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loony636 - - 40 comments @ Half-Life: Decay

...No. Just no. Your assertion that Wikipedia is wrong just because you edited some unrelated articles is laughable at best, and irrelevant because it was reversed, thus defeating your entire argument.

If you want non-Wikipedia based proof, you could look at Wikipedia's sources, like here: Bit.ly and here: Bit.ly

Good karma+8 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Another thing you need to note: Serenity has talked to us in a kind and respectable manner. You are neither kind nor respectable, and I will treat your comments appropriately.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Please remove your patch. We do not endorse your patch or any similar patches made by any modder not on our team.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

You are wrong. You clearly know very little of the JKA coding system. With SP, you cannot add new saber styles. Period. If Serenity used the MP mode for his mod, then he COULD add a new saber style. But you cannot for SP. If you read on our forums, even Serenity has acknowledged this.

And what on earth is GID?

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Bliznez, you evidently fail to understand the meaning of the word 'beta'. It's not polished, and its not bug-free. Eventually, we'll get our mod polished, then maybe you can have your perfect mod and not berat us for no reason.

Secondly; we stopped work about half way through the year for about 8 months. From February until September, NOTHING was done. I mean NOTHING. The reason: We didn't have any mappers, and many of us were busy with real life. You know, the outside world? The place that you should go at some point?

KotF sucked. Plain and simple. You haven't said anything credible to its defense other than "no it didn't", and I'm getting to the stage where I don't think that you have actually played it. If you had, you'd realise that it was an absolute pile of crap. Seriously, the most it had to offer were waves of enemies with unbalanced weapons; and a ton of stolen maps and models.

We are TRYING to improve on the mod, not that you'd leave us that chance. Obviously in your book, if other people don't meet your expectations, then they can go away. But, we're trying to fix our mistakes and fix our mod. And no matter how you manage to dissuade us, we will continue our work.

As I have already told you, we needed help. Help that we didn't get. So the mod stayed idle for about 8 months from February to September. If you would like to learn to mod and then help us, then we would be very appreciative. But unless you have anything to offer us, you can shut up.

We never boasted unreasonably. We said we were better than KotF, and we are and will be in the future. Seriously, play KotF. Just go and play it. Then you'll realise how bad it was. And with Serenity... he stole his work, he acknowledged that, but we stole nothing that we used, and thus we count ourselves as a legitimate mod, unlike KotF and even unlike Serenity.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Oh and one more thing. About the "old saber system". In SP, you CANT change the saber system; the SP source code was never released. The MP code was, which is why MBII and OJP can do their thing, but we can't change the saber style. Any mod that claims to do so (including KotF) is either lying or doing something very illegal.

Good karma0 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Why do the menus matter? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard: Your menu's were bad, ergo, your mod sucks. That's like saying; dude, the pen you wrote your essay in was the wrong lead thickness, it so totally sucks. And what was wrong with them anyway?

We released what we had: An incomplete first mission. If you weren't anxious to play it, then you could just have waited to the next release. But instead you didn't, and started playing holier than thou with a group that is trying to put up. You know the saying "put up or shut up"? Well, its advice I suggest you take.

Oh and the features. God, you do love going on about them don't you? Yes, we don't have a cheat menu; that's because we didn't develop special cheats, so if you want to cheat, you can just do so normally by using the console. I don't see why a cheat menu is so important, and the fact that nobody except you feels the need to bitch and moan about it means that its down the bottom of the priority list. We are WORKING on a system whereby you can choose who you can play as, but as I have said before, this is a DEMO, basically a public beta. There are lots of bugs we're working on fixing, and we will get to adding the cosmetic features.

And please, don't release anything to do with this mod. We will not endorse it, nor will we host it on our website or this page.

And finally, why was our mod worse than KotF? Seriously, KotF had about four missions, and was missing almost ALL of the features initially promised (read some of the early press releases and watch the Ultimate Trailer, seriously). Plus, KotF missions had no mission structure or cutscenes, and was pointlessly file bulked. Not to mention it broke the modding code by stealing maps off Filefront and illegally ripping movie scenes straight from the movies. If you took your head out of your prejudiced *** you might realise this at some point.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Look Bliznez, we said that this was basically a working beta. And speaking of wasting disk space: KotF file bulked to high hell, including all of the base JKA assets. In Chronicles we didn't do that.

I seriously expect that you played the mod with a pre-conceived idea that it sucked, so your 'review' holds little value. The demo has one mission: So? LOTS of demos have only one mission. You can't have everything Bliznez; you can't complain about how we don't release anything, and then complain that we haven't released enough.

Good karma+3 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles Demo

Bliznez, KotF sucked; that's why it got blamed.

There is a .bat file, and if Avast picks that up as a potential threat, then it could, possibly, come up as a virus.

Let me stress: There are no viruses. Zero. Zlich. None. However, for the next version, I will be sure to scan it with Avast specifically, just to make sure.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

No, there's no virus. Period.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Demo Released

We created our mod to combat Tim's idiocy over on KotF; we wanted to produce a quality mod what was directly juxtaposed against KotF. While this mod may not be perfect, we will endeavor to make it become so: To help us, we want everyone to play the mod and come to our forums to make suggestions about the mod.

