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samcruel - - 16 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire 4.3.6

Managed to forcefully end the feast with cheatmenu giving them force comamnds as they ignored me as just marshall. one of my lords is stuck on the water though just wobbeling about in the tiny lake around The Twins and no cheatmenu commands or otherwise can get him to get off the lake heh.

Good karma+1 vote
samcruel - - 16 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire 4.3.6

it overall appears to be running quite well for me. i still occasionally have crashes although its very rare and i save a billion times a minute so not really an issue. Two things that has caused issues though is that i just conqurered the north entirely taking in all the good natured lords into my faction and keeping roose bolton and a few other questionable fellas locked up in winterfell. they have no existing lands remaining and still they exist as a faction. i also tried executing all of them but still dident solve the problem.
Another problem i have is that all my lords are gathered up inside winterfell permanently. i´ve tried giving someone else marshallship aswell as being marshall myself and telling everyone to follow me and still they refuse to leave the city. they all have very healthy armies ontop of that as we´ve not been at war for a few weeks.

I might add that ALL of the lords owns quite sizable numbers of land and when i talk to them they say they are resting ( in my town, not their own ) and supposedly talking about enemies being nearby so they are prepared to defend against a siege which also makes no sense. the closest enemy i´ve got is roose bolton in the dungeons. My lords being afk is starting to become a hazzle as all of a sudden alot of **** bandits are burning my villages ( super annoying mechanic btw...... ) perhaps add an upgrade called townwatch that prevents ****** random raiding parties from actually looting villages? n yes i have patrols. infact i have large patrols even n yet they seem utterly incapable of accomplishing anything outside of getting paid and even when assigned to a specific fief **** still burns right infront of them.

Good karma+2 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire 4.3.4

I´ve noticed one very annoying feature. When you´re in your camp be it to rest or during a fortified siege camp and another lord attacks your camp you get into an unfavorable position ( which is fine and reasonably realistic ) however my problem with it is that they come in at waves of like 50 men at a time so you have to mobilize your defence like 10 times against an army of 500 men which just gets absurdly tedious. I just had this interaction after looting a defeated lord and as i loot and bury the dead another lord engages me n after fighting 8+ battles to finally get rid of him i loot him aswell and a third lord engages.
my problem with this isnt having to defend without cavalry etc but the fact that i have to do it again n again n again rather than the enemies army continuing to engage so i can actually form up my men rather than getting unreasonable casualties due to having to reform my shieldwall 8 times per fight.

Good karma+1 vote
samcruel - - 16 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire 4.3.4

Dont know if this is the right place to write this but i just figured i´d ask if its intentional that the goldmine is a terrible source of income? ( i know it makes sense from a lore perspective as the mines are empty ) but it still makes me wonder why its even in the game. Perhaps im using it wrong? Basicly the problem i encounter with it is that if i overfill it with prisoners they generally just instantly escape meaning no profit. if i fill it up with guards the actual upkeep i have to pay for said guards far surpasses the income the slaves produce ontop of the reputation hit i suffer everytime it produces.

Overall i just feel like its a plain downside in trying to utilize it as you infact make more money simply selling the captives rather than enslave. or are you perhaps supposed to enslave villagers rather than put the war captives into the mines?

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samcruel - - 16 comments @ A World of Ice and Fire 4.3.4

thanks for the new patch! i just have a kinda off topic question. I was partaking in a tournament in the reach and ran into a badass looking knight wearing a full plate chestpiece and a fitting helmet n i managed to buy myself a fullplate chestpiece but have been unable to locate the helmet after weeks of looking at the traders in the reach and vale. is there a matching helmet to the chestpiece that is obtainable? the helmet looks kinda like the bronze colored one, you cant see the eyes of the one wearing it. thanks in advance!

Good karma+1 vote
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

does it bother anyone else that the vampires helmets seem far too big for their heads?

Good karma+6 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ The dead rise against Araby

even if araby can kill the undead onslaught the dead are expendable and for every dead araby another one joins the legion of the dead! you know those moments when your long dead grandparents raise from the grave to punish you for not treating them with respect!

Good karma+2 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

absolutely gorgeous work. thanks alot for sharing it! if you happen to have some more screenshots related to the Dark Elves or VC id love to see some!

Good karma+5 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Will there by any chance be any new companions added? :-D ive always wanted a vampire freind named Gilbert! or possibly Budrick.

Good karma+3 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

i almost want to cheat like crazy just to see what units and equipment i can get before i actually start playing just to check the new content O.O

Good karma+8 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

i think imma just call in sick for work, hide under my blanket and refuse to eat till the mod is complete! ;(

Good karma+2 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

ahhh sounds exciting! i cant wait to see the graveguards! assuming they are added O.O would be weird if they werent included! hehe

Good karma+2 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

ahhh cant wait! hehe so will Vamppire Count have any ranged units or will they be more traditional rush army like Chaos? i know they lack ranged units in the lore but in the lore they make up for it with magic etc. also would it be possible to be a Vampire character fighting for the Dark Elves incase i decide i like playing a vampire but dont like the vampire counts units? ^^ sorry about being a question machine i am just super hyped about this mod! hehe

Good karma+2 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

i would love to see some units/lords with the new vampire models! ive been really excited about Vampire Counts. any chance for some vampire sneak peak? :-D

Good karma+7 votes
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

meh quite frankly i dont mind sticking to just one faction and it is quite lorebreaking to mix units. at some points i even had a mix of darkelves and highelves which is rather ironic. i am really excited about the vampire counts and i would love to see a full unit tree on those guys. would also be really nice to see what their units actually look like ingame. having some darkelf repeating crossbow units to backup those walking corpses does sound appealing though! hehe

Good karma+1 vote
samcruel - - 16 comments @ Warsword Conquest

ive been stalking the forums a few times a day aswell! i am frankly looking forward to this mod more than total war warhammer! all 3 factions i like are in the game! Dark Elves, Vampire Count and Chaos. hard to decide what to even play! fortunately i dont have to since i can recruit soliders from all 3 factions! ahh cant wait! i really loved playing the beta a few years back and the few glitches were easy to look past. intill you had a run in with the Dwarf kingdom! holy mother god those guys raped everything i had and loved....******** even took my equipment....
cant wait to get revenge on them in the full game! keep up the good work! :-D

Good karma+3 votes