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mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

How hard is it to change the Squadron Reduction addon?

Would love for there to be a middle ground between the full size squadrons and just 1 fighter per squadron.

Maby a 50% reduction.

So for Fighters thats from 12 fighters down to 6 (for the CIS)for a squadron.

I love to where you can see fighters zipping around but in larger matches (4-8 players) with large fleets the lagg becomes real (in MP)
And my guess is that can largley be attriputed to the fighter swarms.

Since when 4-8 players each have over 200 fighter squadrons in there fleets it gets to alot of individual fighter models.

But at the same time i think it feels wrong to just minimize them down to a single Fighter per Squadron.

So =P how hard would it be to personally change it to maby half of the "standard" squad sizes.

I love this mod but in larger battles it can become a tad laggy ^^

Good karma+2 votes
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

Ok thanks for the comment =P.

Still feel like a CR-90 or a Nebulon B would make for a better scout then a large dedicated cruiser =/ but thats just my opinion.

And also i was just asking questions did not mean to be rude and dont understand why somone gave me Negative Karma for that comment =P.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

Why is the MC80a called the MC80 Wingless? (from what i understand its the same design)

From what i understand the MC80a is the "proper" name =P.
And also i dont remember the Assault Frigate MK II as being the Scout for the Alliance is that new for this update or do i just remember things wr

It just dosent make sense for a combat ship with a crew of upwards of 5000 men to be a light scout ship =P.

There are plenty of more suitable ships for the Scout duty then the quite large (for a frigate) Mk II.

The CR 90 comes to mind =P

Even the EF 76 Nebulon-B (Escort Frigate) makes more sense are a scout ship then the MK II Assault frigate =P Since its a much smaller and weaker ship with a smaller crew =P.

The Assault Frigate MK II is supposed to be 700m long (with a MC80 being 1200m in comparison)

while the Nebulon is just 300m and the CR-90 is 150m.

The MK II assault frigate was not alot smaller/Weaker then the MK I but in here they are completly different =P. (one being a capable heavy frigate and the other being a very weak Scout ship)

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Star Wars: Thrawn's Revenge II: Ascendancy

I think the UI needs some work.

Its great and something different but it needs some Tuning its a bit confusing atm.

Good karma+3 votes
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

is it only active for a short time and then goes offline or?...

Since built a number of Super macs in the first Hour of my game.

Im now 4 hours and they are all still Offline.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

how long do you have to wait?

Ive had a pair of them for about 1h of play time and they still appear to be offline =P. And thanks for the Quick and helpfull Resp

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

Dose the Oribal Defense Platfrom (super mac) work atm?

I can build them but they say Weapons offline?

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

Is there any thought to make some of the "upgrade" visual effects smaller?

Some of the skills currently have quite visible visual effects (glowing light beams etc)

I feel they take away from the game to some extent and dont really fit the starwars Universe =P.

They also take way from the awsomelooking Ship models =P.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

is there any way to not make it instant capture though?.

Since im ok with 100% success rate if the capture takes some time maby 5-15 sec?

So you can seperate the effected ship etc.

Also would it be possible to create a Tech upgrade to counter the flood capture.

Lets say an upgrade that makes the Crew of a Boarded ship overload the ships powercore Etc loosing the ship but not letting the enemy capture it (as a Tech upgrade some way in atleast for the USNC)

Dont get me wrong i want the flood to be hard and very dangerous but i find the instant captures not only to be "unrealistic/noncannon" but its also annoying.

Its one thing if you see a ship is being captured and then u prepare to counter it but when in a larger fight ship after ship after ship is insta captured it really feels OP.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

not asking for canon number of startfighters.

Just slightly more then currently.

How easy is it to change the number of fighter squads for ships?

would it be possible to add addon or opionals?

Ive never had any Problems with lagg in mods with many fighters (other starwars mod with fleets with 120-150 starfighters on each side etc)

But im not asking for that just more then 3 fighters for a captial ship.

