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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 162)
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Enjoying the release so far, but there wasn't anything new for DE? ;O

Good karma+1 vote
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Install Protocol (THB) - NOT THB RELEASE!

How do you guys remove the Old UA mods? Do you simply remove the module? :/

Good karma+1 vote
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Install Protocol (THB) - NOT THB RELEASE!

Does anyone have a good way to remove the previous versions of the mod?

Good karma+1 vote
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ DOW Ntcore executable (Steam Only)

Should I download this? I like the idea because everytime I play online with my friend I always get these 1:30 Minute delays between my commands over the course of the game. Would this extra 4gigs help? Lol...where does it come from? is it some sort of cloud? Does it even work?

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

I have a question, upon downloading all of the other stuff ( Daemonds/IDH ) I realized that there was infact 14 races for download, so... my question is can all of those races be played in UA? ;O

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ To celebrate a person's birthday! With a Screenie!

The arrogance of this newborn race Amuses me. Child, The Tau are not the most advanced race and they are only acknowledged to be tech like because oh how much they have advanced in so little time. The Eldar and Humanity were once highly advanced beyond comprehension... They too relied on A.I and other various teachings and life aspects as the Tau do... And look at them now. The Eldar die out and the Humans are nothing but a dwarf compared to the power and technology they once wielded. As those before you, you too will fall into this trap.

Good karma+5 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Some THB screenshots by our Beta testers

Loving the variations in the Sisters!

Good karma+5 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Some THB screenshots by our Beta testers

I am really impressed! :OO

Good karma+4 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

After examining the mod for the past few days I must say I enjoy what you've done with the mods guys! I've been with this mode since if first appeared..( Back when all the mod did was have an huge unit cap!

I am just wondering, what is up with the Warboss? Is it like impossible to kill him 1v1? The guy just runs up to my heros and 2 shots them and then proceeds to wreck half of my army single handedly. Is this a form of balance for the orks or?

Good karma+1 vote
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Kimmy⠀Kat

Ugh, I love Megaman ( Especially megaman X ). I knew I heard the song from somewhere... I really do hope that miracle will happen as the Witch hunter mod was amazing! >;L

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Nevermind, I found the link that will lead me to the Tyranids mod

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Thank you for the swift reply Cylarne. I've returned from long exile to indulge in your teams glorious creation ( Mostly just for the Dark Eldar stuff). Is there perhaps a link to guide me to the location where I may dowload the right Tyranid mod??

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

I haven't a clue if this has been answered yet but does Demonhunters/Tyranids Still need to be downloaded apart from the game or no?

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Kimmy⠀Kat

This music sounds really familiar. Like something i've heard from a Sonic game. And your background reminded me of the Witch Hunter Mod. I wished they finished that mod... xD

For Commaragh!

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

I'm really glad to have gotten back on this mod, I've been nothing but satisfied. I have a problem though that ruins the entire thing for me though. Ever since the new servers were introduced (Sega) I've ran into a problem For reasons unknown throughout the course of the game I will start to have delays... like 9 second delays between when I give an order and when they actually execute said order... It has even went up to 1:34 long delay. Is there any way I can fix this..?

Good karma+4 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Okay, well now I just get "Failed to activate the requested game."

Good karma0 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

NVM. Do I still need to Download the Nid/DH mods are are they Finally in the mod all together..? You guys know it has been awhile since I played, checking back in to see if the balance has been fixed.

Good karma0 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Can someone please mail me the instructions to install the game Dx

Good karma0 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ (OUTDATED!) Ultimate Apocalypse Patch - 1.72.7

Hello everyone, i'm back. I have been traversing the warp but finally I am back. I haven't played U.A.M in a long..long time.... So I am clueless as to what needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled...all of this...(Out of date) stuff has me nervous. If someone could please get back to me... I want to be completely up to date with this stuff...

My version is the Grand Release...when it first came out. I have the DA and Nids installed into it as well.

Good karma0 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Dark Prophecy MOD 0.4.7

Lol Warsmith. ;D

Good karma+1 vote
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Haha, random starting locations.. that is a good idea. Also, is it just me or do they use global abilities on the unlucky player 1 as well.. Like IG's bomb drops..

Good karma+3 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Hello. I have a huge issue. Okay.. so I really love this mod...and always have.. BUT People... Has no one played a FFA? I've played about 3-4... Now i'm done. The very second.. any of the AI get a nuke...they dump it on me... regardless of how well I am doing.. EVEN if their is an enemy who has a overwhelming advantage..... They will nuke me.. and they don't waste any time.... it happens before the game even has a chance to inform that they have one.

I am sure some will say to disable nukes... Um.. No.. That is part of the UAM. How're you supposed to play when you are the only target of 7 Nukes... everytime!

Idk if it is possible to fix this, but please look into it. :\

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ No Data \ Information Classified

This..... is ******* epic

Good karma+9 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Hello, I really love this mod..it is great.. I have to ask though... Is it possible for you guys to like... remove that one bomb that guard has... It like....destroys all of my infantry ...Very Very VERY annoying and overpowered... it would help if there was some sort of warning.

Good karma0 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ (OUTDATED!) Ultimate Apocalypse Patch - 1.71

I keep getting this.

"Failed to activate the selected game."


Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ (OUTDATED!) Ultimate Apocalypse Patch - 1.71

I..have returned. After a Eon of sleep...It is time for me to wreck havoc with a mod such as this. I've been waiting three.. long...years for the grand release.. As always of course, I have a few simple questions.

In the description it says that you need to install newraces/XP2 I can not find this anywhere.

Good karma+2 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

I know! Dark Prophecy looks amazing!

Good karma+4 votes
Pharaoh-of-Unrest - - 162 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Sigh... The UAM team has worked what.. two years? Now everyone is ripping their stuff off? Pathetic. I mean it is okay so long as they have the blessings of the UAM Gods..

Good karma+1 vote