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Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

In written form ;)
Slightly later for videos.
Slightly after that for blow-your-mind fantastic.

(We suspended development of assets during the wait for CE3 specifications. However, we have modelers, references and advisors ready to go - like a tide being unleashed.)

Good karma-1 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Oh, and we're open to applications.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

We don't want to announce too much until it is ready (and the announcement may not be exactly what people expect). We're using a phased approach, as well as splitting the work into parallel projects - which should speed up the overall development. Before working on most of the content we are planning to get a couple of animals fully working in the engine.

As a result, we will have exact specifications for all future content and the underlying coding will hopefully be very robust by the time you see the next update. The pace will be much faster once the tests are complete. But, we won't be showing pre-renders or animation videos until then.

There may be an interview much sooner.

A teaser: We're working on a secret which hasn't been seen for *110* million years. (Now you have an idea of what animals *may* be in the first installment).

Good karma+4 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

It wasn't just a "comment to keep people calm" :)

In the middle of April we had a new website that was about 90% complete. However, with the delays in the public release of an SDK, having our website launched isn't as important.

The apparent inactivity here is because we are busy with a related project. More information will be available towards the end of summer.

Until then - anyone who is interested in contributing or who has questions should let us know. We're always open to growing the team or providing learning/training opportunities (as resources permit).

Good karma+4 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

We are still several months away from an initial release. Our first two releases will also be less ambitious than the original project (we will be returning to our ambitions a little later...)

There will be an announcement with some more information closer to the middle of the month. As usual we welcome applications and collaboration - so feel free to get in touch before then.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns


Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

FYI - It takes at least four people and sixteen different steps, usually over a four month period, to build a new species in the engine.

We really have good reason to hold off working on more than a few animals until we've fully tested and settled on the best techniques.

It is also important to remember that we aren't building mechanical objects like tanks with their simple turrets. If we make a mistake in the length of leg bones, or have too few polys near a joint - it really can produce problems with animations (which are partially based on physics).

Just thought I'd let everyone know: We're watching and we haven't forgotten.

Good karma+1 vote
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Patience is a virtue and virtue is a reward in itself... ;)

Good karma+3 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Well, I suppose the correct answer is that it is very hard to tell. Even tongues which have bones inside them (like many birds) don't tend to fossilise.

I'd suggest examining bird species (and perhaps crocs as well). David Attenborough's "Life of Birds" has truly amazing footage of how effective a relatively stiff tongue can be at manipulating food. It is certainly worth watching.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

So did I. It took me several months working on the project before I picked up a copy. I don't regret it, though. It is a very nice engine isn't it?

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Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

ShXIII, it's very commendable to see someone who isn't afraid to "call a spade a spade" - even if they accidentally call a rake a spade sometimes.

All of us humans have ancestors going way back. Do you realise that our ancestors had to wait for more than 130,000,000 million years before the dinosaurs got out of our way? In comparison to this fact, I for one would be very embarrassed to give up after only five years.

We have a lot of ideas which will never see the light of day because we don't want to over promise - but the simple fact is that setting our sights high is unavoidable if we are to do a good job of implementing a dinosaur in a game engine. Sooner or later we will succeed in doing this.

It will probably be sooner rather than later, given the way the technology is going and the amount of skills and references we have established.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ new media

Our research suggests that, equipped with conventional ammunition, this weapon could bring down several Tyrannosaurs using only a single clip.

Interestingly, a 5.56mm semi-lethal rubber bullet has been developed. With this "rifle-launched non-lethal munition" the weapon's performance against an unarmoured target is surprisingly similar to the behaviour of assault rifles in the original Crysis. It can even injure or kill an opponent who is within 30 metres.

Having this weapon will allow players to enjoy the game with a minimum of changes from what they are used to. At the same time a variety of other 'weapons' are being tested.

Good karma+1 vote
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ InGame

I can confirm that this is our Albertosaurus model. We've run tests and the animal can be hidden while only a couple of metres away from the player. It is even more impressive in pale scrub-lands where the animal can blend into the backdrop (even while theoretically visible).

Albertosaurs represented a branch of smaller and faster Tyrannosaurids. Even as adults they maintained proportions which were closer to juvenile members of other species than to adults. With its relatively long legs it can close a surprising distance with only two or three steps.

Albertosaurus is large enough to make short work of a human being - but its smaller size allows it to move much faster and fit under branches and into smaller spaces than the larger species. Bigger isn't always better.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

I will be around for the next few days to answer questions (and Nick may be around too). Understandably, there are some things we can't give details about yet.

There won't be as many new development updates for the next few months (see the announcement above). But, I may go through some of the old screenshots and videos, adding notes to the comments section and fielding questions if people want.

There are a lot of interesting facts which aren't obvious: Facts about the development process, how we intend to use some of the materials and about the animals themselves (in the case where the screenshot is of an animal).

Good karma+1 vote
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Hey - thanks for offering to give us until 2020. However, I expect that we'll finish with at least seven years to spare ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Hi Guys, sorry for the absence. Just to let you know that LWR is NOT dead. However things have slowed down for us over the months.

We are re structuring, re organizing and we will release. I cannot say when because we are all doing this in our free time.

Our support from everyone is greatly appreciated, however we would hate for people to get upset or down due to lack of updates. Please be patient and try to keep your minds busy. :)

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ June Update

It is actually amazing how many animals will attack if provoked. Even some grasshoppers will bite people in self defense. Nodosaurids (like this Sauropelta) were relatively slow animals - it is unlikely that their primary defensive strategy was to flee.

It has been suggested that this species may have engaged in head pushing competitions, and although it is only 1.2 metres tall, Sauropelta is estimated to weight 1.5 tons. So, it might still be a good idea to keep some distance between you and these animals.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ June Update


This is not an ingame version; however this high poly head will be used for some other promotion soon. Its mostly just splines and curves, lots of them bunched together and placed. The software interpolates between them, making sure you set up the right shaders and options.

The photo realism comes from good placement of hair and observation, good rendering and depth of field. For the low poly, we plan to map it onto planes with the result of "semi good" hopefully. Its still trial and error and we are experimenting while we have the opportunity to do so.

Were hoping to be on the same level as Crytek with their character faces/heads, hopefully :)

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ June Update

Hair is something our artist Joe specializes in, you can see some of his other work here


Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ June Update

Sorry no, its a 3d model :)

Good karma+3 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Field Guide To Jurassic Park Fauna

I hope you are planning to ask the author of the trex in this image for you to use and showcase under your project. :)

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Low Poly Rex

Thanks fella, it is the norm map version. :)

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Joe our artists has promised me Johann and Saskia are next ;)

I’m glad to see a fan base forming around Saskia and Johann

Good karma+1 vote
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ new trex

Thanks for the comments; I have uploaded another image to compare the trex to our older one. I think you will find that it’s the angle of this image that makes him seem small.


Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Jobs / Help Wanted is back!

Fantastic, thanks moddb

Good karma+6 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ MidEast Crisis 2 Release Candidate #1

Thanks to all involved. Will be downloading this tonight!

Good karma+1 vote
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Lost World Returns

Its ok, andrew was only joking , he acts like a girl somtimes. Sorry

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Thirsty?

Check out the High Res version, for better viewing -


Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ The Increment

Expect the flack, however you’re a mod and you can do as you wish. Others are more than welcome to portray their side of the story and make a mod as well!

I think you are being very "diplomatic" in regards to your attitude and reflection of the mod, well done.

Good karma+2 votes
Lost_World_Returns - - 101 comments @ Status of things.

Sorry to hear this, but it was to be expected.

Good karma+1 vote