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Fledgling visual novel game developer finally ready to make an attempt after years of waiting.

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CE-5: A Developing Visual Novel

PrismProjections Blog

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You've left your home and everything you've ever known behind to start anew in the city. Will you be able to escape your past and start fresh or will your past continue to haunt you?

CE-5 explores unexplained circumstances and events surrounding a group of people living at a communal complex in the city.

Developed during the inaugural TyranoJam in August 2015, CE-5 currently offers a demo/prologue to the main game that lasts an average of thirty (30) minutes and has three (3) different endings.

Play the Demo: Prismprojections.itch.io

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I'll be frank. I've never made any kind of game before. I've had to learn it all from scratch during the game jam. I made everything in the game by myself despite little to no experience in several fields. Now, sitting a month later with what I could call a demo in my lap-- I don't want to give up on my game. I'd like to see it reach full completion and be released officially.

If I sit too long without working on a project, I'm likely to abandon it. I understand that about myself and that's the main reason I'm putting it out there like this. Accountability. Knowing there is somewhere I have to report to weekly with progress will definitely help keep my fire stoked.

Depending on how well the game/demo is received in the game jam and on here, I'd like it to take the route of Kickstarter and see if I can reach a meager funding goal so I can push CE-5 out within the next year, tops.

Here is my progress for September 23rd, 2015.

    * Demo – 100% (May revision once I get GUI design finalized.)
    * Writing – 50% (Outline heavy at this point.)
    * Character Sprites – 60% (May revise to be cleaner + add more characters)
    * GUI – 25% (Placeholder UI for gamejam, needs replaced)
    * Music and Sound – 40%
    * CG/cutscenes – 20% (I plan to have this be a big game. haha)
    * Misc. Features – 25% (Gallery unlocks, minigames, etc)

Everything said, I'm best described as eager, but hesitant. I feel I could put a good game forward, but I'm not familiar with much and there is a lot of ground to cover. I'll be doing the best that I'm able until the game is finished.


I'd appreciate any constructive feedback. Either comment below, on Twitter, PM, or e-mail.

For those that won't play the demo:

    * Is any of the artwork/artstyle distracting or jarring? Do you feel the characters fit well with the backgrounds?
    * Is the premise of the game worded in an easy to understand fashion? Would you like to see more information presented up front or kept in the dark?

For those that have played the demo:

    * Were the character animations natural-feeling while speaking to them? Any preference on having the characters animated while they speak or the current image-swapped conversation style?
    * Were the music and sounds an acceptable volume? Did they distract you from the gameplay?
    * Which ending did you get? [Mary, Carter, or Jakob's.]

I think that about covers it for right now.

I'll be updating every Monday evening with every little bit of progress I have. Be it a new screenshot, character models, cutscene stills, or just progress and thoughts.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read all of this, play the demo, or just chat with me while I figure all of the visual novel business out.

Prism Projections