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I'm just some guy who makes music and writes for stuff.

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Music, and stuff. . .

Silverbane Blog

music, y u so hard to make?

Honestly, isn't there some kind of button you can press to instantly make a great, original song?
I wish there was; it would make my job easier. No such luck, though. I have to painstakingly create good sounding melodies and chords while simultaneously trying to make sure it doesn't sound exactly like some other poor sap's song.

"Any good music must be an innovation." - Les Baxter

I don't think people know how true that is. I can't tell you how many songs I've scrapped because they sounded too much like another song. Being a musician is like being an inventor; you have to bring something new to the table, or do something someone else has done but do it ten times better. That can be extremely frustrating, because sometimes it feels like every genre and every nook and cranny has been explored already. It's all trial and error until you find your style, the type of music that is unique to you that nobody else can copy perfectly.

In other news, I'm writing a new story called The Baron of Irelth, which I'll go into when I start making progress on it. :P

That's all that I have to say for now.
