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I am NightFright, active member in Doom, Quake and Duke Nukem 3D communities since 2000. My most prominent contributions so far have been for the Fullscreen Statusbar Mod (Doom), Authentic Model Pack (Quake) and the Duke3D Highres Pack, Duke3D Voxel Pack and the EDuke32 Addon Compilation.

Comment History
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ [GZDoom] Hail the Duke - Voxel Prop Pack

This is content meant for Duke Nukem 3D. You cannot publish this to be used for any other game. It is a violation of the art license which is included with the Duke3D Voxel Pack (voxelpack_art_license.txt).

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Authentic Models for Quake

I have no problems running it with that port. Do you get any specific error/warning or the models just don't show ingame? If so, you might be doing something wrong with the installation.

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Fate of the Damned

RATM is still considered a classic, but improvements are always welcome. Great that some old (but still great) Blood addons get some late attention these days again!

Good karma+5 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Fate of the Damned

Funny, I just discovered this by pure accident when making "Rage Against the Machine" work with NBlood. Guess I'll wait with (re)playing it after the update has been released.

Good karma+6 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Beta 64

Does anybody else get a "P_Startscript: Unknown Script 0" warning message ingame when trying to push a secret button on a pillar in an outdoor area of MAP09 "Profane Paradise"?

Good karma+2 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Doom 64 Sound Bulb: High quality sounds

I am loading Doom64_SoundBulbKEX.WAD with the Doom64 Remaster, but sounds seem to be mapped completely wrong. Is there any special way to load this (I guess -file is the only way, actually) or am I using the wrong file?

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Authentic Models for Quake

If you load the pak files after the ones from Quake 1.5, it should work. However, you will inevitably end up overwriting modified content. If there is stuff you would like to keep from Quake 1.5, one would have to selectively delete entries from the AMQ paks.

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Quake 3 Neural Upscale

Pretty good. I am only using the objects and player skins, though - in a game like this, there's really no time to take a closer look at textures. :)

Any chances there will be also a package for TA (at least for the player skins, maybe - there aren't that many)?

Good karma+2 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Zaero

Is anybody able to provide a compiled YamagiQ2 game.dll file for Windows systems based on latest files from Github.com ?

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Authentic Models for Quake (Rev. #26)

I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. You would have to turn off "Enhanced Models" (in Options/Display) in that case. Naturally, where we used MDL conversions from Quake Enhanced, you wouldn't notice major differences (Ogre and Demon might not clip into the floor any more, though). Otherwise, the new pickup items should still be used.

I would strongly advise against using our custom progs.dat files in Quake Enhanced, however. These might break general game functions of the Kex port.

Good karma+2 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Authentic Models for Quake

If you are referring to the small explosive box (b_exbox2), we cannot confirm this issue. It looks fine in E4M1, for example. You might be using a mod which changes this specific model. Also try r24, it was the last release before the explosive boxes were changed.

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Authentic Models for Quake

This issue was caused by two models that were MDLs renamed to BSP. Latest rev.25 takes care of that.

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ SWC20

It seems Raze is able to run this addon without any crashes or slowdowns!
The first map requires a significant overhaul. Those jumping passages and that deadly lava corridor in particular are very annoying and seem like an attempt to make people stop playing this.

Navigation in "SW World" and "SW Land" is kinda difficult. It took me quite a while to figure out how to continue in the last level after finding all keys (that underwater crack is somewhat easy to miss in such a big map), and in the secret level I actually couldn't figure out how to get the golden master key (and where to use it). Maybe more navigation assistance is required.

Also after killing the boss and pushing the exit switch, the game continues with regular SW maps ("Coolie Mines"), but I guess this is hardcoded and cannot be changed via swcustom.txt.

Other than that, this is a welcome change from the usual SW maps since it adds new settings which deviate from the usual Asian style, e.g. the Star Trek/Matrix levels. Also liked that Blood reference with Caleb. But seriously, change the beginning. It needs to be a lot easier.

Good karma+2 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Slayer's Testaments (with patch 4)

Absolutely ingenious!

