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Hi, I'm omski32 and this is my page about "Final Chaos", a sci-fi-story i am currently writing. Make yourself at home. :)

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The two men are in the same age like Alexej. Tetsuya Tanaka is a japanese university professor and scientist in quantum physics, astrophysics and philosophy in Osaka (Japan). He is a member of an international project called 'Project Unity'. Its aim is unifying mankind to prevent its extinction by another world war. Tetsuya works with a Team of european, chinese and japanese astrophysicians and engineers. This team develops several plans for interplanetary and interstellar travel and colonization. 2 days ago ended a conference of scientists working on similar projects in Seoul (Korea).
The other one is Andreas Mustermann, born in in a small town called Lutherstadt Eisleben, in eastern Germany. He is a professional gamer. In Seoul he just won the second place of a tournament in a popular RTS computer game. Both just arrived from Seoul.
They met in the plane. Their seats were side by side. And they reacted on the others appearance just like Alexej did.There was no similarities in the history of their parents. None of them weren't even in the near of the home country of the other one. 'This strange coincidence shall be proven.', as Tetsuya said.
And it should. In the following time the three men talked for hours each day. They had no idea why they looked like brothers.
2 months after their first meeting at the airport, the European Union started to take DNA-profiles from every single citizen. A very new identity card with biometric data saved on RFID-chips shall be created. There is a similar identity card concept, but those who leaved the EU once own one. Now every citizen in the EU shall receive a new one. But not only in the European Union, also in the North American Union, the South American Union, the Asian Union and the new Oceanic Union (containing Australia, Oceania and Africa) the same procedure is on the way. It should prevent criminality and terrorism, as the government says.

2 weeks after the DNA-profiles of Alexej, Andreas and Tetsuya (who is an accepted EU-citizen) were taken, the European State Police came for them to ask several questions...

the melancholy of Alexej Pawlow

omski32 Blog

Alexej drove his Taxi back to the so-called headquarter. He was not happy because of the fact that his angry boss already went home, he was just a bit relieved. After leaving the keys and the earned money, he went home.
Alexej lived about half a mile from the head quarter in a prefabricated high-rise built in the time the GDR existed. Alex' way home led through a park. As in the rest of the city the park is full of cameras, because of the permanent danger of terrorist attacks. Alexej did not care about them, like every other citizen. He watched the couples walking around. And instantly he thought of her.
As he arrived at home, he turned on the TV and emptied the Vodka he took with him from McDonalds. As always there was nothing of interest shown on TV. He hated it. But not as he hated himself because of his behavior ten years ago. He went to bed. He took his mobile with him. There was still the picture of her shown on the screen. This night he cried himself to sleep again.

April 5th. Alexej has just finished working. He helped his customer with his luggage. After Alexej helped the old man entering the airport, he leand on his car and stayed outside listening to berlin, thinking of the route to his favorite restaurant and thinking of her. Then, two men arrived from behind: "Good evening. Can you..." Alexej turned over: "Excuse me sir, but i've already finished working. Over there is an other..."
Alexej was shocked. He realised, that the two men just look like him. "...what the f*ck?!"

the loved one

omski32 Blog

When he just arrived in Germany, Alexej came to a small town near the Harz mountains in middle Germany. In grammar school he fell in love with a girl he would never forget.
Even years after finishing school he thinks of her. He do not know where she is, but...

March 29th, 2019. Alexej has just finished working. He arrives at McDonalds, the one where his friend Tobias Fuss works. After entering the run-down building Tobias greets Alexej in perfect Mansfeld dialect (Mansfelder Land - former district in Saxony-Anhalt, eastern Germany): 'Greetings, Alex! Wazzup?' 'Not really good.' 'Oh... do you want something?' 'Yeah, a cheeseburger and a McVodka.' 'Ok, that's 17 CU's.' Alexej, taking out his wallet: 'Credit Units, come on! That sucks! We had the Euro since 2002, and then? During this f*cking war, we had nothing. After, still nothing, and then, they said, you guys have the Credits instead of Euros, Dollars and everything. What the hell is wrong with this politicians?' 'I dont know. I don't care about politics. You shouldn't either, man.' Tobias smiles at Alexej, as he always do. Alex do also a bit, then he gives Tobias a 20-CU-bill. Alexej: 'I'm gonna eat it here.' 'I'll bring it to you.' Alexej turns around and sits down. This restaurant looks a bit like McDonalds used to look like. Everything is run down. Mostly, something is sold out, like coke, or cheese burgers. But only in big cities like Berlin. In the former home city of Alexej, Halberstadt, there is still a McDonalds restaurant. But there is noone who has enough money to go there. This restaurant in Halberstadt is going to be shut down.

A few minutes later, Tobias arrives. He brings a cheeseburger and a bottle of vodka. Since 2015, McDonalds sells alcohol. Mostly beer and wine, but sometimes also vodka. Like in the restaurants in Berlin.
Tobias, opening the small bottle of vodka: 'Tell me dude, what's wrong? Is it because of yor job? You told that...' 'That's not he matter. Look.' Alexej takes out his mobile phone. There is a picture of a young woman shown on the screen. Tobias: 'Ouh... it's still about her? How long has it been? For 10 years?' '11 and a half years.' 'Come on! You two went to the same school, you fell in love with her, you two left the school. What's wrong? You should waking the fuck up and go to the Mirage. It is one of the best Discos in the near of my home town. There are a lot of p*ssys! Come on, dude!' 'Shut up. That's not just a p*ssy. I mean... I dream every f*cking night of her...' Tobias is filling both glasses with vodka: 'I think you should drink a bit. Then, drive home and do something useful. I heard, all of the gaming servers are already online...' Tobias is smiling at Alexej as usual. Sassy, maybe cool, but unintentionally. This is the way Tobias is. Alexej is smiling too. Discreet. Thinking of that what Tobias just said. Then, they down their glasses. A few minutes later, Alexej asks Tobias: 'Do you already finished working for today you soaker?' 'No, I've still a few hours to work.'
Both laughed. Alexej laughed because of Tobias' carelessness, Tobias maybe laughed of Alexej because he cares too much of others while suffering of the memories of the young woman called Lisa...


omski32 Blog

Final Chaos is a story about a guy called Alexej Pawlow. He was born in Vladivostok but moved to Germany when he was 10. He started to study medicine, but in 2012 World War III started.
The war ended 10 months later after a nuclear missle was launched against Tehran.
The world has been changed forever. The economy was destroyed, unemployment rose, a North American Union has been founded, the European Union became a state, ...
The Year 2019. Alexej is one of the lucky ones who has a job. He is a taxi driver in berlin, but an incredibly bad one. He is even going to lose his job. But this is not the only problem...