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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

odpoved po roku ,ale predsa ...

k tvojej otazke - netusim ,1.5.2 som este neskusal ,takze neviem ,ale teoreticky skripty ,ktore nie su len upravov povodnych skriptov z orig.hry by mohli ,akurat tie ,ktore su upravou povodnych skriptov z hry ,ako axr_companions skript ,to vobec netusim ci budu fungovat ,zalezi ci boli upravovane pre 1.5.2 ...
ale urcite sa chystam addon updatnut ,lenze nemam takmer cas koli irl ,takze to potrva asi pomerne dlho a aj vdaka tomu ,ze tam chcem implementovat vela novych veci a aj automatizovat co mozno najviac zvukov aby interactivne komenty fungovali same od seba a neboli zavisle na stlaceni klavesy ,takze nemam paru kedy a ci vobec sa mi to podari dokoncit ... lepsie radsej necakat a poohliadni sa po inom addone z tejto kategorie

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

first sorry for very very late answer ...
and well ,i want to ,but sadly i have almost no time for it because of irl stuff and i stated just today but i have no idea how long it will take and even if i'll be capable of finish it one day ,especially because i want not only update it for 1.5.2 but also add much more stuff ,simply put rework it

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Ray of Hope

well i'm not saying you're wrong ,actually it could be amazing ,but one mistake was done on the path by my opinion ...
ray o hope was introduced as co-op mod so maybe you should did just co-op in the first place and then you could continue with work on something new and much better than just co-op ,so ppl would have co-op to play in the meantime while they would wait for something much better ,you know what i mean right ?

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

First sorry for late answer.
Sadly i can't look at it in deep right now because my pc crashed completely almost 3 months ago (some sort of short circuit ... everything literaly "burned") and due to this pandemic situation i lost my job so right now i can't risk spend my spared money for buying another pc because i don't know how long it will take me to find new job. So right now i'm stucked with my ancient notebook which isn't capable of doing anything solid except browsing net.
However from a cursory glance this error look very similar to the same error which already few ppl had ,included me and it is not related to mod itself but instead to engine or _g.script.
Look at older posts. In short it is about corrupted NPC data which was created/corrupted by engine itself and that's why my script show error. Reason behind is that my script needs that data but if it receive corrupted data ,then it will show error. Not because of mod ,but because of that it can't call apropriate function (sound) because data which should "tell him" what sort of sound should be called out are corrupted.
Roll up and look at what JonySnowbal posted. He had similar problem and some of the lines are the same as in your post and if you look at functions then you'll see that all of them are the same like in his post. And bellow FATAL ERROR line almost everything is the same ,even ALIFE OBJECT ID is exactly the same.
That's why i think this is most probably the same problem caused by corrupted NPC data.
Only solution is ,you can't kill or shot that NPC. Me and him ,we had the same problem but with enemy NPC and solution was only don't kill that NPC. Best thing for you will be release this companion and let him go.
Eventually game will fix it by itself by reloading locations or if some other NPC kill this particular NPC like it happened to me ,when i found body of that NPC some time after. And don't be surprised if you later find him dead somewhere and his body will not despawn for very long time. It is probably because of corrupted NPC data. It happened to me with Sin captain in Dead Forest and his body was there for ages.
Also sometimes helps reloading locations ,traveling little bit and so on ... but from what i know this helps only with enemies ,not with companion ,due to that companion is still with you and engine can't despawn him like it would do with enemy npc if you would go to different location from that where corrupted npc is.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

that's not good ,sorry to hear it ,but at least you can play :)
i think it's time to upgrade pc ,right?

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

oh ,you're playing on DX8? well that could be the problem ... i'm not sure about that entirely but i'm playing on DX11 and i tested it only that way and never had this sort of problem so maybe it is related to DX8 somehow ,although it's just sound addon so maybe it is not ,i'm not sure ...

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

well ,that could be the way ,maybe they just intefered each other ,although vanilla ones should be replaced by addon's ,so it's little bit weird ...
anyway ,i'm glad it's ok now for you

