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Have 10+ years in map making, and level editing with Unreal Technology. I have after some time decided to launch a gaming career, completely from the ground up, and am looking for help. I am extremely open to all ideas and criticism. I am currently working on Anti-Social (read below for more details). As far as level design, I am at an expert level. If you want to contact me about my ideas or want to be apart of the upcoming games I am working on , or would even like to see the levels I have designed for UT99, and UT3 feel free to contact me.

RSS My Blogs

Dialouge for the opening scene of Anti-social.

RizeGamez_TRiPP Blog

Terry Powell (TRiPP):

I wish I was normal...

I mean, I know what most people consider normal, and I wish I could be like them.
My entire life has been a life of crime and thoughts I wish I could erase.
What is normal you ask? Come on, your not that dense.
I wish I was normal...but God only knows why I'm not, or why I was born with the desire
to see what all I can get away with, or always looking for a way to cheat the system.
I have tried to fit into society, and tried to be the mark-up of what normal is, but
no matter how hard I try, instant gratification, and corrosion and cut-off always get the best of me.
Maybe that's why they chose me...

My name is Terry Powell, to the United States Government, I'm know as TRIPP,
that's short for Tactical. Recon. Interactive. Phreaker. Prodigy
My life of excitement was fueled by caring only about myself and what made me happy.
Usually, that was anything that society said was illegal. I had 2 options,
go to prison, or become the governments new guinea pig.

My name is Terry Powell and this is My story.
My name is Teryy Powell, and according to our Government I am
