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Blah blah, "Naferia's Reign", "Aetherius", "Explosive Expedition" creator, founder of "MisfitTech Studios" :V

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LordMisfit Blog 1 comment

Well, I suppose for once there's SOME news to report: MisfitTech Studios is moving from "netii.net" to "duke4.net" [yes, for those who actually keep up with my gaming modification "Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress", that's the same server/host that was and still-is on, just now in a different spot/subfolder]

Naferia.duke4.net now is a redirect to the NR subfolder on the MisfitTech site. The proper link for the main site is now Misfittechstudios.duke4.net

Long story short, I found out about a month back that my facebook page for MisfitTech and facebook in general doesn't like linking to netii.net sites [which is part of 000webhost.com], and looking more into it, I discovered there were reports of scams involving their affliate program [which I never used so I wouldn't have known a thing until I looked], and the risk of them being shut down by the authories also put MisfitTech at risk of being shut off by proxy [although I doubt I'd be in trouble legally, I'd just lose the site along with anyone else on there who has one], so I had to move sites. TerminX and plagman, who are also the main project-leaders of EDuke32 [NR's source port, for Duke Nukem 3D], actually suggested I try to move the entire Studio to duke4.net, so I asked for a name change and some other fixes, and this is the result. >.>

So kudos to TerminX and plagman for being nice [and free still to boot XD].