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

It shows like there are missing sound files ,but they are not ,in addon itself it is ok. Files are there ,just muted below hearable limit ,means sounds are playing but you can't hear them. You can test it by yourself ,if you'll put any of these sounds into Audacity and then amplify them by 50db ,sounds will be hearable again.
Probably it could cause other addon. Maybe some of addons you have changed some script which could affect this.
From what i know breathing sounds and some effects like gas mask breathing fog ,or cleaning mask etc. are scripted in "actor_effects.script" and this addon don't touch it so that's why i think it could be another addon ,if you have those muted sound there and especially if you have some addon which change/edit some of these effects and actor_effects.script itselft.
But it could be also engine itself. You know Xray could behave sometimes little bit strange. For example it could just failed loading script properly on first try. I noticed that sometimes engine don't load scripts immediately and it needs just little bit more time ,like few miliseconds more to load ,so it will show error and then try load them again and in most cases it's not a big deal ,it's just about that first try failed. This shouldn't happen but sometimes engine is just ... how to say it ... overwhelmed is the right definition i believe ... and it could happen more often with more addons installed.
So if it is not other addon than it could be this case.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

I don't know what you mean?
If you want addon to play only that sounds ,or if you want pick out these sounds and use them in different addon.
Anyway both options are possible.
For first option ,if you want addon to play only those sounds ,you can replace all other sounds with renamed empty sound file ,or you can simply mute sounds in audacity ,so it will play but you wouldn't hear it.
Also you need cut off hurt and sprint sounds because they have priority above thirst ,hunger and sleepiness .You can do it by deleting every line which contain hurt_volume ,sprint_volume ,hurt_pause or sprint_pause and then change beginning of thirst line from elseif to if.
this line - elseif actor_status_thirst.get_water_deprivation(true) > 0 and thirst_volume > 0 then

But if you mean something else ,for example if you want use those sounds in other addon ,then it depends on what you exactly need. You can write simplified version of script for example or it is also possible use those sounds directly from this script. Like i wrote ,it depends on for what purpose you need it or how you want use them.
Btw. simplified version would also work for first option ,so you would not need mute all sounds ... depends on what is better of faster for you ,write newscript or mute unwanted sounds.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

Well ,addons implementation can be a little bit strange sometimes ,we all experienced that but it's worth the effort definitely , i'm glad you made it :)
And yes ,you have so right ,Fallout is good ,don't get me wrong ,i love that game ,but Stalker is champ among postapocalyptic genre ,that's for sure.

Good karma+2 votes
LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

That's pretty strange ,but who knows ,maybe there isn't stack traceback if no other script interfere with it ...
Anyway ,try reinstall and let me know if it works.
You know ,if this will not work and you have a lot of mods ,it could be also problem ,game data could be corrupted somehow.
For example i broke my game long ago with insane amount of mods ,i mean i can run game through MO2 with no problem ,but i can't run game through default game launcher even after turn off or uninstall of all mods.
And sometimes also game/engine itself can be broken ,in that case only complete clean reinstall can help ,it happened to me too few times ,but i hope this is not that case.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

This shows voiced actor script didn't receive proper data from axr companions script ,or didn't receive any data at all.
That data is just confirm if voiced command cooldown expired or not. There is small function that only checks if this cooldown expired ,so other sounds ,like kill confirms for example will not interfere with commands ,simply put will not play at the same time and that's why it's a little bit strange ,because it's not a big deal.
It could be incorrect installation ,for example if you have installed voiced commands ,you also need patch for it and opposite if you didn't install voiced commands ,you can't install patch.
So i recommend reinstall and follow notes in MO2 rigorously.
Also there is a little chance that this problem could be caused by other addon ,especially if that addon changes axr_companions.script ,if so then it needs patch/merge.
Or with little chance it can be also engine problem ,you know ,xray can behave very weird sometimes.
But first ,try reinstall.

Btw. by STACK TRACEBACK i meant something like this:


j:/anomaly v1.5.1.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script (line: 2017) in function 'alife_object'
... ayykyu_voiced_actor.script (line: 112) in function 'squad_can_hear'
... ayykyu_voiced_actor.script (line: 145) in function 'actor_speak'
... ayykyu_voiced_actor.script (line: 248) in function 'func_or_userdata'
j:/anomaly v1.5.1.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script (line: 246) in function 'make_callback'
j:/anomaly v1.5.1.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script (line: 119) in function 'SendScriptCallback'
... xr_motivator.script (line: 396) in function <... xr_motivator.script:319>
~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
! [LUA] ...5.1.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ayykyu_voiced_actor.script:112: attempt to index a nil value
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...5.1.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ayykyu_voiced_actor.script:112: attempt to index a nil value


