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Logan_Tehgun - - 6 comments @ Divide and Conquer

Ackchyually, Dorwinion is already neutral at the beginning. But beware the not-so-kind neighbour Easterlings of Rhûn who will buttf*ck them without warning eventhough both factions have a very good relationship (I played on very hard campaign difficulty).
Playing as evil faction on hard or very hard campaign you should become a save-scum (as I am playing as Ar-Adûnâim) because AI factions randomly attack your defenseless towns, strongholds or ports and then begging for your forgiveness (which perhaps is a good situation to extort money).

Good karma+1 vote
Logan_Tehgun - - 6 comments @ Divide and Conquer

In v5 I'm currently playing as the Ar-Adûnâim faction and I truly, truly love the auxiliary recruitment feature. HOWEVER, there is some minor issues I find it a little bit frustrating:
1/ Unit "Ar-Pharazôn's Faithful": their spear wall almost gives me autism when fighting; its trait "very long spears" f*cking lies to me while the length of their spears is almost as tall as their queen Beruthiel plus her cat sitting on her head.
2/ Waystation: I know that retraining specific unit in a different region is a huge bonus point for your mod, but the Adûnaic waystation list of retrainable unit is too few compared to the number of regional units it can recruit. For example: I love the Dol Amroth's unit "Sea-ward Spearmen" but I cannot bring them to the fight up to the Angmar's capital because I don't have any facility to retrain them.
Moreover, I understand that cavalry is a type of combat amrs not in Adûnaic favor, but there is a plenty of their auxiliary units which is cavalry and I find that it is almost a waste of particular manpower. For example: "Amrothian Squires" saved the day so many times.
3/ Unit "Rôzadan Halberdiers": almost nothing wrong with it, just the number of casualties they inflicted gives me diarrhea compared to their brothers-in-recruitable-level "Rôzadan Footmen".

Good karma+1 vote
Logan_Tehgun - - 6 comments @ Additional Units Mod - Shogun (AUM-SHO)

First time I installed Radious' Recolour mod, everything worked just fine (without any other mod), I could see the Shimazu's insignia on the katana samurais' armor, spectacular headdresses of the Great Guard...
After I installed this AUM-SHO mod, the Recolour mod just stops working and I don't know how to fix it, even with the Mod Manager.

Good karma+1 vote
Logan_Tehgun - - 6 comments @ Radious and Antons Recolour Mod

First time I installed this mod (or add-on), everything worked just fine (without any other mod), I could see the Shimazu's insignia on the katana samurais' armor, spectacular headdresses of the Great Guard...
After I installed the AUM of SwissHalberdier, the Recolour mod just stops working and I don't know how to fix it, even with the Mod Manager.

Good karma+1 vote
Logan_Tehgun - - 6 comments @ nguyenmaithu

Never have I seen a random fellow countrywoman creating mod for Total War series. Truly unique.
Keep up good work.

Good karma+1 vote
Logan_Tehgun - - 6 comments @ The Ottoman Empire Proper Mod a.k.a Realism Mod

I know it might be too late to reply but thanks again for your response!
I can see some regular line foot "can adopt square formation"; I also did recognise that Janissaries adopt square formation later than any European foot, according to some historical source.
I can also see some irregular units have "Path seldom trod" trait, which is perfect! I desperately need that to harass their trade routes or special buildings.
I'm still dealing with bug from new custome battle UI but not to worry.
Damn, I still miss those scimitar-armed melee units, a battle full of guns is some kind of boring; and wish there could be an imagined French-lending legion (you know, we play this game which could mean we can write history on our own, France and Ottoman are good friends, right?)

But one again, thanks for your great effort.

Good karma+1 vote