So please, help us help you help us all.

Good karma+3 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Demo Released

There were three reasons we wanted to release this demo ASAP:

1) It had taken so long because of a number of team upheavals that meant we wanted to get something tangible out there.

2) We wanted to generate some awareness in the community, mainly to attract some more experienced modders to help us.

3) We wanted to distance ourselves from KOTF to show that we could actually release a quality mod.

So if you're wondering about the bugs or the absent cutscenes or the quiet voices, its because we didn't want to mess around with those for another month or two, its because we really needed to get something released, and we'll be definitely adding a lot of bug fixes and updates in the next release.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Seven: Episodes (Seven hour war mod)

I would recommend not having the mod last seven hours in one place. If you swapped over to different places, then you could make its last seven hours.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ MINERVA

I can't tell you how much I appreciate modders like yourself making these mods.

They're fantastic to play. Especially this one.

The storyline was fantastic, the gameplay was excellent and well balanced, and more importantly: it was fun.

I'd love to see a sequel, just because this one was so good.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

There isn't any point to saying what percentage we are. We haven't even started looking at Episodes 2 - 6, and there's no way of knowing what maps already exist that we can use.

What percentage are we on Episode 1? Well that's more relevant:

Federation Control Ship - Completed, coding in progress
Maintenance Tunnels - Almost completed, still a WIP
Main Hangar - Not started/unknown completion (mrx could enlighten us)

Naboo Swamp - Being worked on by Melkor
Naboo City - Being worked on by Master Jinn
Naboo Hangar/Power Generator Area - WAS being worked on by Boddo, but he left, so we don't know now

Tatooine - Being worked on by Forcehu
Naboo Hangar return Obi-Wan/Qui-gon vs Maul - Again, unknown situation

And then it gets a little hazy. One draft of the remaining levels is:

Gungan battle
Federation Space Battle

But we may have one or neither of those. Space battles are...quite frankly bad in JKA.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Oh my...


Good karma+3 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

It would still be in stores. Probably very cheap since its old, and you may have to ask them for it.

Good karma+3 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Top 5 reasons why we're not like KOTF:

1) We have a team of people working on the mod, not just one.
2) We ASK PERMISSION to use maps, models, sabers, etc.
3) We have an active, working, free to use forum.
4) We're actually active.
5) We're not a scam.

Pick any or all of those reasons and stop comparing us to KOTF.

The end.

The trailer's coming, just sit, wait and enjoy.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Do you really want pictures of skins? Okay. I'll get on the line to someone and we'll upload them to the gallery.

Actually, that's a good idea. Well said.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Gameplay videos...Well, we're almost there. We're just waiting for a map or two to finish, then we can make a real gameplay map for you.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Well we WOULD get a nice nifty domain, but I personally think making a good mod would be better than having a good domain name.

Though it does sound like kotf.com may come up soon.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Demo? My word, we've barely started. Give us a chance.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Nope, the gallery doesn't work.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Project Revolution

The mod WONT be done by Ocotober, but a demo might be out. There's still a LOT left to do, keep that in mind.

And mzeal, here's a little something for you:

I hate people who think its their god given duty to humanity walking around complaining about everything they see. That's the beauty of the Western world, if you don't like something, DON'T DO IT><. You don't HAVE to come here and keep going on about how PR has not kept their release dates, you could stay at home and get on with your real life - assuming that you do indeed have a real life to get back to.

Stop trying to put people off a game just because you have nothing better to do. Unless, you don't have anything better to do, in which case I would allow your sad existence to remain here and keep berating everyone and their dog who comes here to check for updates. But assuming that you do have something better to do, do it, because this is tiresome and pointless.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Project Revolution

The team, the general community and I wish to make the following announcement. It's very important that you pay attention. EVERYONE on the boards who seems unable to use their two eyes and three braincells to read the previous messages on the board:

Seriously its important.


Groundbreaking news.

Read it.


Do it.

Here it is.

You ready?






Deal with it. Move on. If there's an update, then there's an update. If not, then, there's not. No amount of illiterate obsessed pubescent teenagers posting here will change anything. This is why they don't give release dates, because when they don't meet them, everyone here ***** themselves.

Grow up.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Project Revolution

I'm sure there are some, like me, who have had at some point done some modding, or at least been involved in a mod team.

I'm currently working with a couple of teams on their beta, and I know how hard it is. When the real world interferes with your work, its not easy to keep a team together and still making progress, especially when stupid pubescent fan boys stop whining on the main page that they can't see any progress so it CANT be being made. Just believe them when they say that they're working as hard as they can, and if that isn't good enough for you, either join them or make your own mod if you think you can do better.

As far as these guys are concerned, fans are irrelevant. They come, they go, they do nothing for the mod. If they do it for themselves, and you guys benefit, you shouldn't care. In fact, the mod will probably have a higher chance of success BECAUSE they are doing it for themselves and not for you unhelpful, stupid, malcontent fans.

