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I play the games I sometimes open up hammer Source 2 pls

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Another blog!

MrSkwidge Blog

Well approximately a year after the first heres the second...

My computer has been upgraded significantly (replaced would be a better word) so now i can map properly. Been doing lots of random maps for randomness and possible mod ideas and i hope to put some screenshots up soonish.

Also trying to learn galaxy editor now (Starcraft 2 engine) but i spend way more time on source and games themselves now my computer can run something post 2006 without blowing up.

Anyway i will try getting screenshots up at some point and maybe another blog.

First blog...

MrSkwidge Blog

Right blog um...

Well i like gaming (a lot) and source, source is good fun and i actually have started on a mod but its mostly just ideas/drawings/wordpad documents and a few prepreprepre - alpha maps.

Also im not doing much with it until my computer gets replaced

Anyway enough about that i will try to make some new blogs and should have plenty of time after my exams are done but right now its just me and the games (and the fairly horrific internet speed of mine)