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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 101)
p8q - - 101 comments @ Crimean Khanate unit with NTW effects mod

This is how the unit looks like, if i add the mod "Napoleon effects mod".
However, if i add more units, suddently the textures become blurry automatically. Anyone knows how to fix it?


See the solution here in this link in TW Center forum:


Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Pirates Über Alles

Yes, I did that. That changed the settings script to 0GB graphics card memory, causing the textures even more blurry than before. Thanks I had that file backed up.

I made fresh new install of the game before installing this mod. If i have only the game and this mod, that unit alone on the battlefield is low quality texture.

However, if i install Napoleon TW effects mod, combined with this one, I see that unit with high quality.

But in the same conditions, without getting out of the game, if i add more units into the battlefield, then automatically everything becomes horribly blurry low quality.

I have no idea what is automatically lowering quality without me touching any settings, the normal thing should be that FPS lowers instead of graphic settings changing by themselves.

It happens the same with original game without mods, so it's not a problem of this mod, it's a problem of the game itself. No idea how to fix it, i didn't find in the internet anyone else with the same problem. Am I the only one in the world with this problem?


See the solution here in this link in TW Center forum:


Good karma+2 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ Pirates Über Alles

Why are all unit textures so blurry? Any way to fix it, or is the mod like that? (I have the highest graphics settings)

EDIT: I don't know what's going on, but when i have 1 unit in battlefield the texture quality is high, but when i have more than one all textures get blurry automatically. No idea why this happens or how to fix it, first time this happened in my life.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Historical Project Mod

Hi! any way to contact with modders?

I just fixed a bug in file country_budget.gui that didn't allow the tooltip to show information when mouse over pop types in budget.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Cossacks Total War

What's the difference with Empires TW mod? different/new units?

Thank you in advance.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ 000

Muchas gracias por tu respuesta :)

Good karma+2 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ The Sigh of Empire

If you are talking about version 1.9 (Sigh of Empires v1.9), i checked all france and england cavalry unit cards and the game doesn't crash.

Take a look at the log file and tell us the errors. (Take into account that mistakes in "text" folder don't show errors in log file).

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ The Sigh of Empire

Thank you for your answer,

I know how mods work, but installation instructions should be explained for people who don't know.

There are mods that don't need to modify oginal files and there are mods that need it. The safest way to know is reading installation instructions, and i've read from modders installation instructions literally the following words (next i'm copy-pasting their words): "place the files in the "Animation" folder in your main Med2 data file".

"main Med2 data file" is not in the mod's folder, that's the original game files. In fact, there's no "data" file. Data is a folder, not a file.

Are you saying the installation instructions, for this mod in particular, are wrong? because your instructions are totally different.

The mod is working for me, i don't remember what i did, but newcomers should have well explained installation instructions.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Turnovo Tsarevets Model

I have an idea...

Maybe it could work to build a "tower" that's not actually a tower?? I mean, a tower composed by 4 walls in squared shape to look like a tower (with a little hole in the middle, because it's actually 4 walls)??

This 4 walls that compose the tower built thinner than usual walls, so that the tower is not too thick or big.

Maybe that could work?

I have no idea about modding buildings, so i could just be saying something crazy, or it could be a great idea. I don't know.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Tsardoms Total War

Here is the link to the mod Voivods, take a look:


It was uploaded on Nov 9th, 2018. Maybe it's too old to be an unauthorized copy, i have no idea.

I still have to install and run Voivods when i have free time, but judging by the screenshots in mod's site, looks like units are the same (at least Moldavia and Ottoman Emp).

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Tsardoms Total War

I have a question:

Voivods mod is 4.5GB size (compressed). Tsardoms 2.2 is 2.7GB (compressed).

Which one has more units, is more complete, etc... what is the difference? And why units in both mods look the same? Is Tsardoms 2.2 the evolution of Voivods or what's the story behind??

