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marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Covert Ops

No. This is for EDGE CLASSIC only.
I am a long time Zandronum, GZDoom, ZDaemon, Odamex, DoomsDay etc.
I play every mod for every engine I can find the time for.
I have been playing Doom since iD overloaded university servers with the shareware release.
If You have problem getting this to run, PM me.
DooM will live forever, SCREEENCAP DIS!

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Astral Pathfinder

I had difficulties launching EDGE-CLASSIC mods from Doom Explorer, so I installed ZDL thusly: (EDGE default folders are normal font, my folders are in ALL CAPS.)

PS C:\Users\Marco> cd K:\Doom\EDGE-CLASSIC
Folder PATH listing for volume KILLMAZE
Volume serial number is 349A-DA11
│ ├─blasphemer
│ ├─doom
│ ├─doom1
│ ├─doom2
│ ├─freedoom1
│ ├─freedoom2
│ ├─hacx
│ ├─harmony
│ ├─heretic
│ ├─plutonia
│ ├─rekkr
│ └─tnt
│ ├─current
│ └─slot000

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Heretics of DooM PublicBeta UP1

Latest version I have is
Heretics of DooM (01-09-2018).pk7
Size: 9,439,169
CRC-32: 4BF32377
MD-5: c78d92c9d4d1e958abcc966488dd8697
I was looking for newer version too, cause Succubus class is clearly unfinished. It's still fun.

There's 'Heretical Doom 1.5' which is a lot more polished but only has Corvus, plus some variants are mentioned in this thread:


Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Brutal Doom Platinum v3.0

I concur, most of the Complex Doom Clusterfuck server I have played on lately have been unplayable garbage. There is such as thing as "too much".

Good karma+2 votes
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Elementalism

Mod has amazing art direction, music but not sure about the layout in E3.
I got the red key and thoroughly explored all accessible areas, but I cannot find anything to use the red key on, nor any way to get the yellow or blue skull keys. "Big Brain Mapping" indeed!

I may be a bit dense but I don't like overly mazelike, cryptic layouts like E3. I prefer maps with more conveyance, like Going Down or Return To Saturn X. Perhaps one or two of those engraved stone tablets giving hints would have helped less patient players like myself.

I have found a walkthrough video for E3 at Youtube.com

Good karma+3 votes
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Aces Wild : Manic Brawling Action!

2022 - Ace Wild -- I am forgotten...

Game no longer runs (Windows 10 64-bit), .exe crashes on start.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Brutal Hell Royale

Bu- but that's a double negative!

How is that allowed?

Shouldn't it be 'sv_allowbots true'?

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Brutal Hell Royale

what's the RCON command for adding bots?

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Brutal Hell Royale Version 1.0

BHR1.ZIP does not contain the DoomSeeker settings.ini as described in the readme.txt. Can you please post the .ini here?

Good karma+2 votes
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Eoa Eternal Hellomemy V5

I'm guessing the Super Shotgun doesn't have the grapple?

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Brutal Hell Royale

The .ini mentioned in the README seems to be missing from the 1.0 distribution (BHR1.ZIP). Can you upload it seperately please, or post the settings in your reply?

Thank You! ^_^

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ LAZARUS MOD - Doom 4 Weapon Emulation Mod

What's the command to throw the grenade? Couldn't find it in any of the menus...

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Goldeneye Doom2 Edge Standalone - Beta 4

Me and my buddy tried to run a multiplayer session, but we could not find each other. We tried regular method (NAT port forward 26710 to local IP) and also tried RadminVPN to emulate a LAN over IP (we play Sacred that way).

Does EDGE even support multiplayer over TCP/IP? The menus in 1.36d.exe make it appear as though only LAN play is supported.

If someone continued this project as a Zandronum TC, or port it to ZDaemon or Odamex, that would get a bit of play, but I never played Goldeneye on N64 so I am not a big enough fanboy to go through all that effort.

The other Goldeneye TC for Doom ][ I tried (distributed on IDGAMES archive as 'goldeneyedoom2.zip') wasn't distributed with a DEH patch, but a custom executable for DOS that doesn't work in Windows 10 of course.
I was too lazy to figure out how to run it in DOSbox with IPX support.

