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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 32)
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

I hope so. Think we`ll make it :) Best regards !

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 2.0 (Official Announcement)

Thanks man, appreciate ! :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 2.0 (Official Announcement)

Ćao druže, hvala na lepim rečima za mod :) Pomoć će mi trebati u nekom trenutku i sigurno ću te kontaktirati. Znam koliko si pomogao Gazatusu za Ultimate Mod tako da ono...sigurno ćemo sarađivati :) Pozdrav !

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 2.0 (Official Announcement)

Thanks my friend, I know I can count on you :) We`re definitely gonna cooperate and work together ! Best regards

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 2.0 (Official Announcement)

Hvala buraz :) Nadam se da ce ici glatko i bez vecih problema...

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Thanks, I hope it`s gonna be epic :) Yeah, long time but, that`s the price...

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

There won`t be next update, unfortunately... I gave up from KoH modding, don`t have enough time...

Good karma+3 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

1.05 :)

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Sorry mate, I see this now...well, if it is of any help, here is the hexadecimal and binary table Ascii.cl and this Mathsisfun.com is the converter. First you need to see the colors and ornaments table Forum.paradoxplaza.com (scroll down) and then look for the hexadecimal equivalent hex number and than you go to converter :) But, watch now:FIRST COLOR IS NOT COLOR 1, IT`S COLOR 2 (the right order during changing to hexadecimal is C2, C1, Ornament) and one more thing, if your emblem is for example:
Color 1 = 2, Color 2 = 4, Ornament = 1, then you have 421 in hexadecimal but you need to put 0 between 4-2 and 2-1 to get 40201 and then convert it. Still, if you have Color 1 = 14, Color 2 = 5, Ornament = 22, then you get 5E16 and here, you must add 0 between 5-E to get 50E16 and then convert it (you must have 5 symbols in hexadecimal before converting to decimal). I hope you have understood :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Rome Quest Coming Soon

Sorry for late answer, I was very busy past few weeks.. Anyway, I must disappoint you, I gave up from KoH, definitely. Simply, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, if you undestand me. But, if it means anything to you, we can make a contact via Skype so I can introduce to you the basics of modding of KoH...my skype name is zellton1 so feel free to contact me anytime ;) Best regards !

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 1.1

Yeah, I know, but, I just wanted to make it more interesting :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ The Great War

hahaha maybe you`re right Perhaps I should buy it after all...

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ The Great War

Can I install this mod on a pirate version of the game ?

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

I promise I`ll fix that as soon as it is possible. Best regards :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

I am pretty sure that I don`t understand you very well :) Which Kingdom, Serbia ? As for the younger heir problem, do you have this issue only in my mod or you have had similar issues earlier ? Because, I never saw that problem before...

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Thanks man, I appreciate that :)

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Only ottoman empire ? Try other kingdoms and then respond if it is the same there and I`ll fix it :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 1.1

I won`t change the name and the flag, but, I`ll edit the file with the flag and name and I`ll send it to you (give me your email address)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Update 1.1

For Egypt, You must play as Mameluks and rule all of the provinces of Mameluks in late era + Ilkhanids provinces and province of Cyrenaica in Tunis. As for the Nordia, to be honest, I don`t exactly know why Nordia. There is something mythical in that name and i like it (hope you`ll forgive me) :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

haha sorry, misunderstood :) Well, I don`t exclude that option in the future....who knows...but, I am planning to add Roman Empire quest soon, where objective will be, of course, to reunite once great and mighty empire. Also, it will probably include unifications of Carthage, Macedonia, Phoenicia and others...Stay tuned :)

Good karma+3 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Update is here, so, good luck with Wessex campaign ;)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

I don`t know what to say, I am truly honored. As for the mod, well, I am really sorry, but, that`s simply not the era I am focused on. But, I think somewhere on the internet, there is a mod similar to what you are looking for and if I find it, you`ll be notified :) Best regards !

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Thank you for respond, I will fix the problem in the next update.

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

As I look now into the quests files, I see that to form England, you need to play as Normandy, but, I think that`s just a bug and you can reunite it with Wessex. I mean, try it, Take Wessex and conquer the provinces of Kent, East Anglia, Cornwall, Mercia and York. If it won`t work, respond to me and I will fix that :)

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Hello ! Well, once, there was a quest file made by someone from KoH Modding Community, but, it was deleted, or the links are just dead. But, don`t worry, In next update, I will add more new quests, including the Romania unification ;) (You`ll need to play with Wallachia and to rule the provinces of Dacia, Transylvania and Carpatia, and, when you conquer them, Moldavia will be added to new Kingdom of Romania :) btw, I have already planned to add Romania)

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Thanks man, It really means a lot to me. Just be patient and explore this mod while we are making the things even better by adding new periods and more than just 9 knights and other stuff...Stay tuned :)

Good karma+2 votes
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

haha relax dude. KoH directory is the installation folder, main folder. For example, C:/Program Files/Black Sea Studios/Knights Of Honor. The folder where you installed Knights of Honor.

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Well, PAK files are main files of Knights of Honor game. Everything is in those files. How you work with them ? You need a program called PAKMAN Indiedb.com to be able to open them or to edit them. The files in my mod are nothing but .PAK files converted to regular folders with files (via PAKMAN). As it is written, just copy these folders from my mod into your KoH directory and play ;) Hope I helped you, if there is anything else, just shoot :)

Good karma+1 vote
QQLELE - - 32 comments @ Forging of Empires

Ask anything you want to know :)

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