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NOUG4AT Blog 2 comments


This blog will present some ideas and projects that can be ported. However, these are just ideas and nothing more. And so on - what is in development or is ready.

Also, From GoldSrc to Source - In fact, the main goal is to create a page for various minor mods (campaigns for the most part) with some additions to highlight this as a separate mod.


Some featured mods to port (Ideas)

  • Radix by Unq
  • Half-Life : Echoes by MrGnang
  • Half-Life: Black Guard by Braque
  • Half-Life: Sweet by HLMODCHECKER
  • Half-Life: Induction by Hazard Team
  • Hazardous-Course 2 by Richman
  • Life's End by KingDaniel
  • Half-Life: ESCAPE by deciever
  • Half-Life: Xen-Warrior by Wesp5
  • Half-Life Alpha in GOLDSrc by Quakercraft
  • Shift-Two by Mapping-Fusion
  • Half-Life: Before by Gua
  • Cleaners Adventures by [CAd]Liquidator
  • Half Life Prison by thetrap
  • Timeline Series (1/2/3) by Petrick
  • Half-Life Halloween Mod by Swiss_Cheese9797
  • Time's End by Petrick
  • Poke646 by Mindmotor.Studios
  • Ispitatel Series by twenty-one
  • Flat-Life by -chickenfist-
  • HALF-LIFE: Brave Brain by MiroSklenar
  • CaseClosed by EraSerX
  • Times of Troubles by fresco
  • Fate Reversal by Mikko_Sandt
  • Halfquake by mudasheep

Some featured mods to port (Important)

  • Mistake -1 (Pre Mistake) by Ashkandi

Development Diary

  • PARANOIA (Rebuild + Original campaign)
  • Sunfire: Intervention (Maps + Plot)
  • They Hunger: Source (Episoe 2 & 3)

Porting thoughts...


When initially embarking on mapping, my focus was on porting, a task that quickly captured my interest. This interest has endured, as I continue to engage in the transformation of older content, albeit not consistently. I find satisfaction in effecting changes that alter perceptions, particularly in terms of enhanced quality, such as the utilization of higher resolution textures. These alterations, in my view, are essential improvements. My foray into porting began with the porting of models from Goldsource. Initially, I sought out and followed instructions, but over time, I began to experiment and develop my understanding of the process. Since February 2020, I have been actively involved in porting maps. While my early attempts at porting were mediocre and have since been discarded, my current focus is on generating new content. Previously, my porting efforts were limited to maps without models, and I primarily focused on removing outdated entities rather than refining the ports themselves. This manual and time-consuming approach eventually gave way to the discovery of more efficient methods. I view this work as a crucial component of a mapper's professional development, as it involves leveraging the experiences of more seasoned mappers as a foundation for personal growth. This process of learning from and building upon the work of others is pivotal for industry advancement. While I have completed numerous map ports and continue to do so, I strive to complete one port per day and publish it. Additionally, I have undertaken the porting of an entire project, which has provided me with valuable experience and practical skills. Each new challenge, such as porting complex scripts, presents an opportunity for improvement. I welcome constructive feedback and suggestions for enhancing my work. I advocate for continual improvement in my porting projects, including the implementation of enhanced textures and the integration of relief texturing. These enhancements are essential, as low-resolution textures are incongruous and diminish the overall quality of the ports, in my opinion.

maps or models for example. Porting goldsrc to Source.

I covered this topic in my project


Не так давно в публичный доступ была опубликована BETA версия игры PARANOIA 2: SAVIOR.

Интересный билд для тех кто заинтересован в "зловещей" тематике.

Паранойя - это однопользовательская модификация для Half-Life. Вы будете играть роль русского офицера секретной службы. Ваше первое впечатление состоит в том, что эта миссия будет такой же, как и любая другая, но вы действительно не представляете, какие кошмары приготовили вам будущие события...

Так же я обнаружил исходники карт и решил попробовать перенести их в Garry's Mod на движок Source. Но, я не занимался воссозданием сцен, а перенёс полигоны и настроил освещение. Основной целью я ставил - сделать играбельными карты из этой игры. Однако отсутствие сцен, по моему мнению компенсируется тем, что каждый по желанию может расставить "персонажей" и создать так сказать "свою сюжетную линию".

По поводу освещения - не могу утверждать что это соответствует оригиналу, все же работа не была глобальной. К тому же текстуры без карт нормалей, но, я думаю что это не критично. Каждый может опробовать карты, и оценить насколько это качественно и какие недостатки имеют версии для Source Engine. У каждой перенесенной карты имеется Nav Mesh и Ai Nodes для искусственного интеллекта.

Благодарность PARANOIA Team за их труд! Карт всего 15шт.

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BrainBread 2


Half-Life 2: Cremation