Thank you in advance.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Extended Cultures (XC)

Yeah, you are right! so far i didn't count Hellenistic Legacy. It is two mods in one, NL and NL2:

NL -> 1615 .tga models skins
NL2 -> 2066 .tga models skins

In total without repetition: 3233

wooow.... now you hold the record in the mods i counted so far

Since it is two mods in one, i think we should count NL2 with 2066

\( ゚ヮ゚)/🏆

(Your mod "Extended Cultures V v1.3.5" has 1336. Also very impressive).

Anyone knows of a mod with even more than 2066 .tga skins?? :D

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Dust and Wind 1.62

Thank you very much for the new version :)

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Extended Cultures (XC)

Sorry, but there must be a mistake here:

In the description of this mod they said "with more than 1500 skins". However, i counted how many .tga lines (without repetition) are used in descr_model_battle.txt and the total is 1336 (i didn't count it manually, of course; i did it with spreadsheet, .csv conversion, etc... it only takes 3 minutes).

Therefore, it's 1336 skins in total (mounts, plus captains, plus stand bearers, plus soldiers, etc... everything included).

Anyways, 1336 skins are a lot. Congratulations :)

In the ranking of mods with most skins, "catw 08 Mithridates v0.8.1" mod is winning with 1418 skins in total. Anyone knows about a mod with more skins than that??

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Tsardoms Total War - version 2.2

Thank you.

Also to castle settlements, not just city settlements. 4 modifications in total.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Europe Ancient(Rome 1 But on medieval 2)

(Sorry for long post, but i can't explain in a shorter way).


I just played a custom battle to check if there's some bug i didn't notice before, and i didn't see any problem:

1) Soldiers shoot missiles from chariots, no problem
2) Chariots move or stop, attack or defend, whenever you tell them.
3) Chariots disassemble when they die. Soldiers fall dead, horses fall dead... and they all die covered in blood. No problem of this kind here...

I didn't notice anything wrong. Is there any bug or problem that you know and I'm missing?



CA didn't announce a bronze age game. What they have announced is "Pharaoh", which is going to be only 3 cultures:
Hittite (2 factions), Canaanite (2 factions), Egyptian (4 egyptian factions).

That's it: no "sea peoples", no Thebans, no Babylonians, no phoenicians, no assyrians, no Mycenaeans, no trojans, no Gutians, no Kaskians.... a very long etc...

It's not a game about bronze age, it's a mini game about egypt and a couple of cultures, during the period of bronze age. Extremely limited, extremely lazy.

Plus is going to be run on warscape engine. Unlike M2TW or RTW, that engine is full of bugs, limitations, cut off features, unrealistic combat, units no pushing, horrible combat animations, no collision, units don't fall from walls or bridges, shields and weapons dissapearing from dead bodies, and a very long etc...

(plus horrible blood dlc, unlike "Crimson Tide" mod for M2TW which is the best blood mod we have ever witnessed in a total war game).

In warscape engine i have seen soldiers dissapearing, for god's sake. I've seen youtube videos about warhammer battles where soldiers around the siege engines appear out of thin air, out of nowhere. I can show other youtube videos where units dissapear and reappear somewhere else (teletransportation), where soldiers fall dead from a horse and suddenly they jump back to the horse and keep fighting (reincarnation), in Troy TW where a chariot is not moving, the soldiers on the chariot are not moving either, but all people around it dying without any movement involved (telequinesis?).

RTW and M2TW, unlike warscape engine games, is simulated soldier by soldier, not unit by unit. That's why those bugs don't happen. And that's what many of us like to play something more oriented towards combat simulation, instead of low quality cosmetics.

I could go on saying how wrong is warscape and why i never again play any game in that engine (in spite of rome 2 being my first TW game (and Attila my second)).

It's not only the engine, but all modern saga TW games are too limited in design and scope: too few number of factions or cultures, territory limited to a country or an island.... it's too boring to play egypt all the time. Or just Britain. Or just greece in TroyTW, etc.... (Even europe including north africa and middle east still feels too limited).

I think what most people enjoy is clush of cultures, variety, a wide scope, invade europe with the Aztecs or conquer the americas with the turks... etc... Something realistic and historical, but where you have the freedom to change history.