Hell id rather have smaller "squadrons" but more of them so you can have more diversity.

Lets say instead of 1 squadron of 3 make it 2 or 3 squadrons of 2 so you can have different types of fighters etc.

But optimal would be "Squadrons" of 4 with atleast 2-3 for Captial ships.

But thats just my only real gripe with this mod.

Anyway keep up the good work with the mod =).

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Star Wars: Interregnum

just 1 minor thing.

I feel ships should either be given more Fighter squadrons or the Squadron size should be larger.

Since it feel wierd to have capital ships with 3-6 fighters...

For example the MC80 can have a single Squadron of fighters so thats 3 fighters.

While in the canon it could hold 10 squadrons.

Squadron size for both Imperials and the Rebel Alliance where 12 fighters in a squadron and the squadrons where split into flights of 4.

So the ingame "squad" size should probably be changed to 4 vessels.

And Capital ships like Mc80s or victory 1 SDs should at the very least have 1 squadron (3 flights of 4)

And some ships like the victory 2 dosent seem to have any fighters what so ever (even though the Vic 1 has 1 squadron)

So please more starfighters.

Even if you have to nerf the effectiveness to keep the balance i think more starfighters is a must.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

While i feel the Flood should be powerfull.

Atm the Spores are a bit to strong.

They should not instantly capture ships with what seems like a 100% success rate.

since atm if just a single spore gets through to a ship that ship is lost directly.

and the thing is in order to try to survive from Spores u have to kite them (run to give ur fighters more time to hit them)
but doing that lets the enemy ships just pick you apart.

Is it possible to reduce the chance for the Spores to capture ships?

Maby 20-40% for each spore depending of the ship type.

so numerous spore groups might have to hit a ship before taking it.

And also id suggest making it like it is with Forts etc so they are lost over time and not instantly.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of the Prophets

I like the Swarm But maby nerf the "fighter" spores a bit.

They should not take over ships instantly like they do =P.

Especially when it seems like its 100% success rate if they do reach a ship.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Victory I-class Star Destroyer Command

I to cant wait for the next Update with the new visual models etc =)

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

Nevermind now its working fine =P i had installed it incorrectly.

Side note would it be possible to make the effects around some of the Capital ships (from abilities) Optional.

Some some abilities / skills (passives) cause partical effects around the ships kinda like Air wenting or rays of light etc.

Personally i find it takes away from the experience (it looks out of place) and distracts you from the beautiful ship models.

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Sins of a Galactic Empire

any1 else having stabillity problems?.

Love this mod but ive been having Crashes every 30 min or so =(

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ Infinite Space

hmm would it be able to scale the weapon effect and hit effects aswell.
Since the ships are 75% smaller all the effects seem way to large.
For example when a Laser impacts a ships shield and there is a blue flare the flare is usually much larger then the ship itself.
Other then that Scaling problem this mod is awsome and should be default

Good karma+3 votes
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ MP40

if u need any Beta testers i would kill for the chance =>

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ DarthMod Ultimate Commander Patch 6,2->6,6

Feerst? sry could not resist ^^ love this mod so badly best ever

Good karma+2 votes
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ MechWarrior: Living Legends

Hello i have downloaded it and installed it (from here) First time i managed to join a server (Crashed on 100%) and now when i try to Go Multiplayer the Game Crashes to Desktop Help plx =P i have the Steam Version of the game

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ MechWarrior: Living Legends

Hello i have downloaded it and installed it (from here) First time i managed to join a server (Crashed on 100%) and now when i try to Go Multiplayer the Game Crashes to Desktop Help plx =P

Good karma+1 vote
mattebubben - - 22 comments @ MWLL Beta V1.0

i downloaded from here and install and everything start up all good go to Multiplayer and log in all good enter server all good 100% Crashes to Desktop starts up again Tryes to enter Multiplayer Crashes to Desktop what should i do plx =P ( i have Patched)have Tryed to Reinstall Crysis aswell (i have Steam Version)

Good karma+1 vote