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3d modeler and story writer currently developing New Dawn mod for sins of a solar empire (i use XSI Softimage Mod)

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I Awaken

mangosofdoom Blog 9 comments

To long have i slept. The world outside has changed but as predicted darkness gathers and i shall answer its call. Stepping from my tomb buried beneath the sands of a forgotten world long since tainted by the dark side i can feel my powers unfolding once more. Darkness whispers in the wind. The sand forms images before me. I grin the dark side has risen once more. I trek across the empty desert confident in my knowledge that i will be recovered from this. Place. The sands continue to whisper in my ear as i walk. I have slept for too long but now I have risen.

Many days have passed and yet i remain here. the dark side can only sustain me so long now that i have awoken i must leave this retched place soon. I sit down in the sand the sun beating down from above barely registers as i send my mind out looking for a way to escape. The sun is already setting when I find what i'm looking for, a small outpost not to far from my position. The fact that it took me all day to locate is evidence that my powers are not yet fully returned. Perhaps a field test is in order. The camp is now in sight it appears to be a smugglers camp, what they are smuggling this far out is of little concern to me, making sure that i get their ship before they can attempt otherwise is. A stealthy approach is best... Perhaps once i get closer i can start to "work out the kinks". I can sense a lookout nearby as i the sand dunes near their camp i am as yet unseen. Reaching out with the force i quickly choke the life from him, his body rolls down the hill.There was an almost inaudible whisper and an unnatural windcovered the corpse with sand.

I lay atop the sand dune where the sentry had once stood only minutes before. The camp before me was not over large most likely containing more then twenty people. This should be easy for myself... Provided my powers have stabilized somewhat since my awakening. I must make sure not to draw on all of my capacities at once or i may destabilize my connection to the force. I got up and slid silently down the side of the dune right up to the front of the camp. Light flooded out i would not be able to stay hidden here to long. So i decided to try a more direct method. Walking up to a pair of men armed with lasers i quickly drew upon the force and sent a wave at the pair pushing them to ground where another blast shattered their skulls, a great cloud of sand erupted into the air enveloping the area in which i stood. It was time to work out the kinks.

I could sense the smugglers rushing to the cloud. Perhaps it was excessive but no point in stealth now. A yell sounded and blasters shots began to lance their way through the cloud. They could not see me but i could sense them. Theirs shots flew wide and those that did not i simply evaded, this was exactly what i needed. Once the volleys had stopped i felt it was time to end this. Drawing my light saber from beneath my cloak. It felt good to have the ancient weapon in my hands again. Its red light illuminated the cloud i stood in. I could sense their fear now, it felt empowering. Striding slowly towards them they began to fire at me again but they were panicking now and their shots either flew wide or where deflected away by precise blocks from my Light saber. I reached out to the nearest smuggler and using the force pulled him into the cloud slashing out with my saber as he passed by decapitating him. I began to laugh as i reached out to another in the same way and pulled him in. Tonight would be a night of slaughter.

End of chapter One.

Chapter Two

The new management

The shadows danced about me as fire consumed the camp. One of the smugglers had set of some sort of explosive drum during a panicked volley. Most of them where dead now I could still sense about four of them left hiding at various locations throughout the camp. Their fear hung in the air so thick I could almost see it, a smile inched its way onto my face. But i had no time to end their pathetic existence I have to make it to the ship before the fire reaches it. I stride towards the Vessel now ignoring the flames that attempt to creep up on me only to shy away at the last moment, as if they were afraid. It must have looked other worldly a hooded and clocked man striding through the fire seemingly without haste or concern. I reached the ship which was thankfully still intact. However this vessel would suffice. I walked up to the door passing my hand in front of it and stepped through the now open door. I sealed it behind me and made my way to the bridge.

I sat at the bridge of the ship it was a mess hardly even worth being called a ship. It was more akin to a pile of garbage with an inexplicable ability to use light speed and not kill everyone inside the instant (mainly me) the second i swwitched on the engines. I started up the engine, the engines began kicking up sand and wind as they powered out. Many of the flames were extinguished by the sudden gust and those that remained leaned away from the turbulence. I could feel the ship beginning to list off. Once I was a significant distance above the ground I fired up the main thrusters. The ship may have been a hunk of junk but the engine certainly had some kick to them. It was only a matter of seconds until I was off that sandy wasteland and entering the void of space. I looked down below at the small desert moon I knew I would have to return there eventually but for now it was time to get down to business. I checked the ships navigation I would travel to the ships next destination for answers then I would continue my search. A search, which had gone on for far too long. I would find him, and I will kill him and then and only then would my revenge be complete.

I was jarred out of my meditations by the engines suddenly powering down and switching into full reverse. I was rather inelegantly flung from my seat and forward onto the control panel. Picking myself up and while attempting to maintain some dignity I had left. Once I had regained my composure I began to wonder why the ship had stopped. It didn’t take more than a glance out the viewport to see that I was in trouble. Out the window I could see what appeared to be some sort of frigate and judging by the design it was republic, they hadn’t changed their design in quite a long time. I attempted to fire the engines back up but they were shot, shoddy smuggler repairs probably the problem. All I could do was sit back in the command chair and wait to be captured. Today was going to be an interesting day. The ship shook slightly as their tractor beam locked onto me and began to draw me in.

