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RSS Reviews

Raycasting Game Maker

Engine review

I've used this engine for a long time now, so I think it's right I review it.

Raycasting Game Maker comes with 3 programs: The Editor, a Menu Maker, and a Color Adjuster.
The color adjuster allows you change the Hue of textures and Menu screens you use for your game, so it's nothing special.
The Menu Maker allows you to edit your menu text and select a background image. You can also change the text font and color. Makes Menu Making really easy.

The important thing is the editor itself. Drawing the level is very easy to do. You can easily edit game setting with the toolbars at the top and change images for weapons, enemies, etc. The editor also supports MIDI music files. However, the MIDI player is kinda bugged and sometimes might glitch out during gameplay.
The actual game runs fine, but theres no option to change the resolution. Even if you run fullscreen or resize the window, the game runs at I think 640x480 resolution. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to have the games look a little nicer.
Gameplay is fun and feels like Wolfenstein or Blake Stone.

Overall, it's an easy editor to use. However, it has it's flaws. Certain images like the weapons have different background colors than the sprites for enemies. Weapon sprites need to have a black background while enemy and pickup item sprites need a white background. Really annoying and you have to edit your sprites if the image uses those colors.
Also, the enemies always face the player, and they dont walk straight, they move in a side-to-side manner. It hardly effects gameplay though.

Raycasting Game Maker is something people new to game creation can use. Those with experience have better options, but the editors easy interface and level design make this engine a winner in my book. There are also great games I've played with it. Highly recommended.