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Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

I thought the ships floating around was intentional, it looked neat. And the big gunship looking thing doesn't have the same problem, is that ship from supcom already?

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Spoon

Dunno if you'll get this, but w/e. On the mod control panel there should be an option that says Mods, then team panel, where you can modify the team, add members, promote, etc.

I don't know if it still works like that though, it used to on the old layout.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

I did not know that. Makes sense though, there haven't been many GOOD RTS games lately. Most recent ones I can think of are WarHammer: Mark of Chaos(ewww), Call of Heroes(or whatever it is, i didn't bother with it.), C&C3(w/e), and a few others that didn't even catch my attention.

Oh. Maelstrom. Have you tried that? They have some really neat things implemented, the gameplay sucks though haha.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

Are you telling me that SupCom is moddable? Custom units, sounds, and data?

Awesome. I should reinstall mine.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Starcraft Modders

Ok, so guys, you all are pretty decent at using the tools required to mod SC? Mainly firegraft? I need help with it, I'm trying to slip back into PotC, but I don't know how to use FG, if someone could PM me, I'll greatly appreciate it.

Good karma+2 votes
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Ok..either I lost my mod membership for this mod, or I can't find how to access my CP. :/ Just to let you guys know, I'm touching the scripts, firegrafts, and datedits.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Starcraft Modders

Sup guys?

Good karma+2 votes
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

The only bug I know of currently, is that the infested marines LOVE going in bunkers. Clearly, they can't shoot, so shooting from the bunker presents a problem. When they try shooting, the game crashes. That's one bug I know of. I think Blizzard recently released a patch to 1.15, which may cause more bugs. I haven't tested the mod in MONTHS. I simply do not have the time of day for anything anymore.

I guess I will say this again:
If anyone knows a decent modeler and/or texture artist, let me know! I need help with this project. It's too massive for myself alone, considering I don't have the time or the skills.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Not really an update, but I feel I should shed some light on the situation.
I haven't been working on PotC lately, I'm in college now, working my *** off to maintain my 4.0 average. Go me! However, in my freetime I have been working on texturing 3d models for a friend, and working on my digital 2d Drawing skills. So, when I start up again, I'll have the skills needed to finally draw the skins I need! Imagine that, I can't model the models anymore, but I can skin them. XD

I doubt anyone even checks this anymore, lmao.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Chimeran Heretic

yes, it's protoss-zerg. But, the only way it can be familiar, is if you think it looks like a templar, zealot, or zergy, because this is a completely UNIQUE model, created specifically to be a chimera.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Confederacy - Kaloth Command Ship

Woooooooooah, thats a hell of a lot of turrets.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Undead - SR-71 Base

Ho hum. SR71 Blackbird eh.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ League of Mailmen - MMKNC-BSn1b Mailvan

Ohhh, radical man, square cannons! haha, nice.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Alright guys, I'm back, and I have news, good and bad.

Good news, I have lots of new concepts and designs, several chimeras, and a couple ships for the alliance.

And for the bad news, I believe my helper, who is modelling the more organic and complex units for me, is too busy to help me on this project anymore.
Even more bad news, I don't have the time anymore for this mod, I've been really trying, but life keeps impeding the progress of the mod. I have been back for 3 days now, and each of those days I attended a party and got wasted, lol. All in good fun. haha.

So, once again, this project will be delayed for a shortwhile, but once I get going again, it should be fine, and once again, I'll ask for someone to offer services to me, to assist me in making the mod.

Thanks guys for your support!

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Ok, I have a small little update, most of you won't be happy about. I have completed the model for another unit for the Alliance, its a new Paladin mech, I only need to skin it, and then animate it, then I can throw it in. I've got dozens of concepts for my friend to help me out with, and I've got a new member.

If anyone remembers Daminator from SCL, well, I've gotten him to join the team, as well as draft some of his units along too. We now have an infested battlecruiser, scv, and an infested vulture, perhaps even more than that are hiding in SCL that can be salvaged for PotC's infested race.

And the final update, I'm going on vacation. I'll be back in about a week, but tomorrow I will be leaving, and will have 0 access to a computer. So in that time, keep my moddb page healthy and clean :D

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Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Ok. So, I removed the exe I had here for PotC, I'm tired of the complaints from people, telling me it's broken, to fix it, to do this, do that, it's not working plz help! marines don't shoot! omg.

Well, here, stfu, I got rid of it, now shut up and live without any ALPHAS OR INCOMPLETE MODS. Wait until its done since you can't play a buggy version as I've told you SO many times.

Note: This isn't directed towards EVERYONE who has played the mod, only the select few who have annoyed me with little minute complaints and questions that I've answered two dozen times over. If you already have the mod, that's great. Really, go play it, have a blast, don't complain. If you have a suggestion, make it, but I probably won't take it too lightly or listen to you. Suggestions don't include FIX IT, or change this, change that, balance it, or anything silly. I'm TRYING to work on this, but its hard to find the time lately.

