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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 165)
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Sins: Remastered

Ok, thanks. Was pleasantly surprised a few days ago when they announced Sins of Solar Empire 2. After all these years its finally happening i guess. Never thought there actually would be one.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Sins: Remastered

Any estimates regarding the next update/release?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

relations are stuck at 10 ,if I build ambassador ships and sent it to the AI ally it improves. Cant offer any pacts since AI doesnt improve relations with me. In vanilla AI always builds ambassador/envoys so why is it broken in this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Yes, I always lock teams.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

AI doesnt build any ambassador ships at all.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ D-Day June 1944 & Afrika 43 for Blitzkrieg Mod

so its been a few good months, so do you have an estimate when the german AI fix is coming out? presuming u still working on the mod. Blitzkrieg mod looks dead. Also this mod crashes a lot, even if using just the skins addon for the original Blitzkrieg.

Good karma+3 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Combined Arms

Also the game is broken with the latest version. If u tell your ships to go on a System Defense mission, thats it, they wont listen to any other orders and u cant scrap them either because they will constantly override the orders and instantly go back to Guarding the system... Never seen this bug before.
Also before the hangars could produce multiple craft if they have the space, but now only 1 craft per any Hangar.. which is kinda wasteful. And a bug with ammo regeneration... It eother just doesnt regen or does it very very slow despite having 2 fabricators that say 6 per second... Something`s broken with the latest version. It used to be all good before.

Good karma0 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Combined Arms

Is there a way to make Repair Drone/Bots and Repair bay to repair in-combat instead of only outside? Or is it hard-coded.

Good karma0 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ BlackBox

Is there a way to make Repair Drones repair IN Combat instead of only outside of it? Good mod btw.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Ok, thanks, I rarely check moddb, but i look out for this mod every now and then.

Good karma+2 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Last version of the mod came out 1,5 years ago, so is there an estimate when an updated version is coming out if u`re still working on it?

Good karma0 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Vengeance of the Blood Ravens

I have a weird bug that after a match where you click "View Battlefield" and "Continue", i click continue or exit game and the game just freezes perm. have to sign out of window every time. Any ideas what that might be?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ D-Day June 1944 & Afrika 43 for Blitzkrieg Mod

The Wehrmacht AI is retarded. It doesnt do anything, just sits at base or doesnt produce units. the british AI steamrolls within 5 minutes. great balance lmao.

Good karma+4 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Company of Heroes: Europe At War (Unofficial) Redux

Soo is this mod out or still in development?

Good karma+2 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Napoleonic Total War 3

Ok, thanks! will give it a go.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Napoleonic Total War 3

Hi, just installed the mod, looking forward to a campaign, how does AI perform in this mod? Is it tweeked to be smarter on the campaign and in battle or is it as dumb as in vanilla?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Darthmod Improvements V.2

Is this a standalone mod or i need DarthMod for this mod to work?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Combined Arms

Are there any plans to add Star Wars Hulls? that would be awesome if anything.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Cinematic Battles

Everything is a bullet sponge and dies within seconds that you cant even move it away. Armor is non-existant as I had 4 squads of terminators mowed down in 5 seconds by a 1 rocket truck, the rockets just went through all of them and they dropped dead.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Bloodline Mod

After playing quite for a few days I came to a conclusion that Orks are mental in this mod. They just swarm you with millions of Infantry, annoying rocket and mortar tanks and you cant do anything about it. I mean the balance is dead in this mod. Space marines are paper cannon fodder a race that I dont see point in playing. Everything just out-swarms it, the same with chaos
marines. Orks Op, Tau Good, the rest meh... The damage mechanic of this game is just too outdated. If only DoW had armor mechanic like Company of Heroes, that would so much better if it was made on that engine.

EDIT: The Orks should be re-balanced a bit, like reducing their damage since they go with the numbers. Otherwise they stomp everything.

Good mod though, nice re-texture and aesthetics. The game engine is just too ancient at this point.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Bloodline Mod

theres a Bug in the mod, playing as Imperial Guard I`ve built 4 Mortar Vechicles, 3 got destroyed I have 1 active, but I cant build anymore because it says "No more than 4 vechicles"... But I have only 1, the other 3 got destroyed and i cant build them back again.
The same with Basilisk, I have 3 Basilisk, 1 Got destroyed and I cant build them again because it says "no more than 4"

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Hi, I havent played this mod nor DoW for ages, should I wait for the new release or use the outdated mod if it even works?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ ZombieMod

its nice to hear that the mod is alive, its alive since 2009... so its already 10 years in development without any release lol... You can kinda call it being dead, or more accurately the zombie mod is the zombie itself, its dead, but kinda alive at the same time.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ SOASE Star Wars Alliance 1.93v

AI teammate doesnt do anything, its always dead... doesnt build any buildings or ships, while enemy AI is very quick to expand.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

when is the next release?

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Thank you for the kind answer. :) all though its quite sad, but im looking forward to clone wars era ships (veterans as u mentioned) and of course to anything u`re going to put out in this mod.

Good karma+2 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

Hi, GoaFan, sorry for a probably stupid question, considering what im about to ask, but still i love your mod, the best one i`ve played so far, therefore my question is, will u add the actual Republic and CIS to the game? at some point at least, im really looking forward to some clone wars factions. i know its not your time period, but still im sure thats what a lot of people would like to see and probably was asked a million times already, but still.

Good karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ HOI IV MWM: Country Selection Screen

if the mod starts in 2000`s why is there still Boris Eltsin for Russian Federation? Putin became president of Russian Federation in 1999...

Good karma+2 votes
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments @ Isengard

cheap manual labor)

Good karma+4 votes