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Love video games, love learning new things. Currently working on scary game because I like scary game. Also really enjoy eyeballs.

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MrTwitchyEye Blog

"I have never felt so alone. So tired. So trapped. But at least it's better than being out there. I don't want to think about the thing that's waiting for me out there. In my mind that thing has taken several possible forms: Some sort of creature could be waiting to devour me -- depraved, suffering people, wanting to kill me and steal everything I have -- a harsh, desolate wasteland where I would spend weeks, maybe months wandering only to die of dehydration or starvation -- or maybe worst of all, the one I've thought about the most -- nothing."
~ A.

Hello everyone! I've done quite a bit more work since my last blog post. I've done lots of modelling and level design, and I think I've settled on a real concept for the story of this game as well.

Screenshot 2024 05 19 141113

So to start off, I've changed the layout of the desk the player sits at, to keep the two computer monitors more center-screen. I've also been playing around with some post process shading, giving certain objects a pixelized look, in order to contrast with a more realistic environment.

I'm also working towards modelling everything in the room myself. This is a personal goal of mine, and even though it might be unnecessary, I think it will add to the style of the game. I started off using a few premade assets mixed in with my own, and I think I will still use a couple, but first choice will always be my own. I love 3D art and I've decided this is a great way to improve my skills.

I've also added a few cool little interactable things in the room:

InteractionClip 1

I've built a portion of a map for the disk on the screen to travel around, and been playing around with outline shaders on really simplistic models. So far I'm really liking how it looks.


And that's most of what I've done since last time. The rest of the work is all very story related and I don't want to talk about that too much. The story is important to me. It's personal, and I want people to experience it without knowing anything about it except maybe a few hints I throw out here and there.

Anyway, that's all for now, I hope this was at least somewhat interesting to read, and I look forward to updating everyone again next week!

DIRECTORY Preview (Working Title)

MrTwitchyEye Blog

I decided since last blog I barely showed any of the actual game, I should probably put together something that shows more of my work.

I've had nothing to do this week. I've just been working on this. I hope you enjoy it.

Making My First Game

MrTwitchyEye Blog

Hello whoever is reading this!

I'm a recent college graduate and 3D artist, desperately wanting to get into game development however I can. I'm currently working on my first game, and just wanted to post about it somewhere and talk about my
experience working on it. I'm loving how it's turning out so far, and I have a ton of ideas of where I want to
take this project. Even if it ends up going nowhere, I've already gained a ton of experience, and just wanted to share my work with whoever might want to listen.


I love bizarre, surreal horror games, particularly ones that play with perspective and have an interesting message or theme. I also love sci-fi, specifically cyberpunk and biopunk, and some of my favorite games are Control, Death Stranding, and Omori.

So all that said, you can probably imagine the type of game I want to create. Or at least the type of
atmosphere and story. So the idea for the game is... a bit odd, but odd ideas are always the best ones... right?

The game will take place from the perspective of a character sitting at a desk. A directory map (of sorts) will be displayed on an old computer cobbled together with miscellaneous parts, and a second monitor lies to the right, which should display all the text as the player controls a disk and explores the map.

A second layer of gameplay will be added on to this, though, because the player will be able to look around the room from their office chair, and get the character to comment on different objects and things around the room, point and click style.

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I don't want to give too much else away, but that's the gist of it so far. I know probably none of this was particularly interesting, but I just hope someone is reading this. Working on this project has been draining, in more ways than one, and my anxiety doesn't help. But I'm excited to finally be creating something, my mind has been so full of ideas for so long and I'm finally getting to put them to good use.

Anyway, thanks for reading, whoever you are!