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secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Economy expansion mod v2.1.6

Thanks a lot for the instruction. I'll try it out and if manage to make some, I'll send you to see if you can add in the new version.

For bugs, after trying these few days, I found some:
- For some reasons, armies from ally countries don't come to reinforce me anymore. I remember the last time I played, ally countries reinforced me every time they had an army in the same region. Now, I try fighting very near them, but they just don't show up. Enemy reinforce and my own reinforce work as normal.
- Sometimes entire unit disappears when they're on the wall. They just turn into puffs of smoke and gone. Happen to both enemy, ally and my own units.
- Castle assaults end when there're still enemy units left.
- Range units resupply arrows very slowly when camping. Not sure if it's intentional, but the speed of arrow resupply is about three times slower than before.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Economy expansion mod v2.1.6

Nice. I'll notify you if any more bugs are found.

For ideas, here are a few things I tried while attempting to mod for myself:

- Changing town template so that each country can have at least 1 town that has all the necessary buildings to allow access to advanced units right from the start. This makes the AIs actually build some better units in their armies, making the game more challenging. With this modification I actually had to fight through quite a lot of cavalries and armors during my play, which was very enjoying. Normally, they'd just build very basic units, and never attempt to build the necessary buildings to access better ones.

- Buffing the range of trebuchets a lot, to justify building them. As it stands now, nobody'd build trebuchets, since catapults are cheaper, almost same range, can move, overall just way better.

- Increasing the shootdispersion in some UNIT files for range units. More specifically, I increased the value to 64 for catapults and some low level archers (I think it only works in multiples of 32 for some reason). This nerfed the catapults down a bit, which didn't mean much, just taking more time to take down walls. But the nerf for low level archers was actually very good in simulating their low level skill and dropping their power. Of course you'd need to buff their damage up a bit to compensate, or they'd just be garbage. But it's actually more realistic than just giving them low damage.

Some other ideas I was still testing:

- I tried to overhaul the economy, by making food and workers more important. Basically, I made building construction cost workers and food, made some buildings reduce food and workers, while others (like windmill, in the reasoning that it'd save you labor to mill the wheat) to produce much more food and workers to compensate (also a way to increase their importance). Overall, it worked, only a tad disappointing that you can only do negative bonus on 1 type of value, so you can't make the same building reduce both workers and food for example. Still have to work out the balance, which I haven't got into due to lack of time.

- Readjusting the economy. I tried to divide the economic buildings into types, one type was quick cash that was cheap and fast to build, give you a bit of gold, good for starting, and another required a lot of upgrades and other prerequisite buildings, which cost a lot and actually reduced the gold/other resources, but when you get to the final buildings, they give you big boost in gold/resources. The gold reduction midway of upgrading is a good thing to keep your income low well into the late game instead of just adding up. Again, the issue would be in balancing.

- Different building upgrade routs depending on assets. There are some buildings you can only build at certain territories that have all the necessary assets for the prerequisite buildings. I tried to copy that for more economic buildings, each had different requirements to get to the final buildings (like some needed the territory to have both silver and minerals, others required pasture, fertile soil and river). This'd force you to choose carefully which rout of economic buildings you'd want to invest in for each territory, depending on the combination of assets each had. However, the issue was some assets were pretty rare, making their combinations sometimes nonexistent.

Some other things I'd love to have but haven't figured out:

- Changing the frequency of assets. As I said above, some assets like silver are very rare, sometimes only in a handful of territories in the entire world. I'm still trying to figure out how to increase that, as it would be essential for my last idea.

- Adding more assets (and also valuables and exotics). I think it's possible, and would be very good for my last idea. The issue would be the icons in the UI. Don't know if there's a max number for it.

- Reducing the attack rate of some units (particularly seige weapons). I suspect this one is hardcoded though.

- Creating more unit groups in the [groups] section in defs\Units\Military\bonuses file, so you can have more dynamic strength and weakness between different units. This one I think is possible, although haven't tried it out yet.

- Having more battle maps. I'd love to have a bigger variety of battle maps. Hope you can make more of them, or teach me how to code the maps.

Of course if you want to pick up any of these ideas to try for yourself, feel free.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Economy expansion mod v2.1.6

Hey there. Super elated to see the mod is still getting updated. I played version 2.0 a while back and absolutely loved it. You actually inspired me to get a bit into modding for this game as well, basing on your mod, mostly for changing things up a bit to fit my taste.

It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, there's a bug. In the Law of Steel expansion, definition>economy>buildings, the lines for outpost:

cost = 1000s, 3000g
req = garrison
happiness = 1
group = 2
index = 36

I think you forgot to add in "override = garrison". This causes a bug that in some towns where there's already an outpost, you can build another outpost by upgrading garrison, and basically it gets conflicted and buggy with demolition/further upgrades.

Will check this new version out soon, and if I remember/find any other bugs I'll notify you.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Installation Guide

I can't get the mod to work. I edit the shortcut and add MODPATH="Mod\\\\\\\\HumanMod" as the instruction, but always get the error: "The name ... specified in the target box is not valid."

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ [Steam] Thrawn's Revenge 2.3.6

Does this version on Moddb have some problem? When I tried to run the FotRtoICW batch file the Command Prompt said a bunch of files in Data\Art\Maps were missing, it couldn't find the specific file.

