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"Its been changed" lol Anyways not much to say just ask me if you have a question.

Comment History
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Knights of the Old Republic III: The Jedi Masters

Just had to update the game to 1.0b

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Knights of the Old Republic III: The Jedi Masters

mine keeps crashing just after the 1st movie scene, i'm not on steam. i use the original 4 disk copy. does anyone know how to fix this?

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Freelancer: Shadow of Fear

Its been over a year since i was on, Is there still multiplayer servers or did you guys take them down due to them not having much activity also is the site still up or was it taken down?

Good karma0 votes
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Discovery Freelancer

Is the mod still an active game people play? I used to play a couple of years back and there was easily over 200 people on daily, But is the number of players still around that or is it almost empty now-a-days?

Good karma+2 votes
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Freelancer: Shadow of Fear

I keep having problems with the RC4 download. After downloading it and installing it, It continues to say ''This application has failed to start because d3dx9_40.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.'' Now i have re-installed 3 times. Please tell me how to fix this.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Knights of the Old Empire 1 - Awakening

Actually the same thing happens to me.
Has anyone found out how to fix this?

Good karma+2 votes
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Improved Defender-class

Where do you install or put these files at?
Not sure exactly where in the foc data folder it goes.

Some help would be appreciated.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Republic at War

Ok thats good at least. The shortcuts work fine but mod launcher i would highly suggest never using they are a pain in the @$$ to deal with due to the glitches and or bugs they bring.

Thanks for the links, Gonna try using it after i sleep though as i am running on nearly empty and will need to focus on creating a wicked map or maps :)

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Republic at War

Too bad because i've been playing ROTM Mod Recently and it has a good offline Conquest Scenario but is unable to be used in lan. Me and a buddy can't seem to find a mod with lan conquest capabilities.
As for the Map editor, I can see the things someone can do with program are quite cool, but i don't know where to find the program nor tutorials.

Ah i see you use the mods folder and a mod launcher.
I just use the data from Foc's Data folder (Which has already been backed up)then i copy and overwrite any files from the mod to the folder and it works. Sure it takes longer for you to play the mods that way but it ensures you don't have to deal with the hassle of mod launchers.

Mod launchers have a tendency to freeze and sometimes not pull up the mods.

Good karma+2 votes
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Republic at War

Well not maps but the entire galactic conquest game mode from offline mode to the lan. As for the whole map editor Program, I have never used it nor downloaded it. :p Sorry.

I'm not a noob at installing mods but am a noob at such programs.
Yeah i know Someone should ban him from the mod Xp

PS: Has anyone noticed how it's easier to install a mod manually into the data folder?

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Republic at War

Hey just a quick question: How do you add conquest maps from the single player to the lan version of the game?
If someone can give me some instructions on how to do this it would be deeply appreciated.

Good karma+2 votes
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Republic at War

Hey does this run on Lan? Because when i try to run this on lan with a friend of mine we don't show up yet when i play an older mod called ACM 2.4 (Or Absolute Corruption Mod)It works fine.

Is lan just disabled for this mod?

Good karma0 votes
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Freelancer: Shadow of Fear

Ah ok good i didn't want this to be bothersome.

Aye it's good to see everything go together or shall i say balance out.

It's good the bases and cap/Class ships don't have thrusters and don't move as fast.

Hmm though would the bases be able to set up just like any other bases(Like having cargo to trade with people you allow to dock and ships to buy ect.) You know what i mean.

As for my idea of Merchant Ships yeah i thought it would be a good idea, I used to play Discovery or some people call it disco i think. Well anyways i used to play Disco for 2 years so i got very good at RP, Well that led to many idea's.

I wouldn't mind helping out some with some stories here and there, But i would need a complet Back ground of the story.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Freelancer: Shadow of Fear

Ah it's good to know that you guys have most of everything planned out then.

Do you guys have a website specifically set for this mod or is it all done through your Moddb page?

Ok then i like the idea that having a base has to be for RP purposes, Because it would seem unfair to have someone in a base asking for a toll.

Now i'm probably guessing that the bases move at a reasonable speed and cannot move as fast a fighter or bomber would, Correct?

Ah very nice. Myself has always been a trader never could dogfight so i seeing everything sorta balance out.

Do you have a ship list anywhere i would like to get a look at it to see whats in here.

One last question because i've already asked a bunch most likely and i'm sure this is now becoming bothersome.

Will there be Special Ships?
By that i mean like merchant ships available to traders only?

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Vader's New Order - Empire Surrounded

Is very nice to see frequent updates of the work done or being done. I believe that this mod can turn up as one the best for FOC as long as you continue to strive to make it better and better.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Freelancer: Shadow of Fear

Ok. Thank you for answering my questions.

