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RSS Reviews

Primal Carnage

Game review

A fun, creative, original game. Only $15 too, which I consider a steal. It even managed to break free of the curse of dinosaur games, and I consider this one of the best in that category. If you haven't bought/played this already, I highly recommend it.

The look of the game is stunning. Of course, anything made in UE3 will, but I have to say, LWM's Narlyteeth and his crew did an exceptionally great job with the models. Windebieste did a great job with the maps. The animations? Breathtakingly realistic. Props to Mr. Veo and Maccollo. Everything about the game is beautiful, masterfully done.

I still do not know how they managed to balance out the classes and maps so well. I mean, we're dealing with dinosaurs vs humans here. Balance is bound to be hard.

Currently, Primal Carnage only has 1 gamemode, and 5 maps. Don't let that discourage you however, because another one called "Get to the Chopper" is on the horizon. More content where that came from!

Overall, I thank Ashton Andersen and the rest of LWM for the time and effort put into this game, it really paid off. They really interact with their community too and it shows, just visit our forums. ;)

(Oh yeah, and if you don't think the dinosaurs look good enough for some reason for you, go and buy their first skin pack that just came out. Swagalicious I tell you!)