There was yet another version, distributed with filename 'gedoom2.zip', that includes a DEHACKED lump inside gold64.wad, which works with Zandronum. I haven't had time to test it on an online server yet though.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Goldeneye Doom2 Edge Standalone - Beta 4

The DOOM2.WAD that is included it actually Freedom Phase 2. It's totally legally replacement of the commercial DOOM2.WAD.
Check Display Options within setup to set resolution and fullscreen mode. I like that EDGE engine has chunky fonts!

you are right about the menu cursor tho, not gonna lie.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Goldeneye Doom2 Edge Standalone - Beta 4

This is a stand-alone release, all files required to run the mod are included. It uses Freedom to replace the assets of the original game, so you don't need to buy Doom ][ to play. Just install it into its own folder and run the ddfge64.bat.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Chasm Portable

This worked really well on my system (Win10, Ryzen7, AMD RX470, FreeSync), I could select 640 x 480 on the in-game menu, and got correct aspect ratio. Only during the intermission/briefing do I get noticeable screen tearing.

Great job!

I have never even heard of this game, and I read magazines like HYPER during the time of Quake's release so I imagine it sank under the radar. This has some great pixel art on the textures, low-poly modelling is fine and is very competently done, but it's no Quake or Doom.

Also the wind generator in the first map is completely baffling -- it looks like the devs thought wind generators made the wind, rather than utilized the wind to make electricity.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Korax Mod 5.2

That initial area with the Ettins is way harder than vanilla Hexen, they take so many hits! I guess the mod starts the player weak to make the satisfaction of leveling up all the greater.

I wish I could turn off screen filtering entirely, though.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Live Through DOOM - Survival Gameplay

Since updating LitDoom to 0.57b, I adjusted the resource difficulty settings to Soldier, Heal On Earth and Bastion Main, and played Survivalist class on second lowest difficulty.
HP-Damage 100%-100%

Unfortunately STRAIN softlocks on MAP20. It uses custom enemies and DEHACKED patches and is not really compatible with any mods. The version included in Compendium (single file collection of megawads, popular on servers) might be the 'vaccinated' version, haven't tried that one yet. I might try it once I get a new system so I can try higher difficulties as well.

DEATHLESS.WAD, DTWID.WAD and D2TWID are all good for beginners to try with LitDoom.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Live Through DOOM - Survival Gameplay

I'm testing 0.51 BETA with STRAIN.WAD on lowest skill HMP. With very careful play, I can beat the first two maps, but the double Arachnotrons on MAP03 shrug off anything I can throw at them. I thought maybe that's what those rare magnum rounds were for, but they do nothing against the 'Trons. I think maybe magnum shot should be super powerful like the SSG in OG DooM and kill baby spiders in two shots? I think of Magnum in Resident Evil games, how it's such a precious commodity but also an equalizing ace-in-the-hole.

I suppose I could always do the edit myself for my own use.

Anyway I tried this and HD and I like Lit better.
I'm a big apologist for BD and I think Mark-V-haters have a case of ressetiment.
The Lit design is more streamlined and approachable for a mod vet* such as myself. (*My Doom Explorer install has 135 mod packs defined)
Love the new assets, particularly the bandaging animations are really good.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ 500 Milliliters of /vr/ : A Blood Community Project (v5)

Greatly enjoying this, thanks Smooth Skin, Streaky & WhirledTsar.

I have a question, the spider in Rodent Rebellion drops the spider key, where is the spider lock to use it in? I found a boy looking for his dad in a secret area, presumably that fifth and final secret area is behind the spider lock and his dad is there?

Also there's a tiny frozen Jack Torrence near the beginning by a pile of trash bags, why is he so small haha.

(Using BuildGDX)

Good karma+3 votes
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ EOA Eternal Crucible Fix

ZIP file is corrupt

Good karma+2 votes
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Doom Delta v2.2

Hello DooM DeltA KreW, I have a problem running your mod.

I have tried GZDooM 4.4.2, 4.5.0 and 4.6dev, I get the following error:

LoadActors: Load actor definitions.
Script error, "DoomDelta_v2.2.1.pk3:zscript/delta/hud_base.zsc" line 460:
Unknown identifier 'fullscreen'
Script error, "DoomDelta_v2.2.1.pk3:zscript/delta/hud_base.zsc" line 460:
Unknown identifier 'fullscreen'

Execution could not continue.

2 errors while parsing DECORATE scripts
[12:00 PM]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Good karma+2 votes

This is great!