Hmm i have a few more questions:

Do you intend to keep the mobile bases for future versions too or do what Discovery did for The Barge?

Are the bases buyable or only given via Administrator of the game?

Will this be similiar to Discovery?
{Example}-(Will there be real big RP requirements, The pricing of ships being reasonable, Ect.)

Personnally Discovery if fun but it's dying, it's not as fun as it used to be. Also the amount of people who play is less.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Freelancer: Shadow of Fear

I see something awesome. Indeed it's this mod :)

This looks like it has massive potential and good quality work too.

Now a few questions:
1: Will this be multiplayer only or will there be OpenSingle Player in the future?

2: How big do you intend to go with the available ship classes?

3: How much do you intend to change from the Vanilla?

I'll never ask the current progess of the project, Not because i don't care but because i'm sure it's bothersome to the creators when people bug them about it.

Instead i'll ask questions that will be good to know questions and not stupid ones. (Sorry for all you noobs out there, Stop asking how to install this and that and find it out on your own)

I cannot wait to see where your team will take this project, I wish you guys good luck and fortune.

Solomon J. Brig
Signed Off....

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ I couldn't resist

Hahaha It's chewbaca's Wifey XD

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Vader's New Order - Empire Surrounded

Hmm well i would be willing to beta test. Just tell me what to do and what you need and i'll get on it.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM)

Hey guys i love the work you have done. I remember playing Kotor 2 vanilla and thinking a lot of content was cut and or lost.
I actually Rebought Kotor 2 because of this mod. So again thanks for all your hard work, It's always nice to see a game have all it's content available to use.

Now i have a question for your team: What will you guys do after you have completely finished this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Vader's New Order - Empire Surrounded

Well palpatine is the more reasonable choice than Darth Maul. It could have been different if the empire was not founded by Papatine, Then maybe maul would seem like a wise choice. So i vote Reborn Palpatine

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Vader's New Order - Empire Surrounded

Is my idea not suitable for the scenario for darth maul? I was just posting an opinion for the area surrounding him. If you need more idea's or anything else i would be happy to help if i can.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Vader's New Order - Empire Surrounded

Hmm i think reborn palpatine would be best suited for leadership. Now i also think and agree with CIS_Lord_Grievous that Darth Maul should be part as the Pirates/Black Sun. Here is a little info hint that could help understand why he joined. Darth Maul after being defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi understood that being apprenticed to Darth Sidious would not bring him as much power as he wanted. So after being brought back to life by the dark side of the force.(His hatred for being weak and him wanting more power allowed the dark side to flow through his spirit more so than it ever did before allowing him to be revived) Now a massive amount of time had passed as he slept and when he woke he saw how much was different. Now as he hates The Emperor for not giving him the power he disired he joined the Black Sun/Pirates, As he was now more powerful than ever, maybe stronger than Darth Vader himself he quickly rose to being directly beside Prince Xizor. Xizor gave him The All the Old Republic Tech Left from The ruins of the old cities and factories.(There will be no clones due to the cloning facilities not being active since the Empire was first founded, Only Clone Wars Vehicles and Many types of droids) Xizor did not fear Darth Maul taking his position and power because darth maul was only fueled by hatred, Anger and revenge against his old master, Now wanting to completely destroy the empire and all the Emperor has left.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Burntstrobe

Hmm if i knew how to model i would help but unfortunately i don't. I don't have any idea how to anyways but i am a fast learner.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ The Reckoning: Dark Lord of the Sith

Sorry i mean the vanilla version of Foc, Not the first game.

And what i meant was it does not seem to have a noticeable graphical update like Thrawn Revenge.

But i still like it don't get me wrong, I'm just providing my opinion.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ The Reckoning: Dark Lord of the Sith

Ahh great addition. It's fun and will keep you occupied for a long time, but i have one problem with this... It has massive content and as i said is fun but the textures have not improved much at all from the original game. Will you have an update for graphics improvement in the future?

But it is not too bad.

all in all i would have to rate 8.5 due to how fun and well doen this is.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ Discovery Freelancer

I have to say this mod is quite well done, It can be relaxing yet at times it can exciting. The only problem i see is the amount of people who play this game, I remember this game being huge like 2 years ago but now it has really died down.

Good karma+1 vote
LordIrado - - 28 comments @ The Reckoning: Dark Lord of the Sith

This mod is probably the best old republic based mod i've seen for SW Eaw Foc. but the story could be better written with new actions to do and places to go like malachor, you could end up going there to find remaining jedi there and recruit them but get ambushed by the sith lords on the planet. But altogether it is really good.

Might i suggest that on certain planets it will allow you to build a certain ship that you can only get on that planet?(Not the build capital ships and medium ship class system.)

Good karma+3 votes