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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 227)
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

You have said that the games engine has its limits and you can't improve AI all the way. But is it possible to improve that friendly AI will come to your aid when your camp/castle is under attack?
Almost 8 minutes into 2v2 game and I get overrun by Brutal AI while Friendly AI just casually attacking the other Brutal AI and not giving a damn about me :(

Good karma+3 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Question: are you going to use the lines Galadriel said in BOTFA when she banished Sauron from Dol Guldur?

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

I am now seriously praying to God and crossing my fingers that 4.5 will be released before September 2018. I know I said I'm a patient man and willing to wait because this mod is awesome and free but I'm slowly starting to loose my patience.

Thankfully I have so many things planned for this summer so I have little time to play Edain.

Good karma+6 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Middle-earth Extended Edition

New here. Which files to download in order to play this mod? Thanks!

Good karma+2 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

I know I said I'm a patient man and I'm willing to wait for updates but I really hope that the next version will be released before or in June 2018. Why that date?
I'm too busy serving my country right now. But when I come back home, I have something to play.

Good karma+14 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Just because progress is slow here in moddb, doesn't instantly mean that this mod is dead. Modding-union.com pretty much shows that this mod is very well alive. The amount of great ideas I've read there in the forum show that this mod is pretty much alive and moving.
I love this mod and I think it's the greatest mod for BFME 2 ROTWK.
I have been waiting for a long time too and I will continue to do so because I have a life I want to live.
Keep up the good work Edain Team!

Good karma+6 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

If you don't care then why you still here? Only whine and complain. Get lost! People like you are not needed here.

Good karma+6 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Learn to be patient and understand that this mod is FREE. People who work on this mod want to live and enjoy life too. I would understand you if you had to pay money for this mod and need to wait so long for an update. You can give your criticism but constant complaining and whining won't bring the next update to you faster. Be patient or leave! I have waited long time too but I'm willing to wait. I want to live life too.

Good karma+5 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

So as I understand the next version, 4.5, will be big because it includes the Siege update + new spellbooks?

Good karma+2 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Thanks for the help everyone!

Good karma+2 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Thanks for the help! :)

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

So I want to download this mod again.
And as I understand I first need to download S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - LOST ALPHA v1.3000 - Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 AND install the game.
Then download and install v1.3003 Patch and after that I can download Lost Alpha v1.4000 Developer's Cut and finally play it. Is this the right order?

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Hello! I would like to know what are the system requirements for this mod!? Probably higher than ones of Shadow of Chernobyl? Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

How about you stop whining and demanding for an update.

Edain team ain't some professional developers (no offense) like CD Projekt Red or Naughty Dog, they do this mod on their free time (I think) and they want to live life too. Plus it's free. Don't complain about free stuff, complain about stuff you pay for.

You may give your feedback on what is wrong with this mod like bugs, glitches, things to improve etc. But keep the negativity away. That doesn't do anything good.

And for what I understand the siege update looks big + the new spellbooks. Not to forget Ea leaving the team also might have impacted their work.

So be you have two options: wait or leave! I have been waiting for months but I ain't complaining. I respect Edain team and I'm willing to wait.

Have a nice day!

Good karma+5 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

You will be missed. Thank you Ea! Good luck in life! :)

Good karma+4 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

I would like to know too why Ealendril left!

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

And that is one thing that makes me sad and angry, that fans of this mod don't understand that people in Edain team have lives too that they want to live. They are working on their free time to gives us this mod for FREE!!!

Good karma+6 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

You can download and play this mod for free. People, who made this mod and constantly improve it every day, have lives too you know.
And they are not professional developers either(no offense).

People should not complain all the time and demand the next update for something they get for free.

If we had to pay for Edain mod, then yes, I would understand the negativity and complaining!

Share your opinions on flaws that this mod has, like OP heroes, weak units, glitches and bugs. Negativity doesn't do any good and complaining won't give you anything either.

Good karma+5 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

The new spellbook looks fantastic. I like the faction spell idea and able to choose between offensive and defensive.
Good job Edain Team! Can't wait to use the new spellbook!

Good karma+2 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Merry Christmas Edain team and the community! Stay safe and be kind to one another! :)

Good karma+9 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

I suggest you to post these kind of issues, suggestions etc. to the forums: Modding-union.com
Posting here might guarantee that they will get lost in the comment section and might not get noticed by Edain team.

Good karma+3 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Ships are so weak. A regular unit of mordor arches took out my upgraded battleship so fast. I only managed to kill few of the archers! Ridiculous!

Good karma+3 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

I only use catapults to take town enemy arrow towers in their camps/castles so heroes and upgraded units can destroy the buildings while not getting killed by them.
Never use rams because AI never closes gates.
Mines are useless cause berserkers never reach them alive.
Never have used ladders and never will.
I find wall catapults useless, because they only damage they cause are to my own walls, units and buildings.

Good karma+2 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Wow, I somehow managed to pick up the ring for myself then somehow bugged the game and spawned another Gollum. I wanted AI to pick the ring up but sadly AI didn't pick up the ring. I would have wanted to see an epic clash between Sauron and Galadriel(cursed)!

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

When will you people realize that Edain Team ain't some professionals (not saying that you are bad at your job). These people have lives too and want to live them. Be happy that you are getting this mod for free. And you need to learn to be patient.

Good karma+4 votes
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

I don't know if Dwarven AI should be like that or it's a bug but AI can summon heroes from all 3 factions. I saw Dwalin and Dain on the battlefield. Also it could summon heroes that can only be summoned from other buildings. AI can summon Bard from the citadel instead of Laketown.

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Just out of curiosity, what are your plans for the future after you have released all the factions? I've heard campaign is yet to come too but what after that? End the support and move on with your lives?

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

So your issue is that ents won't throw rocks over the walls?

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

Wait, was there an update released recently?

Good karma+1 vote
Wizga - - 227 comments @ Edain Mod

So there is basically nothing I can do when Gondor AI summons the Army of the Dead?! I just have to watch my units and heroes getting slaughtered?!

Good karma+1 vote