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What can I say? I love playing videogames ( Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Half Life, Mass Effect,Indie and horror games), I love reading manga and watching anime. I love reading fantasy and classic books. I'm also a youtuber and I love watching Pewdiepie's videos and Tobuscus' videos...

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I don't wanna wait...

Sandrax Blog

Yesterday came out: Skyrim HearthFire but I don't have the money to buy it... So sad... and it costs only 5 euros! Pfff! I gotta wait for Skyrim:HearthFire... but I don't wanna wait! *Sigh*
Also I have to wait an extra month for Assassin's Creed 3 because the pc version comes nearly a month after the console version. I'm so disappointed... the pc gamers have always to wait more than console gamers, it's not fair!!