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I'm a gamer who loves teh indie! I'm a fan of Rougelikes, RPGs (Monster RPG 2,etc) and I'm a fun guy.

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Paranautical Activity!!!

zdav2002 Blog

So so so so so so so so excited. Looking forward to getting PARANAUTICAL ACTIVITY tommorow night (Wednesday night for Aus, Tuesday something for USA) and I have no school on Thursday (it's ANZAC Day on Wedenesday, so no school) and I get to try it out Wedenesday night and then play it all day on Thursday! I'm so excited, a keyboard can't even take in the excitement that I have in me right now! :D Huzzah for Activity of the Paranatuical! I actually thought it was about a haunted ship. Para-nautical Activity. I picked that up from 'ZenAndCyreene's channel on Youtube. XD But then I watched AlpcaPatrol, and Green9090 play it. Looks amazing :D :D