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Specifically when it comes to mods I don't have much of a history to speak of. I've never sat down and made one, though I'm quite familiar with several engines and programming languages. I also run Linux which limits some of my options in terms of gaming. I know how to shell out criticism if thats what you are looking for though. I intend on joining at least one game or engine project soon once I get some other things out of the way.

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Creativity in Constraints (Comment)

Maaack Blog

Creating 'the ultimate game' is a hole that I believe many young developers seem to stumble into, especially when they are first introduced to a new language, new tools, or a new engine. Everything seems possible to do, and suddenly everything has to be done. But when the sky is the limit, you are only setting yourself up for a bigger fall. Creativity thrives on restraints and if you can't create something under certain limitations, you'll fair no better when those limitations are removed.