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Age: 21---Location: NY---Software: Reason 3.0---Style: I think that my music brings a unique blend of metal and electronic sounds.---Inspirations include OLD Nine Inch Nails, Sonic Mayhem, war, and history. I am currently beginning to learn C++ programming and graphic animation through Autodesk utilities. My main goal is to compose music and create concept ideas for mainstream video games and ultimately become a designer/creator. I have over 10 years of music experience both electronically and instrumentally and I've been constructing game concepts for almost 3 years. I have great ideas for games but no outlet for creation... yet!

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All my songs...

rollsballs Blog

I had to reset my partition so I'm working on downloading the 90% of my music I put on various sites. I'll be reinstalling my software and making music again soon. Any projects that I was working on and had not yet finished are lost, sorry for any inconvenience this causes everyone.

On another note - my life is taking a dramatic turn. I'm cutting out all "substances" that used to control my life and empty my pockets. I'm working on getting into better shape to hopefully become a fighter. Eventually I'll be moving from my current residence to a more fit environment where I can train.

The Vision...

rollsballs Blog

I make my music with the idea of blood, destruction, and total chaos to take place.  Some songs are low key, some are up-beat, but they all have their own setting.  My music is NOT meant to sound like something else and certainly not for anyone else to enjoy.  I appreciate everyone's complements and support and hopefully with enough credebility I can actually make a profession out of my music but the most important part of my music is that it's a passion of mine.  I want to make something out of MY music the way that I make it, that's what makes it unique... that's what makes it MY music.  Chaos Theory is not only a project intended for video games but as leisure as well.  I want people to listen to my music and have the creative instinct to envision a scene of their own along with having the knowledge of what the original intentions are.

 As I said, I appreciate complements and support - keep it at that.  If you hear something you don't particularly like you need to accept it as it is rather than suggest change.  If you want to use my music in your mod then we can talk business (a.k.a. MONEY) and I will consider revising my work to your specifications.

Total War: Online (Concept)

rollsballs Blog

***The name is just something off the top of my head.***



Total War

General Gameplay

Players begin by entering their character name then choosing an avatar and customizing their color scheme.  Since the point is, for lack of better terms, total war, there are no real sides - more like a free-roam shooter in which players are involved in a battle type depending on the area they're in.  More simply put - not just a PvP shooter; Incorporating computer enemies into specific areas making them PvA, PvP, or both.


Distribution hasn't been figured out but something along the lines of receiving 10% of killed enemies experience based on the minimum amount for that level.

Character Stats

Vitality, Accuracy, Agility, and Dexterity.

Vitality measures characters health, accuracy is obvious, agility measures speed, and dexterity measures weight capacity.


Weapon Upgrades

Weapons include Automatic Rifle, Heavy Machine Gun, Sub-machine Gun, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Hand Gun, and Grenades.

Upgrades include weight reduction, larger clip capacity, and improved firing rate.  Grenade upgrades include throwing distance, belt size, and explosion area.


Players use the mouse to control their characters actions and movements much like Diablo II and Shattered Galaxy.  Left-clicking marks characters target to fire on when in range or where to throw a grenade, right-clicking marks characters destination to move to.  Players set their weapons to the number keys as hotkeys to use during battle or can select them by clicking an icon in their HUD.


More information upon request.  Contact me about further development information, if you or someone you know is willing to work on this project, or if you have any supporting ideas.

Future Plans

rollsballs Blog

Thanks for visiting my site and being interested in my work.  For my first blog I'm going to take some time to inform you all of what I've got going on now and a few of my goals for my life.  Also look for blogs on game ideas that I have.

 I've just  recently been getting paid for my work, which is awesome.  I never really thought of taking making music, which is a passion of mine, and make music out of it.  I'm also working on learning C++ Programming and some stuff with Autodesk... programs are expensive these days :(

Eventually I want to become a designer and musical composer for video games.  I'd really like to get into making console games but I'll take what I can get.  I figure if I learn the programming I'm just one step closer to making my own games.  I feel as though anyone that takes the time to look into my music for their mod should also take interest in my ideas in story line and additional features.

 I'd like to work on FPS and RPG games but I think there should be a new fighting/MMA game out, something more contemporary  with great features to keep gamers hooked.