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...5.1.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ayykyu_voiced_actor.script:112: attempt to index a nil value

as you can see you need go higher than to only ![SCRIPT ERROR] line ,because it's higher and what's important ,this STACK TRACEBACK part shows not only ending cript/line of error but also every other script which was connected/involved/previous. Means ,with this i could probably track down what exactly caused this problem or better i should say where it started (not every time of course ,but in most cases for sure) ,you know ,sometimes errors showed in some scripts are not made by those scripts ,but made by other scripts. Simply put in the end it's showed only ending error but not starting ,for example if some script make error but some other script is using data from this script it will continue and error will show up as problem in that other script ,but not because this other made it but because this other script didn't receive correct data from before. Sometimes it could be even more error than only one and only way to fix it ,is find errors one by one from end to start.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

Hi .
It shows problem with server entities (just NPCs) so it is probably related with engine itself and error from addon script is showed because script didn't receive proper data ("nil" means there is no data/value to work with or it is corrupted) and script from addon needs that data to work with. Also it could be other addon which work with npcs data and changing it like HD models for example ,but i can't be sure if you didn't post STACK TRACEBACK part.
It's that part between FATAL ERROR line (above) and STACK TRACEBACK line (below).
And one more thing ... it seems you have a quite old version and that could be the problem ... this addon was made for Anomaly 1.5.1 and i see you have rc19 which was one of test versions (RC means Release Candidate) before 1.5.1 and even not the newest ,newest was rc23 i think ... so best way is delete this whole version and dowload rather newest official release which is Anomaly 1.5.1. I believe it will solve problem since this addon was made for it.
btw. line 73 where it shows error wasn't change at all ,it is original line without my changes or additions so that's another reason why i believe it is not addon problem ,but old version problem instead.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Anomaly Skill System

oh ,i didn't know ,so it's patch actually :)

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

Sure ,i have all EFT voices ,included some special like scav bosses.
But it will take some time ,you know i'm reworking it right now ,like cleaning some voice lines (because i found there is some backround noise time to time ,due to bad recording i guess) ,adding/mixing some more words into voice lines to make it more logical ,making breathing sound (which is not easy because most of the breathing sounds from EFT has strong backround noise ,or sounds distorted sometimes) and adding inhale sounds into end of voice lines ,or exhale/inhale sounds between words if there is some longer pause ,just to ensure smooth flow between breathing and voice lines and make voice lines more realistic ,also i have other ideas to implement some new comments.
But right now it is long run ,it will take few weeks probably ,because i have a little time for it due to my real world work responsibilities.
In future i'll make it ,it's not a problem ,but i have no idea how long it will take and first i want finish what i'm trying to do right now.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Anomaly Skill System

i guess that's because in Grok's BHS there are running/walking speed penalties for damaged/broken legs ,more damaged ,slower you are ,so if you just replace it and not merge it/patch it ,you will lose this penalties effects.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

Well basically there is missing valuable ,but this could cause another script ,or addon ,just like in case what JonySnowball posted.
Without STACK TRACEBACK part i can't track down what caused this.
Post it here please ,it's that part between FATAL ERROR line (above) and STACK TRACEBACK line (below).

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ (OBSELETE) Wolf Follow You Every Faction

just use kill command from debug menu if it's not important npc

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

yeah ,this happens to me time to time regularly ,i think it's just engine problem but loading helps in most cases ,probably that's why it helped me change locations for few mins.

sure ,why not ,if it will be in my power ,i'll help :)

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

I'm not exactly sure but this seems like problem caused by other addon maybe. If i understand it correctly then something with object ID (most probably npc id) in _g.script.
There is line "callstack" which call out error/print error and line above is
"if (id == nil or id >= 65535) then" which means if ID don't exist or is equal or more than that number 65535 then it calls and print error.
Error showed in addon script is because in line 112 script using data about object (npc) ,in this case about killed enemy ,but it seems it's corrupted somehow ,so if there is error in _g.script ,there will be also error in addon since it's using data from there.

It's like this:
- you killed npc
- script will check valuables ,variables and requirements to pick and play correct sound
- one of these requirements is squad ,so if you have some companion(s) script will check your distance to them ,some other values like combat intensity for example and distance to enemy ,means his id and if this id is non-existent (or corrupted) it will show error just because script did not receive proper data to work with. Error "attempt to index a nil value" means there is no value what should be there ,or it was not specified ,or it was corrupted ,so it's just "nil" ,what means "non" in normal language.

