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Hey everyone! My name is Roooooooooommie!!! I am glad to have joined here and I hope that we all get along very well. I am 20, second year college student in computers and graphic design, off-set gamer, off-set skateboarder. I'm also a YouTuber. Not a famous one....yet. Just check it out---> www.youtube.com/user/princessanime101

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Ghost Recon Online

rommieplays Blog

Hey you guys!

So I have recently downloaded GHOST RECON ONLINE!

If anyone wants to know, my UPLAY account name is RommieGirl415 if you want to add me so we can play sometimes.

Oh, and if you must know.... I am trying to get used to it. Mouse and wasd is a little hard for me. xD

Ib the game

rommieplays Blog

Ib The Game

Hello all!

The name is Rommie. As most of you can see that I have played a game called Ib. That game is really good to me. I recommend that game to all who likes to play mystery solving/ thrilling games.

Ib is about a girl name Ib (eeb e.g. eve) who is a visiting an art gallery with her mom and dad. She walks around looking and viewing all the art in the gallery. Talking to peopl about the art there. When she all of a sudden things started happening. Where did everyone go? Mom? Dad?

Play Ib to find out what is going on.