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QuadraTron Games is a small independent game development collective from the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Founded by Zenas Bellace, Keith Maggio, and Christian Plummer, we started off as a small group of game developers who met at the Global Game Jam back in 2011. We continued to meet regularly over weekends in a similar game jam style, the results of which were often very education and quite entertaining. We also make a point of working together at the Global Game Jam, the Philly Game Jam, and sometimes even get together remotely for events such as Ludum Dare. While we don’t often meet for our own game jam weekend much these days, we all still continue to work closely with each other and bounce our ideas off each other. More recently, QuadraTron has been Zenas Bellace, who bangs out the code, and Travis Carter, who works his pixel magic. With the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign, we released our first game, Monsters!, early in 2013.

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Areibo - A Directional Color Puzzle Game

QuadraTronGames Blog

A couple of weeks ago I began working on a game that I'm calling Arecibo, a fast paced puzzle game, inspired by the Arecibo Message, and based on the theme of "options" for the Philly Dev Night 12 hour game jam. The game is pretty simple, collect colored boxes for the most amount of points before the timer runs out. You can play the latest build of the game online or download the stand alone application here on IndieDB or from the Arecibo Mini Site at QuadraTron. Let me know what you think of the game. Enjoy!

Team Rock Blasters Version 0.6 Now Available

QuadraTronGames Blog

Version 0.6a of Team Rock Blasters is now available for download here or on our IndieDB page. This new version fixes some minor bugs but also introduces a score ratio bar at the top of the screen so that player can tell at a glance which team is currently winning the match. We also made it so that gold rocks will be attracted to the collector ship if it moves within range to do so. Please let us know if you have any feedback, either by contacting us directly or by posting on our IndieDB forums. Enjoy! :D

QuadraTron Joins In On Ludum Dare 26 Fun

QuadraTronGames Blog

QuadraTron will be joining in on the Ludum Dare 26 fun this weekend. Ludum Dare is an online game jam that takes place a few times a year. I've participate in the Ludum Dare for the last few jams (I'll link to our past games in short order). I haven't decided quite yet if I'll be teaming up with other QuadraTron regulars or if I'll be working on the solo compo this time around. Either way, I'll be streaming my desktop, webcam, and some good music via the QuadraTron Twitch channel (see below), so come check it out and say hi!

Dinosaur Shootout - Creating the Art Assets Time Lapse

QuadraTronGames Blog

Travis works his pixel art magic in this time lapse video for a new game we are working on to promote a future game about wild west dinosaurs. Dinosaur Shootout will be a simple game where the player shoots at dinosaurs in an western setting. The visual style of the game try to replicate a wild west shootout marquee where gun slingers test their marksmanship against pop up and fast moving targets for points. Here's a good example of what we are trying replicate from the movie Back to the Future part 3.

Enjoy! :D

New QuadraTron Website

QuadraTronGames Blog

I reorganized and prettied up the QuadraTron website. There are still a few things I would like to add to it but It's currently got all the good bits. In addition to the usual "About" and "Games" list, I've also put in pages for our Twitch stream and IRC chat, a contact form, and links to our social media pages as well as our game developer friends and studios. Feedback is welcome. :D


Team Rock Blasters Alpha

QuadraTronGames Blog

My new game, Team Rock Blasters, is now available on IndieDB. Team Rock Blasters is a 2v2 team game based on the arcade classic Asteroids. In Team Rock Blasters, four players compete for points in a game of space rock blasting and gold chunk collecting madness. On each team a player takes on the role of either a Blaster or a Collector. Much like in the game Asteroids, the Blaster shoots at meandering rocks for points.

Team Rock Blasters Screenshot

Unlike Asteroids, however, may also blast the other team’s players to smithereens for points. In contrast to the Blaster, the Collector scoots around the play field collecting chunks of gold which were blasted out of the rocks by the Blaster. His only means of defense is a impenetrable shield. If he should die to rock or Blaster, however, all his gold (and points) float peacefully back into space. The team with the most points when the last rock is blasted wins!

Team Rock Blasters Screenshot

I’d love to hear your feedback on the game. If you download the game and get to play with 3 of your friends, please feel free to use our contact form to tell me all about your experience. If there is enough player support, I would love to pursue additional development of the game with the inclusion of additional game modes and optional gameplay elements.

Team Rock Blasters Screenshot

QuadraTron Games on Twitch.tv

QuadraTronGames Blog

Hey folks,

I just wanted to let folks know that on most weekdays, from 10am to around 5pm (EST) I stream my development desktop and my mug at www.twitch.tv/quadratron. While watching me code and develop video games might be akin to watching paint dry some days, I am more then happy to chat and discuss my development process, Unity3D, or anything related to games and their development. Please stop by and say hello! :D