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Oktopus' Winter Uniforms for Mercenaries, ISG, Military and Freedom

Oktopus Blog 1 comment



Give Mercenaries, ISG, the Military and some Freedom dudes somewhat immersive Camouflage for Winter in the Zone

  • Mercenaries
    • will use more North American/commercial camo patterns like Pencott Snowdrift, Multicam Alpine, White tigerstripe etc.
    • Gear like vests and stuff will either be white or a light grey
  • ISG
    • will use European camouflage, since they are supposed to be European special forces
    • i will use Swedish, German, Finnish and French Pattern
    • Gear will be camouflaged white
  • Army
    • will get inverted KLMK and all-white oversuits, since thats whats issued
    • Vests etc. are most likely gonna stay olive
  • Freedom
    • will only get sporadic camouflage (goal is that only like one guy from each squad will have an item like pants or shirt camoed) with old German surplus snowcamouflage

Sneak-Peak for ISG (Swedish Pattern)


Other Projects:

  • Oktopus' ISG Summer Uniforms
    • Replaceing the uniforms with green european camo patterns like Belgian Jigsaw, French CCE, Norwegian Pattern etc.
  • Okropus' ISG Autumn Uniforms
    • Replacing the uniforms with more multicam-esc camo patterns like new Swiss MTZ16, new German Multitarn, British MTP etc.
  • Oktopus' Better Camo'ed Rifles (Arctic Edition)
    • To go well with the winter uniforms, I plan to camo the (camouflaged) rifles variants in a snow scheme