Good karma0 votes
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Panzer 38t skins

Hope there will be some re-balancing for the super tanks. They are way too powerful in 4.3. Throw an entire army on 2-3 units of them and still can't kill them.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ updated carrier inventories for GBR, JPN, and USA

Are they really flying too high? Last time I tested with the Corsairs, they seemed to swoop down to drop the torpedoes pretty accurately.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Axis & Allies: Uncommon Valor

Artillery being able to damage friendly units is a great mechanic. I think it should be added.
Another thing I think can be added is a defender component for bombers, to simulate the air gunners on WWII bombers like B29.
Super tanks like the German Maus should also be rebalanced. Right now they are way too strong.

On another note, how did you make the unit actively target friendly units? I think that can be implemented for mines, and perhaps can also be used to set flying range for airplanes.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Axis & Allies: Uncommon Valor

Is there anyway we can turn mana_max or mana_regeneration into an attribute (like speed_max, health, av, dv, recharge_time, etc.) that can be modified through [Modifier Template=AddModifier]?

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Axis & Allies: Uncommon Valor

Is this the one?

[Ability Template=AAAttackLocal]
[AbilityDefinition Template=AASabotage]
name = "#saboteur_AbilityDefinition_name"
recharge_time = 10
range = 0.25
targets = +SELF

[WhenDo template=FXC_PlaySFX]
audio_ids = dynamite

[Effect Template=FireDamageEffect]
amount = 1200

[Effect Template=EnchantmentEffect]
IDS = property_sabotage2
name = "#saboteur_AbilityDefinition_Effect_EnchantmentProperty_name"
enchantment_type = ench_type_generic
duration = 60
icon = /Properties/PropertyIcons/IconPropertyAttack.png
enabled_target_flags = sabotaged

[Modifier Template=AddModifier]
attribute = SUPPLY_RANGE
amount = -100

[Modifier template=PeriodicDamageModifier]
damage_type = flame
amount = 10

[WhenAdded Template=FXC_CreateVFX]
VFX_IDS = sabotage_dynamite
location = position
attached = false

I put it under [PerformerComponent] and change targets = +SELF but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Axis & Allies: Uncommon Valor

Thanks for the quick reply.

Yeah, I did realize changing win condition to "control 100% city" would require remaking of some maps with no city. I still think it's worth it though. Can you tell me how to change the win condition? Maybe I will mod it in my own game.

I know Cossair is not a torpedo bomber. I just mentioned it because to tell the truth in the last post I had only tested the torpedo code out on it, so I was not 100% sure it works on other plane models. I was only messing around with the idea and was actually pretty surprised it worked so well :P. But today I tested it on USA divebomber (SBD-1 Dauntless) and it worked equally well, so I think it will work with all plane models. Though there is a small visual issue with ships near the coast, it will make the torpedo look like it dives through the ground. Well, nothing's perfect.

Can you teach me how to make the planes shoot at themselves? I can't seem to make them do that no matter how I try. If I can just solve that issue, I may be able to figure out a way to code the flying range for the planes.

Good karma+1 vote
secretmusic22 - - 12 comments @ Axis & Allies: Uncommon Valor

Is there any way to change win condition for RST battle in the MetaGame (World Map Game) from "kill them all" to "Control 100% city"? It would make a much more enjoyable game since a lot of time the player manages to basically defeat the AI but has to spend like 15 minutes searching around for the last AI regiment to destroy in order to win the battle.

Also, USA shipyard is pretty broken. You can buy a lot of ships with 5 bits of money and you basically can't lose with that strategy.

I messed around with your mod and managed to make torpedo bomber. I hope you can add it in next version. Basically just copy the "torpedo" performer component of sub and put it under [Ability Template=AAGunLocal] of a fighter. I don't know how to send you the mod file so I just write here the [Performer component] I modified with USA cossair:

[Ability Template=AAGunLocal]
{ spawn_b

[AbilityDefinition Template=AATorpedo]
name = "Mk.14 Torpedo"
recharge_time = 5
range = 30
* mana_cost = 20
area = 1

[Effect Template=BlastDamageEffect]
amount = 300

[WhenDo template=FXC_CreateVFX]
VFX_IDS = artillery_shot ;replace with 2-barrel vfx
location = cannon_ae_01
attached = true

[WhenDo template=FXC_PlaySFX]
audio_ids = gbr_rocket

[WhenDo template=FXC_CreateVFX]
VFX_IDS = water_explosion_1
attached = true
terrain_group_filter = water
delay = 2.8

*I think it would be more realistic to have airplanes drop only 1 bomb/torpedo and come back to resupply, therefore I increased mana cost here. Cossair has 20 mana total as I found. Bomber has more I think.

I have also been thinking about adding a flying range for airplanes for realistic and strategic purpose. The basic idea is to have them perform an automatic action, like shooting at self or something, with a mana cost of 10, and put a recharge time on it, like 50 sec. So when they take off, they immediately perform the action and lose 10 mana, and after 50 sec they perform it again, run out of mana and return home (of course the mana cost of torpedo/bomb would then be reduce to 10, and they will drop the bomb if they reach the target before the recharge time). By changing the recharge time, you can decide how far the plane can go. However, I couldn't manage to make the automatic action work. For some reason, they don't shoot at self when enter. I hope you can make it work somehow.

Good karma+1 vote