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Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ Tactical Espionage Action

well tank doesn't reload after second missile for me as well so I cannot beat it.

Good karma+2 votes
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ Overwatch

Gameplay of this mod is awesome, I wonder why it wasn't done before, however design needs a lot of improvements and more maps of course as implementation to balance maybe you should consider more random spawn points for NPCs so that rebels would be taken by surprise more frequently.

I know that you heard a lot of adding FPS player to overwatch team, but again only one more player would change the balance drastically, would be nice to imagine this player as an assassin with sniper rifle like in HL2 beta, or maybe it can be an NPC with same spec.

Right now damage and health of NPCs is okay, but 1 player should be not equal to 1 combine, at least 2 or 3. Keep up the good work guys I wish you all best of luck.

Good karma+2 votes
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ NEOTOKYO°

Guys I am really sorry having to say that this mod really did not met my expectations, I loved the design of models and maps, great soundtrack by Ed Harrison made me really want this one, but the game play is really boring, its almost like CS with small implementation of capturing the ghost, if you thinking seriously to boost this one you better remake the game play and make it much more unique then it is now, as an idea I can suggest implementing vehicle such as those flying man carriers, robots and motorcycles also a single player campaign with full OST would be really nice, good luck to all developer team I know that it is really hard to create a mod like this one.

Good karma+1 vote
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ Mistake -1

Really nice mod cheers Ashkandi, however I think a credit to Akira Yamaoka must also be in the end, also more details would make maps a lot more interesting and ofcourse some deeper story line, your modeling skills are great though, I haven't seen so impressive zombies starting from Paranoia. Maybe you could collaborate with Rumpel creator of Afraid of Monsters, then something really heart stopping will come out. Good luck to you.

Good karma+1 vote
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ Cry of Fear teaser trailer released - Plus, Christmas bonus!

ruMpel you are as always on top of psyco-horror mods, I hope this time you wathced Jacobs Ladder already and this trailer is very promising, reminds me of opening in SH3, good luck m8 I sure it will be another succsess.

Good karma+1 vote
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ PARANOIA is released!

Great work! I want to say very big thanks to BuZZer and rest of the PARANOIA team for finnaly releasing this mod, you are real patrioits of our motherland guys, Russia must be proud of you.
Слава России!

Good karma+1 vote
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ neotokyo|Grey

Greetings to Neotokyo Admin!I really liked the previews of your teams mod and the main website is really cool.However i was visiting it very recently especially to look at the images and to listen to the great music you got there.But now when i go to Neotokyohq.com i cannot listen to music anymore, why is that? Do you expirience technical problems?If you do could you inform when in near future the great music of your mod will be availbe again?
Best regards!

P.S. Are you all come from Japan?

Good karma+3 votes
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ Afraid of Monsters

If you say so maybe your sound director did or texturer?Someone did i belive:)I would like to ask for your permission to recomend your mod on Russian Silent Hill comunity site,if you dont mind.

Good karma+1 vote
Redstarhangar16 - - 9 comments @ Afraid of Monsters

Nice mod ruMpel , i see that u mixed Silent Hill and Jacob's Ladder into one,i can say as a fan of both masterpieces that you were very close,by realisation i would give this mod 10/10 ,but to gameplay only 2/10 ,cause u say that there will be no zombie hordes etc. something very different ,but you got those zombies a lot,so this mod is very similar by gameplay to They Hunger ,also that flashlight that you must always use it is madness for HL1 engine.Also storyline deserves better treatment then that you gave.If you could just imagine a mod without any monsters then you would probably achive a masterpiece.If you say that you havent watched Jacob's Ladder then i am sorry ,but you are a liar.I could hear all the sound of it and also Silent Hill 3 sound that you desided to mix to make less hearable ,well good that you didnt used any music of Akira Yamaoka,cause it is would be already not your desert.You didnt gave the gamer chance to fill the diffrence of normal world and alternative one.So i can say that it is a great job,very close,but NOT IT:)

Good karma+1 vote