It's about the scope. For example, bronze age mod for Rome 1 has 17 factions including many cultures, it's much better. It goes from egypt to greece, to india... etc...

The only problem is those bronze age modders didn't work on units textures very much, even though Roma Surrectum III mod proved Rome 1 textures can be the most detailed High quality ever. "Europa Barbarorum II" and "Bulat Steel Extended" mods proved M2TW can have HQ textures, the most detailed and historic you can see. In EBII I've seen the same quality as museum pictures! metal looks exactly like metal, wood looks like wood!! (in fact, many textures are from museum pictures, even faces are from real people. Not only in some mods in M2TW, but also in Rome I. I can prove it).

Modern TW games textures are very cartoonish, like made of modelling clay. Warhammer shields, armor, swords, etc... textures look like made of plastic, as if the soldiers were carrying plastic armor and plastic shields bought in a carnaval shop. That kills all immersion.

(And i don't better start talking about modern TW animations, battle and campaign mechanics, etc...).

Just because newcomers TW players didn't taste the best M2TW mods (vintage high quality wine), don't know what they are missing... and instead got used to cheap tetrabrick wine, that doesn't mean we don't need more high quality wine anymore.

I could go on... but i don't want to get people here bored with details. My point is that for all those reasons (and many more i didn't mention) we would love to see a bronze age mod in M2TW (in spite of what CA is doing lately, because it's been a long time since many of us lost hope on future TW games).

Who knows? maybe one day when i retire i have time to learn how to mod units textures and do it myself... but that's still years ahead :(

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Europe Ancient(Rome 1 But on medieval 2)

yeah, chariots are difficult to mod in M2TW.... but Europa Barbarorum II did it, and they look good. I guess it would be a question to ask EBii modders for permission to copy-paste them and then modify here and there....

Well, motivation is the main thing.

I only know about scripting and modding files, i wish i had free time in the future to learn the rest and do that mod...

Anyways... thank you for this mod. It's really nice and well done! :)

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Europe Ancient(Rome 1 But on medieval 2)

This mod is really nice!

Do you think in the future you could be interested in porting the mod "Bronze age" from Rome TW?? We don't have bronze age in Medieval ii :(

In RTW bronze age mod units have horrible textures (i'm breaking my eyes every time i play a battle), but the mod itself is very interesting. That period have very good units, full of color some of them... rude and wild others.... very interesting.

It would be great if it was ported for M2TW with nice units textures.

(Troy TW is not bronze age, that's.... fantasy age mini TW).

By the way, I made recruitment from population script (as it worked in Rome TW) for this mod. If you are interested i can send it to you :)

Good karma+3 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ Total Bananas - 1099

Finally i made it work!

What i did was to edit medieval2_bananas.bat in notepad++ and deleted everything there. Then i wrote the following:

echo off
cd ..\..
start Medieval2.exe @mods\banana\medieval2.bananas.cfg

Good karma+2 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ Total Bananas - 1099

Thank you,

Commenting almost everything in .cfg was a good idea, but unfortunatelly that didn't work.

However, finally i made it work. I explain how in new post.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ CATW 08 Beta

(I also deleted the file "map.rwm". Most likely not necessary, but i did it just in case).

Good karma+2 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ catw08.1

(I also deleted the file "map.rwm". Most likely not necessary, but i did it just in case).

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ catw08.1

Hoooooo shhhhtttt... that worked!! :D

No CTDs now!

I'm testing the campaign. Playing rome i've already run 94 turns and no CTDs at all, and before i was having CTDs every 5 turns! And I'm doing all superstitious forbiden stuff: quicksaves, loading from game menu, loading from campaign... and still not a single CTD, as solid as a rock.

I have uploaded the names.txt to TWC here in this link:


Follow my instructions there and enjoy this wonderful mod!! :D :D :D

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ CATW 08 Beta

Hoooooo shhhhtttt... that worked!! :D

No CTDs now!

