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Not much to see here, just an avid xbox gamer, and occasional pc gamer. I have no idea how to mod, but i like playing other peoples mods. I randomly stop by about twice a year to make a post then i disappear.

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shumo154 Blog 1 comment

My life has become a little to boring recently, and i have become tired and worn down.. I need to be rejuvenated and transformed.. I need to rise up and do something, but not now not today, maybe tomorrow....just a random rant

In all honesty i am stuck in a rut, but that should change once this semester ends. After about 5 months the routine becomes boring. Sure you can change a few habits, but the main part of your week is still the same. Nothing can be done, well nothing that won't fuck me over in the end. So ill settle back into this rut, till December then i am free for a month, before being locked in again..