My load order:

..\wads\music\hqpsxmus.wad [optional]
..\wads\megawads\compendium.wad [replace with whatever level pack you want]
doors-stay-open.pk3 [optional, personal preference]
..\wads\weapons\Embers Of Armageddon\EOA Assets.pk3 [old DOOM4 (2016) style]
..\wads\weapons\Embers Of Armageddon - Eternal\EOA Code.pk3 [NEW]
..\wads\weapons\Embers Of Armageddon - Eternal\EOA-Eternal-new.pk3 [NEW]
..\wads\monsters\Shades Of Doom\ShadesV3.pk3 [replace with monster pack of your choosing]

Looking forward to the next version. Need to get a new PC to play id's Eternal so I can understand how to play this one better.
Previous EOA, the DOOM4 (2016) style, I know you get the little bots to unlock weapon mods, dunno how it works here. And Eternal does not have argent energy sphere either? Hmmm...

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Slayer's Testaments

What source port are you using? I can't get out of the config menu, F2 just opens the SAVE GAME screen.

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ ZION v8 Alpha HD Mod (Only 1 Full .pk3) (692mb)

Worked for me in GZDoom 4.4.2, your experience may vary.
Yet another DOOM4 demake for DooM ][. Interestingly, this one doesn't have the Enemy stun state or the Glory Kills.

So far I have found:

D4V Doom4 Vanilla -- works on all source ports, including DOS. Special version for Back To Saturn X available. Each weapon can be swapped out for alternate version. No glory kills or upgrade system.

D4D Doom4Doom -- The only one with the Flame Belcher (milk enemy for armor) and air dash. Kill to obtain credits, buy upgrades any time. Life system.

D4T Death Foretold -- I find this one much harder than D4V or D4D. Glory kills restore little health, enemy bullets travel much faster. The teleporting Archvile will cause you conniptions. Powerups are simply collected, it has some grenades unique to this demake.

EOA Embers Of Armageddon -- Closest to the DOOM4 experience, including different glory kills depending on the situation, and an upgraded automap. The upgrade system is the same, and it has achievements and objectives to further strengthen the player. Does not come with enemy replacements of its own, but through clever coding, can be combined with many different monster packs. I recommend ShadesV3.pk3.

Lazarus -- you upgrade very quickly in this one, might be good for single maps. Has its own graphics adapted from the 3D originals, whereas the monster and weapon graphics in D4V, D4D, D4T and EOA look very similar.

Brutal Doom Black Edition 3.2C -- Not really a demake, but it is worth mentioning. It has the Brutal Doom Fatalities, but re-purposes them as DOOM4-style Glory Kills, with the Monster stun mechanic. Player is very slow however, so it plays more like a tactical shooter overall.

Slayer's Testament -- This is a new TC for Quake, unfortunately I can't get it to work. :-( Still in early beta I think.

If you know of a DOOM4 demake not listed here, pls DM me. Thank You!

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Slayer's Testaments

Yeah me too. I unzip 'SlayerTest_applied_patch4.7z' to its own mod folder in \quake\, like \quake\slayer\, then I run 'darkplaces.exe -game slayer'. When I start New Game, I can't get out of the mod settings menu and some error appears regarding status bar scaling. There seem to be some placeholder textures. A readme.txt and some instructions would be nice. Like, is there a recommended engine .exe?

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ Doom Free roam pack

Thanks for making these maps, neat concept. I was looking for wide open spaces to use with Contra Doom and Touhou Doom. With -fast or +fastmonsters 1, it becomes danmaku (bullet curtain) SHMUP! They also work in La Tailor Girl. Probably a lot of other mods as well.

Anyway, I'm starting to learn Doom Builder and I tried opening your map to see how it was done, but it always asks me for the map format. No matter what I pick, it comes back all scrambled and corrupted.

TL;DR What map format are the maps in the Doom Freeroam Pack?

Good karma+1 vote
marco.nadal.75 - - 50 comments @ The Age of Hell - A GZDoom game

I have never read a comment from a "Brutal Doom fanboy". I have noticed that in every comment section and forum for a new Doom modification there is at least one participant deriding Brutal Doom. It's a Pavlovian response at this point. Sad.

Despite not being very optimized, Brutal Doom and its derivatives, such as Project Brutality and BD Black Edition, are a lot of fun to play.
I give BD and Sgt. Mark IV a lot of credit for revitalizing interest in Doom.

Sometimes things are popular because they are good.

Good karma+2 votes