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I started coding when I was a child, I used to create maps and program NPCs for my friends in a multiplayer hotseat game called Graal (the old version, Classic 1.4). Later I got interested in real programming and started with Visual Basic, which I used for two years. At that point I entered university and started a computing degree, there I learnt C++ and Java and studied a lot of C# by myself. While in the computing degree I felt like that wasn't enough to be in the game industry because we wouldn't learn Unity, XNA, OpenGL and those things in the career so I travelled to Madrid to enter a videogame design and development grade in ESNE, which I am currently studying untill I finish it or ran out of money, whichever happens first. Right now, I am working with a team called NoobO Games to develop some easy games to get experience and funding to bigger projects.

RSS Reviews

Zombie Grinder

Game review

This is in alpha state and it's better than most of the AAA that are currently being released by far.

Graphics are fancy and add a relaxing touch to the game, you can upgrade your character and fully customize it and you get to kill zombies.

Perfect game for casual play!


16 Bit Arena

Game review