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Project Autumn is a first person Halo fan-game being made in Unreal Engine 4.

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Project Autumn Status Update #1 07/02/2020

ProjectAutumn Blog

Woo! Here we are. Our first official blog post.
Though we're new here on IndieDB, we plan to stick around for a while so pay attention and keep those ears open! We'll be dishing out lots of good stuff in the coming months as we ramp up production of the game. So, let's begin. What is Project Autumn?

Project Autumn is a Halo fan game in development that aims to have traditional multiplayer as well as a battle royale mode, and potentially others down the line.

That's right. We're taking the scale, intensity and tension that comes from always having to watch your back as you attempt to survive against multiple teams, and putting it inside your favorite series.

This has never been done before, so we are taking our time to ensure that we do it right, and do it right the first time.

As it stands, we are currently looking to fill positions for programmers, animators and artists, among others as well.
Our job application is at the bottom of the blog entry, and I will be posting it in other places as well across the site as we look to expand the team.

We're super excited about being able to do something this unique with a game like Halo. We hope you'll join us on this journey.. This great, great journey.

