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Hello! I am an artist who enjoys creating all kinds of things, but the one thing I've always wanted to do since I was a child was make videogames! Now is the time in my life where I'll finally start working towards that goal, and to get some sort of career or living out of it.... hopefully. Indie games seem to be one of the best gateways into that world, so I decided to join this website. I won't be making AAA titles right off the bat of course, I'm going to start off nice and slow and simple. I will start off by creating a few small games using FPS Creator, an easy program that provides model packs. But down the road I'll definitely want to tackle things more seriously, building my own models and such. So for right now, please enjoy any small silly games I upload here! I hope this will be a good learning experience for me.

RSS Reviews

The Following: Horror

Game review

The game is visually nice looking! Also interesting looking monster! But also it doesn't bring much new to the table when it comes to horror games. Still, pretty decent overall.

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