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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 38)
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Gondor banners by Maeron

Is there a significance to some banners featuring the crown as opposed to the tree

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Citadel Guards

Those shields are beautiful

Good karma+4 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ The Wold by Macbeth

Riders of Rohan, what news from the Mark?

Good karma+4 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Tower Guards

I'm more excited for this than the actual M&B game. Everything about this looks absolutely amazing.

Good karma+4 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones)

Imagine you're at Hardhome, but you're not Jon Snow. Or that hot wildling babe. You're not even the axe-wielding Thenn guy. You're the bloke running up against the closing gate, begging them to open it. Then suddenly you go quiet. That's what to expect from the wight army.

Good karma+5 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ The Last Days - Film Edition

Have you considered contacting and working with the creator of this mod?(https://www.moddb.com/mods/tld-overhaul)
It seems like you are both separately working on the exact same thing, so maybe if you combined forces, the mod would be done in no time. You're both doing great work, either way keep it up!

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ A Clash of Kings beta version 0.94 released.

I see you have started to model the armour after how it looks in the HBO show. Do you have any plans to make the game-characters look like their actors in said show?

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Light Gondor Soldiers ingame

You should add variating haircolours

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Mering stream

I accidentally downvoted your comment. Allow me to offer a comment of my own which you can downvote for justice.

Good karma+3 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ New food

Please don't make us eat in normal mode. That would kinda defeat the purpose of having two modes in the first place, pluss a lot of people don't want to worry about eating all the time :P

Good karma+12 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle Earth Roleplaying Project

If you had read the wall of text at the top of the page, you would've found out that: Yes, you can, and it's what this whole mod is basically about. Creating the world of Middle-earth so you can roam around freely with your own character. :)

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Hornburg map overview

IF they get to it. Not on my watch ;)

Good karma+11 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ More Rohirrim weapons

It's the national pastime in Rohan. Tablesitting.

Good karma+31 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle Earth Roleplaying Project

Great! Thanks for the reply!

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle Earth Roleplaying Project

I read something about how you were going to release regions one at a time, but that until the final (or 1.0) version the timeframe would be set BEFORE the war of the ring. The first region would be Rohan, with Isengard, before there were open war between them. And I was wondering if Isengard will be green and pretty like before Saruman revealed his plans, and if we'll see it slowly fade and become corrupted, with the trees cut down and stuff. Love the *Game*, and I would follow you to the end!

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Random map scripts

I want all of these in the game! especially the entire right side :P

Good karma+5 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

I have a question. When you're porting it to Skyrim, are you going to have a 3D map of Middle-earth like the original map for Skyrim? Or is the world gonna be to big for that to work?

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

Holy Sh*t! That's awesome! I wanna go live in Laan Van Tolkien, or maybe in Arwen ;)

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ The Dwarf Holds

Ah nevermind. did some snooping around and found your the3rdage page :D

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ The Dwarf Holds

Latest update july 2 2010?
I just found this mod, but it seems dead :/
If it is, that's a shame cause it's already better than most mods, and if you were to finish it, a marvelous time will be had by all.

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Europe 1200 (Warband)

Oh and are you going to remake the world map with mountains and forests and stuff? Becuase as it is now, it looks a bit bland and concidering that you spend a huge amount of time looking at and traveling through the world map, I feel it's a very important part

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Europe 1200 (Warband)

Just found this (amazing) mod, and I was wondering if you had some sort of clue as of when the full version comes out, with all the factions? Will track this mod to whatever end anyways. :)

Good karma+2 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

I'll take anything!

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Clothes for the citizens of Bree-land

I'm so gonna kill that guy just to get his cap!

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

I don't see why it should effect this Mod, as this is an entirely different game in it self.

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

Pictures of Rivendell, Minas Tirith, Edoras and so on. Think that's what Mathinator meant :P

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

I'm quite curious to exactly what animations you're refering to, because everything i've seen on this site is made of God and Win.

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Nazgul & Black Numenorian Bodyguards


Good karma+3 votes
Sortech - - 38 comments @ MERP | Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project

I.. kinda wanna vote that down.. But i kinda agree..

Good karma+1 vote
Sortech - - 38 comments @ Minas Tirith Walkaround

Sounds to 'Evil' with the drums at the beginning, as Fornez already pointed out. You should cut the first minute and keep the rest. :)

Good karma+1 vote