Good day.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

Heh, if not, you should at least make some type of portrait animation involving you or some animated character wearing pants on their head.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

Same ****...

Anyway, found the thor mech and the weird airplane transformer thing. Neato.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

What? Did you just make an inconvenient typo, because only 2 templar were needed to make an archon. Otherwise, blizzard's on crack. And not the good kind.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

Oh, ****, I didn't see you mentioning the removal of the responses. Disregard the previous message then. Although I enjoyed the annoying voices..

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

Hey, I just played the version you've got there at CC on v1.10, but the confederates didn't have custom music or custom unit sounds, except for bullets and one death sound, it sounds like EEEEEEEEEEEE. heh, anyway, just letting you know. I didn't try the pants, but the black squadron had custom music, voices, and bullets.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

K, I just saw the video. Soul Keeper-looks extremely identical to a Necron Destroyer, ripped imo. Twilight Archon is lame, Tempest is neat, much cooler than the original Carrier. Where did you see new mechs for the Terran?

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

I haven't scripted that, or put in the suicidal units yet. As I said, I thought about it. I tested somethings, like making a firebat become a living flame, and when he imploded on his target, they gained an irradiate effect, in essence, "burning" to death. It did what I wanted to, but I don't think they attacked when you right clicked the target. I don't remember though, when I get to that point again, I'll inform you. Currently, I'm updating the graphical aspects of the mod. Until that is complete, I won't worry about the stats, and balancing. I should be doing it the other way around, but hey, I work backwards. Deal with it.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Yeah, I know. Still working on alot of things in the mod. Anyone know if Firegraft is done?

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Hey Mantidz, sup. Well, you haven't REALLY played PotC. You're playing an old, rushed, thrown together pile of **** that I wanted to get off my back because people were bugging me for it, I didn't have time to finish, and etc.

I TRIED getting creep for the infested terran, but I had several problems. First problem was if I made the terran building generate creep, and require creep to be built, it was impossible to play. The command center would only generate so much creep, and you couldn't build at all while it was generating creep. If you did, you'd interrupt the creep-sequence, and cancel it, thus ending up with a creep-less base, making it impossible to build anything at all. So, to remedy this, I had a friend script me a new building, a creep bomb, so to speak. What it would do is, once built, it'd pulsate for a few seconds where you placed it. After about 10 seconds, it'd explode into a small patch of expanding creep, where you could place new buildings on top of. It was really neat, and fun to play with, however, it used memgraft1.12 iirc for the patch to do that, and the version at the time was 1.14, and most players of starcraft prefer to keep up with the patches, rather than retaining old folders and files of prior patches to play mods.

That was quite a mouthful! Anyway, yeah, the reason it's unbalanced is cause I was rushed, didn't have the proper tools to finish, and I didn't have the help to judge balance and imbalance. About the website, I think I have a friend who could host for me, but, he won't keep it updated, and I already have my own website. Its free, cheap, ugly, but efficient, however, I forgot the password, and I haven't bothered keeping it updated. Even if I had the password, I wouldn't update it because I forgot all about html and the like, and my priority is finishing potc, not keeping an updated website. This works fine for me.

Oh, and Deadlyfighter, they're replacing old units, because most old units will not appear again in the mod. The only units that might stay are some from the protoss and terran for the Alliance race.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ In The Admirals Service

OMG ITASUS! LMAO. I remember ITAS, I'll watch this. lawlz.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

lawl, mesk you don't know that for sure. They might announce it late, but if they don't add a 4th race, I will ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Well, since the marines are infested now, obviously upgrading to U-238 shells will crash the game since the marines CAN'T shoot anymore, they're suicide bombers . Just avoid the temptation from getting upgrades and putting infested marines in bunkers, and you should be free of crashes!

Zergs? Heh, ok, first off if you're unclear on the subject of PotC; Zerg aren't involved in this story directly. We have the Chimeras, and the Infested Terran, both are technically Zerg. Both will have new weapons and units, as this is a total conversion, everything will change.

Now, if you meant will the REPLACEMENT for Zerg have new weapons/units, still, yes. The Chimera will have new units, considering it's a previously unseen race. Weapons, well, I'll modify some of them, but some old ones will be back, but that's fine. Two new units that I should have into the game by next week, the Heretic, and the (name pending), which was codenamed the Hopperlisk. Heretic is a new spellcaster, the hopperlisk is basically an ultralisk revision. However, I'm going to attempt and recode it a bit so it can...

How's that for a teaser ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

Probably wrong version you moron. That, and it's not complete, it was a mess thrown together for you guys cause you wanted it, and I couldn't finish, so I threw it at you.

PS Infested Marines don't belong in bunkers.

Good karma+1 vote
Spoon - - 54 comments @ Patriarch of the Chimeras

TBA means "To be announced". I'm not working with a deadline because it's my project, I say when I release it.
Patch, will most likely be for 1.15, or newest because I figure that's what most players will be using. I MIGHT release a lower patch version, like 1.13b because it has memgraft support, and will allow me to change just about everything I need.

Good karma+1 vote