB: tinyurl.com/e7lift

Tell your friends. Tweet it. Facebook it. Stumbleupon it. Dig it. Spray it on a really big wall somewhere. The farther Lift spreads, and the more it grows in popularity, the more people you will have to play with when it goes live. Larger fanbases lead to more opportunities and incentives for developers; I'm not up here promising major organized tournaments or anything, but a large player base would give us increased incentive for things like that.