Improvement suggestions for the next patch:
- Hide weapon/crosshair/statusbar on level stats screen (after exiting a map)
- Make keycards and skulls rotate
- Correct any occurrence of the word "accessable" with "accessible" (in messages)

Otherwise, a very entertaining Doom Eternal conversion to Quake. Love the gibs flying!

Good karma+8 votes
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Authentic Models for Quake

It should work with any mod out there. However, please note that quite a few of them come with their own custom models which may overwrite some content of this pack.

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ French Meat 2.3

Great release!
Two things I have found playing the first episode so far: In E1M5, when entering the Manager's Office (where you get the Skeleton key), there is a HOM on the wall to the right after you enter the room. Also, E1M6 title won't display correctly ingame since you are using a special character (probably better to use a name like "Cabalcaida"). This happened when using BloodGDX v1.04, Polymost renderer.

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Diablo Infernity - Let's make Diablo1 great again!

I just managed to complete a full playthrough with the rogue using the Oct 7, 2018 build. Besides a few occasional crashes (engine.cpp, apparently the game runs out of memory, maybe a leak?) plus the fact that sometimes infernity.exe must be manually killed off via task manager after closing the game, it's already a pretty neat experience.

Maybe a few things (from Hellfire) can still be added, e.g. auto healing when talking to Pepin and mana recharge when talking to Adria. One-click attacks are also badly needed.

If the new version is even better than this, it's definitely going to be THE vanilla mod for Diablo veterans and newcomers!

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Diablo Infernity - Let's make Diablo1 great again!

That's bad and good news at the same time! I hope you finish the new version in time to profit from the synergy effect of the recent GOG release. This mod has the potential to outshine the GOG port/hack/whatever in every possible way, and all the other mods apply considerable changes to gameplay. Beelzebub is a good solution right now, but unfortunately also quite difficult and apparently abandoned due to lack of updates since 5 years.

Good luck and success with the update then, looking forward to it!

BTW on a side note: The Infernity version available on Github (infernity.zip) seems to be newer than the one uploaded here (Oct 7, 2018) and apparently fixes the item loss (durability then also decreases with usage) and stability issues, at least as far as I can see so far. Shrines seem to be fixed, too. Direct download link: Github.com

Good karma+1 vote
NightFright2k15 - - 19 comments @ Diablo Infernity - Let's make Diablo1 great again!

What I like about this mod:
+ High resolution mode (even if it's still limited)
+ Permanent highlighting of monsters, items, shrines etc.
+ Auto-pickup for gold
+ Fast walk also in dungeon (if not in combat)
+ Informative monster health bar
+ No modifications of monsters, items, skills etc. (= vanilla)
+ Keeps save option from original game (no "Revive in Town" like in Beelzebub)
+ Increased inventory space decreases necessity to open town portals

What I didn't like:
- Random and frequent weapon loss (only recoverable with savegame prior to loss)
- Crashes (e.g. when returning to dungeon via town portal)
- FullHD (1920x1080) not supported yet
- NPCs only recognize active inventory tab (not all 4) when selling items

What could be copied from Beelzebub to improve the mod further:
> Single-click attack mode
> Unlocked "unfinished" quests (maybe even optional)
> Checkpoints every 2 dungeons (even though I could live w/o them)
> (Optional) NPC quest markers ("!")

I am not sure if this is 100% compatible with the GOG.com release of Diablo - I was able to launch the game with it but dunno if it can cause instabilities (however, I see that the weapon loss already existed before, so that's probably due to something else).

The weapon loss issue definitely needs to be addressed ASAP. My rogue lost her bow randomly and I couldn't find anything to prevent it from happening. You could only get your weapon back if you had saved before it happened and loaded the game (even though it may happen again very soon after that).
Also the game shouldn't crash under any circumstances. After my first crash when going through a town portal ("This application has encountered a critical error" / File: C:\Src\Diablo\Source\ENGINE.CPP / Line: 2236), I wasn't even able to get back into the game because the menu stayed black, preventing me from loading a savegame.

With these two major issues fixed, this would already be a very good mod and an excellent alternative for Beelzebub players who would prefer to play the game without major gameplay changes. Please keep working on this, it's absolutely worth it - especially after the recent digital release of the game on GOG.com!

Good karma+2 votes