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Hi there I like games and black metal. (And collision coding)

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Picked up Flash (and hi)

SpectreNectar Blog

After playing through some incredibly inspiring flash made games recently, I decided to give it a go myself and downloaded everything needed for "Indie Flash Dev".

It has been an area of game programming I have tended to avoid before because I didn't feel it suited my needs.

A little background... I started making games in dec 2003 after figuring out how to use GameMaker. I had some grandiose projects planned out, - and quite many of them. Neither suited for GM, or one person for that matter. I spend several years attempting to master the techniques required for my projects, at a point realizing that I should probably cut down on the project amount, and finish one at a time (I still struggle with that, heh).

I also decided GM wasn't for me and picked up C++ after trying out Java, Blitz, other Basic dialects and whatever I came to know about. C++ seemed like the perfect alternative. But developing commercial'esque game(s) in C++ is quite a task for one guy. And the dream project of the perfect full fledged retro RPG with flying, magic and underlying 3D collision system kept up a wait.

And then I bumped into aforementioned flash games and now I want to make indie'ish manageable games like that too. Only my first attempt is starting to show marks of my usual flaws.
Oh well...

I'm also quite new to this site. I like what I've seen so far. So greetings.