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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 93)
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

When I run it it says "windows cannot access the specified item, you may not have the appropriate permissions" even though it's run as admin with no restrictions.

Good karma0 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

look for a no cd crack

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ CnC Post-War

this looks promising, awaiting more :)

Good karma+2 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Firestorm 3d

keep working on this, looks great

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

i can't thank you guys enough for this masterpiece. i owe you all.....something :P

Good karma+6 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising


Good karma-1 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

i only came back to this a day or two ago, thinking some assemblance of progress had been made, but all we have is an empty promise of an update "soon". newsflash guys, a month isn't soon. i gave up on the developers keeping their word long ago. goodbye.

Good karma-2 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

then prove it. there's nothing changed here, and the TSR website is offline, and the forum hasn't been updated in over a year either, the facebook page is silent as well. so excuse me if i'm a little skeptical.

Good karma0 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising


it seems obvious that the developer(s) have abandoned this, no updates replies or anything in over a year speaks of abandonment to me.

Good karma-5 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

slightly random question; some of the russian units have "ketov" as a quote, annyone know what exactly it means?

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

objection. i've played as the ECA multiple times, and found no such unit. i have 1.82

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

just a quick question, what accent does the Lynx APC have? i don't recognize it.

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

minor complaint, the blackout node does nothing to block powers and superweapons. they're pretty much a base ornament for all the good they do

Good karma+3 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

1. yes, it's the right one. i've checked and double checked.
2. clean as a whistle
3. generals is installed

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Rise of the Reds

guys, I have a problem: I put the 3 .BIG files in the ZH directory, but the game gets a serious error when it starts. am I doing something wrong?

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Tiberian Sun Rising

*plays the last post*

it's over. there hasn't been an update in over half a year.

just let it die in peace.

Good karma-1 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ China Toilet Paper Cannon

"military grade toilet paper" LOL

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Technicians 2

yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!yeah? ok!

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ USA Pancake Crusader Attacking

i would laugh if one if it's quotes was "syrup or bananas?" i would lol so hard!

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ USA Aeolus Render

we're gonna have some fun with this thing :3

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Mass Effect 2 - Liara and Shepard

awww that's nice.

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Planetfall

ok, the patch in question is 3.19 for BTS and my OS is win vista.

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Planetfall

ok, neither of your suggestions hold water;

the patch downloads ok, but DOESN'T INSTALL

and UAC doesn't seem to exist.

and my initial problem was i didn't notice it was a BTS mod.

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Planetfall

i now have a new problem, the mod instantly crashes when it is run.

Good karma+2 votes
protestifications - - 93 comments @ screenshots 2

what's this?

Good karma+1 vote
protestifications - - 93 comments @ Planetfall

i'm having an installation problem; it says install to the beyond the sword folder, so i select the folder, but it won't let me continue, why?

Good karma+1 vote