I'm testing the campaign. Playing rome i've already run 94 turns and no CTDs at all, and before i was having CTDs every 5 turns! And I'm doing all superstitious forbiden stuff: quicksaves, loading from game menu, loading from campaign... and still not a single CTD, as solid as a rock.

I have uploaded the names.txt to TWC here in this link:


Follow my instructions there and enjoy this wonderful mod!! :D :D :D

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ CATW 08 Beta

I think i might have found the origin of the problem:

Sometimes i have CTD during AI-turn, sometimes when trying to load a saved game.

According to this website:

Both CTDs happen when
- A new character is generated and not given a valid name.
- A named character has an invalid name in descr_strat.
- Mismatch between descr_names.txt and names.txt

So, i compared descr_strat.txt with names.txt, and it looks like they might be different in many names.

Now i'm going to generate my own file names.txt from descr_names.txt and see what happens.

Good karma+2 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ catw08.1

I think i might have found the origin of the problem:

Sometimes i have CTD during AI-turn, sometimes when trying to load a saved game.

According to this website:

Both CTDs happen when
- A new character is generated and not given a valid name.
- A named character has an invalid name in descr_strat.
- Mismatch between descr_names.txt and names.txt

So, i compared descr_strat.txt with names.txt, and it looks like they might be different in many names.

Now i'm going to generate my own file names.txt from descr_names.txt and see what happens.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ CATW 08 Beta

That new version still have frequent CTD errors.

Thank you anyways.

If anyone knows what can we do to solve the CTD problems i offer my help.

I've found this here:


In Campaign Mode CTDs:
During play/AI turn:
- A family member being generated without a general_unit for the faction.
- A new character is generated and not given a valid name.
- Some building bonuses in the same building level as certain unit recruitment strings (this will happen both during AI turn and when the building is right-clicked).
- Units able to be recruited in EDB but no faction "ownership" for a faction in EDU.
- Units added to descr_rebel_factions.txt but no slave faction ownership in EDU.
- Units added to descr_mercenaries.txt but no mercenary_unit in EDU.
- Bad defined type of unit for army spawned via script file
- Mismatch between export_desc_character_traits.txt and export_VnVs.txt entries causes CTD when viewing the portrait of a named character with the bad trait.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ CATW 08 Beta

The mod is really good, but there's frequent CTD errors in campaign. Is there Anyone who could finish a campaign?

Anyone who knows how to solve them?

I've found this here:


In Campaign Mode CTDs:
During play/AI turn:
- A family member being generated without a general_unit for the faction.
- A new character is generated and not given a valid name.
- Some building bonuses in the same building level as certain unit recruitment strings (this will happen both during AI turn and when the building is right-clicked).
- Units able to be recruited in EDB but no faction "ownership" for a faction in EDU.
- Units added to descr_rebel_factions.txt but no slave faction ownership in EDU.
- Units added to descr_mercenaries.txt but no mercenary_unit in EDU.
- Bad defined type of unit for army spawned via script file
- Mismatch between export_desc_character_traits.txt and export_VnVs.txt entries causes CTD when viewing the portrait of a named character with the bad trait.

Good karma+2 votes
p8q - - 101 comments @ catw08.1

The mod is really good, but there's frequent CTD errors in campaign. Is there Anyone who could finish a campaign?

Anyone who knows how to solve them?

I've found this here:


In Campaign Mode CTDs:
During play/AI turn:
- A family member being generated without a general_unit for the faction.
- A new character is generated and not given a valid name.
- Some building bonuses in the same building level as certain unit recruitment strings (this will happen both during AI turn and when the building is right-clicked).
- Units able to be recruited in EDB but no faction "ownership" for a faction in EDU.
- Units added to descr_rebel_factions.txt but no slave faction ownership in EDU.
- Units added to descr_mercenaries.txt but no mercenary_unit in EDU.
- Bad defined type of unit for army spawned via script file
- Mismatch between export_desc_character_traits.txt and export_VnVs.txt entries causes CTD when viewing the portrait of a named character with the bad trait.

Good karma+1 vote
p8q - - 101 comments @ Dust and Wind 1.56

That worked! thank you :)

Good karma+2 votes