I can't help with this mod, so I'm not going to complain or comment, other than to knock some sense into you people. So you people who can't form proper sentences start complaining again, just think for a minute: am I helping? Will demanding another screenshot do JACK ****? NO!!! They will release more updates, the demo and the mod when they are done. I personally care more about progress than updates. I would be quite happy for them to stay silent until the mod is done. ONLY if it does not impinge upon progress will I request a screenshot, trailer, demo or release.

People, try to see things from another perspective for once. You are not the only people in this universe, and the mod team has more important things to do than to answer to your every beck and call, then so be it. Stop criticizing them for no updates. Stop criticizing them for slow progress. Stop criticizing them for not caring about fans - Because if I were them, I wouldn't give a **** about you guys.

I'm sick of people criticizing other people's work while doing nothing themselves. Shut up, let them do their work.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars Chronicles

Apparently OJP's will only work on multiplayer, but if we do add a multiplayer, we'll be sure to use it:D. Thanks for the offer.

At the moment we're focusing on just basic single player. We'll focus on new combat systems later.

Good karma+1 vote
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Deus Ex

I have just been surfing through the forums and webpages of the WIP mods, and here’s the conclusions I have come to, to save everyone else the trouble (if there still is anyone checking out these mods, that is):

General Updates to WIP mods:

DX: HDTP – Close(ish) to completion. They are aiming for the end of this year. I would say that this is a possibility, but don’t chop their heads off if they don’t make it. Essentially, this mod is upgrading all of the models in the game, giving the whole game a more ‘updated’ feel, without changing the game engine. It will be compatible with New Vision and Reborn.

The Klystron Project – I can’t work out what’s going on here. There seems to be little activity on their forums, and few recent updates. Little activity here means no posts in the last 3 months. I would consider this mod MIA: missing in action. However, Smike still insists that there is some activity in the mod, so I would perhaps say that people should not give up completely on this particular mod. This is another single player mod, adding a new campaign, etc.

The Nameless Mod – If their main page is anything to go by, these guys are very close to finished. Their website is being updated very frequently, and they are buzzing with activity. This is a single player mod with a whole new storyline, and they are to be congratulated for making such progress.

DX: New Vision – This is updating all of the textures in the game. It’s relatively active, is about 7% done and will be compatible with HDTP and reborn.

DX: Reborn – This is basically making a total conversion mod of Deus Ex on UT2004 engine. It’s estimated to be released in January 2008. You need both Deus Ex AND UT2004 to get this mod running.

Deadly Artificial Intelligence – A one-man modding team trying to improve the AI in the game. It’s aiming for a demo release at the end of 2007. It hasn’t been active for very long, so really there’s not much to judge it on.

Role Play COOP – Interesting concept. Basically, it is allowing you to play cooperative multiplayer through the single player missions. Same storyline, characters, levels, etc, but just two people instead of one. However, their website is down and there hasn’t been an update for a while, so don’t keep the hopes too high.

DX: Man in Black – This is another single player mod adding another campaign, this time as an augmented MJ-12 agent. I don’t know quite what to make of this. There hasn’t been an update in a while, but they don’t seem ‘dead’ as such. Their forums and website are still active, and the mod looks to have made good progress, so don’t give up hope! It is also compatible with HDTP.

Chronos: DX – I would consider this mod basically done. There’s a downloadable version and no indication of further adding, so I would say that this is it.

Power & Love - *sigh*, another mod for the graveyard pile. There’s no progress indication in 19 months, and the website is down. For all intents and purposes, this mod is dead.

Unatco Born – Nice mod, just a little addition to the storyline. It adds one mission where you can stay on with UNATCO after the 747 Lebedev mission, assuming you killed Lebedev. It’s worrying that the estimated release date was 2006, and the fact that the forums are very unpopulated. From a glace I’d have to say that the mod is fairly dead, but don’t quote me on that.

There you have it, the list of WIP. In the next few months (so, from the end of this year to the start of next year) I would keep an eye out for; DX: Man in Black, DX: Reborn, DX: New Vision, The Nameless Mod and DX: HDTP. If not late this year, then definitely early to mid next year.

Sorry for the long post:D.

Good karma+5 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

Oops posted wrong link. Get some of the good mods here: Forums.team-gizka.org.

Good karma+2 votes
loony636 - - 40 comments @ Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II

There are a couple of mods coming out soon:

TSLRP is coming out soon, estimated to be by the end of this year: www.team-gizka.org.. Their aim is to restore much of the cut content from KOTOR 2, making it much more complete. It is also fixing numerous bugs in the game. It is a must have for your KOTOR experience.

K2RP is just getting started. They are restoring all of the content that TSLRP isn't. You can find them at www.team-exile.us..

Ulic's 'Prologue, Peragus and Harbinger Correction Mod' corrects many of the errors in the prologue, Peragus and on the Harbinger. Team-Gizka is not fixing any issues in this part of the game. It is a must have. You can find it: Knightsoftheoldrepublic.gamefront.com.

There are many more that can enhance sounds, add areas and change costumes. You can find most of the most of the mods on Filefront and some of the better ones in this thread: Torrentspy.com.

Good karma+2 votes