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Skyborg is a developer of electronic music and now of games, with a passion for creating unique and immersive experiences. With a focus on delivering high-quality products in a meaningful timeframe, Skyborg is committed to building strong international relations in the gaming community. In our hub, we provide behind-the-scenes insights into the art and technical aspects of creating games. We discuss game design, mechanics, and development processes, as well as showcase interviews with developers and provide sneak peeks into upcoming projects. We are excited to collaborate with Skyborg and assist in their upcoming game project. With our knowledge of game development, CGI, AI, and NPC creation, we are confident that we can provide valuable input to bring May and Jay's vision of life.

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Right now I'm getting everything set up for Summer goings. I have a couple of friends that will help me lift this up. I know I have delayed May's Day for some time, even through the epidemic of COVID, but I aspire to do something else...May and Jay is a creation of what it is like to have two metaboys get together during Summer camp! I'll keep you updated soon.