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Hello I am Axel Shokk, artist and independent game developer. I like colors. I am the creator of cult art-game TRIP.

Comment History
notxenon - - 7 comments @ THAT

oh no I haven't experienced these bugs but I've had two people show me. I can make a safe assumption that the info_landmarks are taking NPCs along?
I'm not sure how I can filter out anything but the player and global states during map change. I'll look into it, thanks for the info!

Good karma+2 votes
notxenon - - 7 comments @ THAT

The review made me smile, I had a lot of hesitation about making such a game because most people just wouldn't "get it" - but I felt that as an artist I needed to. Mainly because I know there are other level designers or artists out there can do the same exact thing and maybe even better but are hesitant to because of the uncertainty of the feedback. A couple of people I showed this to just weren't interested or didn't like it, even though this may still receive bad reception I feel like it needed to be done to open up new frontiers for both artists and designers.

Stop looking at games so objectively and think outside the box, try something absolutely new just for the sake of originality.

Now for the execution itself, I know there's a lot to be desired but I honestly don't know how I can take this further. I am limited by the fact that I can't program.

Anyway if you'd like to see a bit more of the same, I am working on a considerably larger project. It's called HIKKIKOMORI and it will be an exploration/adventure game taking place on an island, the island will be roughly 4 times the size of 'THAT' and will actually feature NPCs and objectives but will retain a moderate level of abstraction.
You can follow development of it on my tumblr.

Thanks for checking out "THAT" and writing a review for it, I really appreciate everyone who's played the game!

Good karma+5 votes
notxenon - - 7 comments @ Synergy

releasing today 8)

Good karma+1 vote
notxenon - - 7 comments @ Synergy Character


Good karma+1 vote
notxenon - - 7 comments @ Impulse


Good karma+1 vote
notxenon - - 7 comments @ Synergy

aw yeah

Good karma+1 vote
notxenon - - 7 comments @ pumpkinalcohol


Good karma+1 vote