There was a dull thud as my ship was forcefully docked to the side of the Frigate. They would be here soon I sat in my command chair there was no point in fighting at this point I couldn’t take on a full company not in my current condition. There was a hiss as the air lock was forced open and the patter of running feet. Soon they were at the door to the bridge, seconds later they began cutting their way in. I had sealed it purely out of spite I could be so petty sometimes. Several minutes later a sizeable chunk of the door fell to the floor with a loud crash and troops began storming in. I simply rotated the chair around with my empty hand presented to them. The lead soldier seemed apprehensive obviously expecting some sort of trap. The one behind him was not so cautious and barged past him and bound my hands. I was then lead at gun point to onto the frigate. I was searched and my lightsaber as well as some equipment i had scavenged from the smugglers were taken. The soldiers seemed apprehensive once they found the lightsaber especially due to its sith designs. I was lead further into the ship and finally dumped into a cell somewhere in the bowls of the ship. If I was going to get out of this I was going to need to get my powers back under control, one rather unique one being key in this situation.

I was now sitting in a small cell. This seemed to happen more often than I would like, hopefully I wouldn't end up making a habit of it. The door to room in which my cage was located opened with a hiss. I didn't bother to look up there was little point in getting to know the face of my captor. "So where did you find it?" the man said.
"Find what?" I asked.
"Don't play dumb with me where did you get this?" He said. At that I looked up, he was holding my lightsaber in the palm of his hand, its metallic sheen reflecting the light of the room.
"It's mine and I'd very much like you to return it to me." I answered, the captain snorted.
"I don't think so, you know what I don't even think this is yours, I think you've stolen it. We'll be taking you to a nearby Jedi temple to explain yourself to them" with that he turned around and began to leave.
"I'm gonna want that back you know" I called out just before he left the room leaving only a couple of guards to watch me. Felling somewhat insulted by the small number of guards I decided this was getting tiresome. It was time to leave

Part 2 Moddb.com

The Great Wastes

mangosofdoom Blog

The great Wastes are located in the Gemini cluster, this cluster has a large number G2 Main sequence stars or yellow dwarf stars. This has made the region an area of almost uniform agricultural and allowed for massive population centers, except however in a region roughly 100 light years across where almost all the worlds that fit the profile of being habitable have in fact been the complete opposite. Many of the worlds in the sector have been declared barren or uninhabitable, many having no liquid water and caustic atmospheres, thus rendering colonization attempts unlikely. For many years the reason for this was overlooked, this was until scavengers investigating XQ-345 found an massive alien warship buried half into the abrasive silicate sands of it the global deserts. This caused a flurry of activity amongst the scientific community and the finally scientists began to unravel the mystery. The mystery wasn't actually on the radar of scientific community as most of the effort was dedicated to investigating the ship for the possibility of new technological breakthroughs. This pursuit was fruitless however as the silicates in the sand had long since rendered anything inside the ship defunct over its five thousand year burial. However this is where the mystery began to become as scientist where able to determine that the ship had been launched almost six hundred thousand years earlier. The method in which they dated the ship was by taking a core sample and discovering a layer of small glass beads, this indicated the date at which the ship crashed, however on a hunch the scientists took a core sample from another part of the planet, there they once again found a layer of glass beads. These ones however were much coarser indicating that rather then being an impact these where caused by a sustained energy blast. With this realization science teams set out and began to unravel some of the mystery. All the worlds that showed the strange state of bareness had a layer of these glass beads all over the planet. This has given rise to a theory in which a massive war was fought between two races that predated even the eldar or perhaps where wiped out by the eldar (Who have been rather tight liped about the whole affair) and that during the war these planets where scorched by energy weapons until all life was extinguished and any ability for the world to naturally heal itself was removed as the water was evaporated by the intense energy and blasted of into space. This tragedy has presented the T.E.F with an opportunity to begin research into terraforming effectively barren worlds into fertile ones. What makes these worlds so unique in this regard is that they are in the exact right location in their respective solar systems to support life again with just a little help. As of yet success has been limited with water now being present on most worlds but attempting to adjust the atmospheric conditions is fiddly at best, with the air still as of yet being toxic to almost all known forms of life.

the news post

mangosofdoom Blog

The universe as we know it is full of strange and fascinating places, but one of the greatest mysteries is one the is in fact located quiet close to home. Located in the the Gamma Cluster a mere 300 light years away from Earth is a place known as the Lorentzian Abyssal. The Lorentzian Abyssal is an area of nothingness, no stars no nebula nothing just emptiness for roughly 30 light years in al direction, this is of course is an enormous gap in space, but this is not the strangest part. Whats strange is that when the areas where charted and designated as high priority for survey crews by core world astronomers, they believed that the area was heavily populated by middle to early aged stars, however when the survey teams arrived they found nothing. This raised the obvious question of how could an entire region of space filled with stars become empty in such a short amount of time. Scientist quickly launched an investigation into what had happened, but first they needed to know when it happened, this was of course the easy if tedious part. Due to the time it takes light to travel across the distances in mention it is possible to find a location where the light from around the time of the event. since the light reaching earth was roughly 300 years old and the stars where still shinning they needed to travel from the Lorentzian Abyssal back towards Earth until the stars became visible then throughly investigate that area for a place where the time of the shift would be a reasonable length of time in the future. On the planet BY-34c they found what they were looking for and set up camp. Three weeks later it happened and what scientists saw stunned them, each star one by one over the period of about a week flickered and vanished. This has raised many questions and theories as to what occur. Some suggest small black holes, however no trace of current or even past black holes could be found not only that but the star simply flickered and disappeared rather then the normal events. Another theory is time distortions between the viewing locations and the stars themselves distortion time. This doesn't seem true either as no distortion has ever been found and time distortions in general are usually only able to slow time for a small amount of time averaging at about a week, the scale here is on that of billions of years. This like many mysteries in our home galaxy may never be uncovered but that wont stop scientists from searching for the answers to the many Mysteries of the Universe.This has been brought to you by the Discovery channel and has been sponsored by Journeyman industries your main supplier in interstellar luxury ships since 2134