You know ,maybe it's even engine problem ,it's rare and not many ppl had this problem ,but there are some ,including me.
You know ,i had similar problem few times with CTD or "unhalted exception ocurred" error when i killed enemy stalker. First time it was Sin captain in Dead forest and then Monolitans in Pripyat and also in CNPP. There is even thread where ppl discuss this problem - Moddb.com. I'm not sure if this is your case ,but it definitely looks quite similar and i don't know what exactly cause it ,but it's somehow related with particular npcs ,maybe object problem or something like that. What i found is that if you kill this npc ,game will crash so i tried activate god mode and just passed around this npc and everything was fine ,second time ,in Pripyat ,i activated god mode again and went to X8 lab without killing anyone and when i came back it was ok again ,probably engine fixed it itself in the meantime. And btw. corpse of that Sin captain is still lying in Dead forest ,it was not despawned and it's already few days since (real days ,not in game days) when he died (probably by other npc). It's just strange ... Try pass by this one npc and you'll see if it helps ,or you could try go to another location for few mins and then return ,this helped me with problem in cnpp. I don't know why and how but when this happened to me in CNPP i went back to Pripyat ,killed few monolitans which respawned there ,buyed some suplies and repaired my guns. I was there for like 10-15 mins and when i came back to CNPP problem was solved by some miracle ,i'm just guessing problematic npc was killed by mutant in offline combat in the meantime.

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

addon has Mod Organizer 2 installer ,so you just need Mod Organizer 2 first ,but you can do it also manually ,just read description thoroughly ,there is installation section and folders are named to easy understand ,so also read names of folders

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

Enjoy :)

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Suits and Helmets Rebalance 2.21.1 for 1.5.2

thanks for answer ,definitely it looks nice so i'll try it for sure :)

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Suits and Helmets Rebalance 2.21.1 for 1.5.2

Looks interesting ,maybe i can finally enjoy using of several instead of one or two like right now i do.
How far are you with testing it? Can we expect update soon ,or is it in almost done state already?

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ PureWater 1-16

Well he could do it like that ,for himself and later decide to share ,but duuude ,why like this way ? Why so many so little addons and why not bring it like one ,or at least only few packs of tweaks. I don't understand ... for example some of his mutant models could be in one pack for sure ,i know it because i did something similar for myself long ago ... i wanted little bit more diversity in my game so i made one pack of mutant models replacement where i replaced 1 flesh model ,2 dogs models ,2 controllers ,1 burer ,1 boar ,1 bloodsucker ,3 pseudodogs ,3 snorks ,1 tushkano with few different textures and several zombies ,so instead of almost 20 tiny addons i have just one and it was even easy to do ... so why so many tiny addons and not just one ,or only few??? I dont understand ... this just spams site and make some ppl angry because they'll come here to look for new addons and they have to go through so many topics ... it's obvious by how they comments bellow

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Voiced actor expanded 2.1

you're welcome ,i'm jus glad you like it :)

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Zone Black And Red 0.6 [Early Access]

that's what i'm talking about ... part or whole ,no matters ,it's all about just some human decency ,at least for me ,for example in my last and only one addon in last update i added hunger,thirst and sleepines sounds and i even make my own sounds but i used lines from another addon from another modder ,i edited that lines so it is not the same but i used it and it was only 9 lines in one script ,but it was not mine from base so i have no right to appropriates ,instead that guy deserve credits and i even gave credits to dude who only ask about it in comments because he gave me that idea so he also deserve some credits.
It is simple ,just base human decency like i wrote many times ... look at another addons ,another modders ,there are insane amount of those who used parts ,or whole scripts of others ,that's how things are and in most cases no one mind and everyone is ok with that if they gave credits to those who deserve it.

Good karma+4 votes
LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Zone Black And Red 0.6 [Early Access]

no problem ,no hard feelings ,i just got a bit carried away ,sorry for that

Good karma+3 votes
LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Patch Hunger, Thirst, Sleepiness Bars

awesome addon ,thanks :)

one thing ... your addon need merge with Moddb.com'S DYNAMIC RADIATION ZONES AND RADIATION OVERHAUL V2.1 FOR ANOMALY 1.5.1,-Location
because of actor_status_thirst.script but it is easily mergeable

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LuxoSVK - - 84 comments @ Zone Black And Red 0.6 [Early Access]

and what about you pull your eyes right from *** and look few lines above to what Feel_Fried wrote (btw. he is one of the most skilled modders ,just for your information) or go to look what ppl wrote about previous addons made by this guy ... of course if he didn't deleted some comments like he gladly do ... or look at ratings he got ,that's more than obvious ... you know ,i'm watching him for quite some time and i must admit his skills are not that bad ,he could be good modder ,all and all everyone ,or almost everyone use time to time work of others ,that's just how things are and that's even reason why stalker was completely changed ,from just solid game to this awesome game what can easily compete to best AAA titles of nowadays ,but his morals are little bit twisted and that's not ok

Good karma+4 votes